Call for Nominations - Administrative & Support Staff

Nominations are now being called to fill a position on the Pension Administration Committee. The position to be filled by a member of the Administrative & Support Staff who is also a member of the Plan, is a three-year term commencing immediately following the Annual Meeting being held virtually on June 4th, 2025 (details to follow). Currently, the Administrative & Support Staff positions are held by Mr. Christopher Newman whose term will continue until 2027 and Ms. Lara Pereira whose term will end on June 4th, 2025.

Nominations may be submitted or endorsed by active and retired administrative & support staff of the University who were members of the Plan as of December 31, 2024. Nominees are invited to submit a short r茅sum茅 in English and French (maximum 200 words each) outlining their qualifications to serve on the Committee. Assistance with translations of r茅sum茅s is available, as required.

The official聽PDF icon Call for Nominations - Administrative & Support Staff聽nomination form must be used for all nominations. All fully-completed nominations and r茅sum茅s in English and French must be received by the Chief Electoral Officer, christine.chehade [at] (subject: Nomination%20-%20MUPP%20-%20Administrative%20%26%20Support%20Staff) (Christine Chehade) in Secretariat no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, April 4th, 2025. Following the close of nominations, members will be advised of the names of the nominees and will be provided with a copy of the r茅sum茅s submitted by the nominees. A ballot solicitation will be conducted to record the vote of those members who are unable to attend the Annual Meeting. As agreed by majority vote of the members, each active member will be entitled to cast one vote for each full dollar of personal holdings in the Plan as of December 31, 2024, and each retired member will be entitled to cast nine votes for each full dollar of annual pension in the course of payment as of that date.

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