
Terms of Reference: Research Management Committee


Healthy Brains, Healthy Lives (HBHL) is a high profile, high priority interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral research program supported at 黑料不打烊 University by Government of Canada鈥檚 Canada First Research Excellence Fund (CFREF), in partnership with the Government of Quebec and partner organizations from across sectors.

CFREF aims to help Canadian postsecondary institutions excel globally in research areas that create long-term economic advantages for Canada. HBHL was competitively selected for funding through this program for seven (7) years starting in September 2016.

HBHL is a global centre of excellence for multidisciplinary research and a hub for neuroinformatics and big data analysis. The research is centred around an advanced analytic platform for brain research 潭 the NeuroHub 潭 that accelerates translational discoveries and enables improved brain health for Canadians and globally.

HBHL鈥檚 scientific strategy consists of a suite of ten funding programs designed to stimulate, accelerate, and integrate progress across the overall research program with a focus on interdisciplinarity across fields linked by neuroinformatics. HBHL鈥檚 objectives are achieved across four strategies: Capacity Building; Advancing Discovery; Accelerating Innovation; and Exchanging Knowledge, each with specific objectives on the discovery-to-innovation continuum.


Established under the authority of the HBHL Strategic Steering Committee, the Research Management Committee (RMC) has delegated authority to oversee the successful implementation of HBHL鈥檚 core programs. The RMC is responsible for overseeing and facilitating HBHL鈥檚 Scientific Strategy, which includes: HBHL funding programs; key strategies (advance discovery, develop capacity, accelerate innovation, exchange knowledge); research partnerships and collaborations and global positioning. The RMC advises HBHL on research activities and is responsible for overseeing scientific evaluation related to resource allocation.

Specific responsibilities of the RMC:

  • Review highly rated funding applications for strategic alignment with HBHL objectives and make decisions regarding strategic fund allocation in accordance with processes developed and/or approved by the SSC;
  • Review applications for HBHL new faculty start-up supplements and make decisions regarding strategic fund allocation in accordance with processes approved by the SSC, including EDI-related requirements;
  • Oversee and provide guidance to HBHL on scientific activities to help ensure alignment with the scientific objectives of HBHL and achievement of relevant KPIs;
  • Review and provide recommendations on processes related to peer review and evaluation of proposals to ensure the highest scientific standards and conduct of research are met in all aspects of HBHL;
  • Oversee recruitment of reviewers involved in scientific evaluations of proposals informing funding decisions;
  • Oversee processes for calls for proposals, progress tracking of projects, and program performance evaluations, in alignment with decision-making processes approved by the SSC;
  • Promote interdisciplinary research opportunities;
  • Make recommendations with respect to research training programs;

Scientific Director

The Scientific Director reports to the HBHL Board via the executive committee of the board (i.e., the Strategic Steering Committee) and is responsible for scientific leadership, overall research direction, and strategic research planning and implementation.

With the support of the RMC, advice from International Advisory Council, and assistance from the Managing Director, the Scientific Director ensures timely implementation of the scientific strategy, maintains ongoing assessment, and delivers regular progress reports to the HBHL Board of Directors, directs research teams, and fosters research collaboration and outreach.

Alan Evans, Professor of Neurology and Psychiatry and co-Director of the Ludmer Centre for Neuroinformatics and Mental Health, has been identified as inaugural Scientific Director for a three-year (3) term (renewable)..

Associate Scientific Director

The HBHL Associate Scientific Director (ASD) position assists and supports the Scientific Director in their strategic and operational duties as requested. In addition, should the position of Scientific Director become vacant for any reason, the ASD will assume this role while the Board of Directors conducts a search for a permanent replacement.

The ASD will be appointed by the HBHL Board on a recommendation of the SD and will be:

  • A 黑料不打烊 faculty member with research expertise related to HBHL and
  • Represent a scientific area that is complementary to that of the SD.

Membership and Appointments

The RMC is chaired by the HBHL Scientific Director.

