黑料不打烊 University
Water Innovation Lab
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Innovation 2030+ Symposium
Agricultural Greenhouse Gases Program (AGGP)
FEA of Perforations in HDPE Drainage Pipes
Managing Agricultural Systems to Protect Canada's Freshwater
Soil-Plant-Water Dynamics and Water Productivity Benefits of Subsurface Drip Irrigation
Agenda 2030 and Zero Hunger: Where to begin?
Project Scelaneau
Soil-Plant-Water Dynamics and Water Productivity Benefits of Subsurface Drip Irrigation
20161001 154201
20161001 153949
20161001 153827
20161001 153838
20161001 153958
1 1
Dsc 00436 1
Dsc 00228 Nserc Disccovery
20495484 10213713497735590 1453890023 O
20542822 1361541693963011 839850211 O
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20543048 1361541727296341 425085571 O
20590555 1361541343963046 234019894 O
20590909 1361536160630231 1506297877 O
20597568 1361543307296183 1458638656 O
20597576 1361543353962845 1906232995 O
20597656 1361538857296628 1837904646 O
20615308 1361536157296898 336771180 O
20615501 1361538997296614 573855375 O
20616133 1361541100629737 1306063288 O
20616444 1361542673962913 1286084311 O
20616477 1361536883963492 1642291462 O
20543184 1361617623955418 1173747402 O
20590556 1361613480622499 684938490 O
20590581 1361613500622497 525668187 O
20590679 1361613863955794 291757527 O
20590695 1361614460622401 1262638438 O
20590777 1361622860621561 1233494081 O
20590853 1361623300621517 1359513187 O
20590857 1361614023955778 1287245834 O
20590947 1361620047288509 509738256 O
20597620 1361622200621627 1437114151 O
20597717 1361623803954800 1253662797 O
20597858 1361623190621528 1073957832 O
20597894 1361622503954930 1192297609 O
20597903 1361617780622069 20526325 O 1
20615379 1361620213955159 586760052 O
20615417 