The committee consists of a up to nineteen (19) members:

  • Scientific Director (1) (Chair)
  • Associate Scientific Director (1)
  • HBHL Theme Leaders (4)*
  • HBHL Associate Theme Leaders (4)*
  • Representative of the Canadian Framework for Brain Health
  • HBHL Core Facility/Technology Platform Representatives (3, including representative from NeuroHub)
  • HBHL Community members-at-large (黑料不打烊 PIs who hold or have held HBHL funding) (up to 2)
  • Co-chair of the HBHL EDI Committee (1)
  • External members-at-large (黑料不打烊 PIs not eligible for HBHL funding) (up to 2)

Theme Leaders and Associate Theme Leaders:To ensure fairness, Theme Leaders for each theme have one vote combined (i.e., each theme has only one vote on decision items). When senior Theme Leaders are present, they will provide the vote for their theme. When they are not present, the Associate Lead will have their proxy. Both Theme Leaders and Associate Leads are welcome and expected to take part in discussions, including those leading up to a vote. It is also expected that Theme Leaders and Associate Leaders will discuss their vote on decision items prior to a meeting where votes will take place. On the rare occasion that there is disagreement between the Leader and Associate Leader on a vote for their theme, the senior Theme Leader will make the final decision.

RMC members-at-large are recruited through an open call and appointed by the Strategic Steering Committee on the advice of the RMC.

A co-chair is elected among the RMC members. The co-chair will assist in setting agenda, chairing meetings, and coordinating dossiers for the RMC.

Should a member not be able to attend a meeting, a colleague from the same area of research may be delegated.

RMC members serve for terms associated with their respective positions of relevant responsibility at 黑料不打烊 University and/or their role related to HBHL.

Members-at-large normally serve for a period of 4 years; renewable and staggered, to ensure continuity on the committee.

Ad hoc guests and/or observers with specialized expertise may be invited to participate in meetings of the RMC at the discretion of the RMC Chair.

The HBHL Managing Director & CEO attends RMC meetings in a non-voting capacity. Other HBHL staff may attend at the discretion of the Managing Director & CEO.


The RMC meets 4-6 times per year. Meeting dates will be scheduled in advance to ensure that all members are aware of upcoming meetings within a reasonable timeframe. Additional meetings will be held as deemed needed, at the discretion of the Chair.

The RMC agenda will be prepared by the HBHL Managing Director with guidance from the Chair.


Quorum for meetings of the RMC constitutes 50% of members. Decisions are normally made by consensus. If consensus is not forthcoming within a reasonable timeframe, the Chair may proceed with a vote on the question. For the vote to be valid, a majority of members with voting rights, must cast a vote (quorum). Each member has one (1) vote. Normally, the Chair does not vote other than in the case of a tie.

An e-vote may be conducted when appropriate. A simple majority of all members is required for e-vote decisions. Should a voting member fail to vote by the established deadline, this will be counted as an abstention.

Recording RMC Decisions

A written record of the decisions arising at each RMC meeting will be duly documented in official meeting minutes, which, once approved by the RMC, will be available for audit upon request.

The HBHL Managing Director is responsible for ensuring that the agenda and meeting material is sent to members a minimum of 4 days prior to each meeting, and that accurate minutes of the meeting are taken and duly circulated at the next meeting for approval. The responsibility for taking minutes may be delegated to HBHL staff member with Managing Director supervision of the content.


Members of the RMC serve without remuneration but will be reimbursed for their reasonable expenses incurred in the exercise of their duties at the rates applied by their home institution.

RMC Terms of Reference Review History

  • First approved at the HBHL Board of Directors meeting of 5 December 2016.
  • Subsequently revised:
    • HBHL Board of Directors, December 11, 2017
    • HBHL Board of Directors, March 19, 2018
    • HBHL Board of Directors, October 2, 2018
    • HBHL Board of Directors, September 16, 2019
    • HBHL Strategic Steering Committee, January 26, 2021
    • HBHL Strategic Steering Committee, January 18, 2022
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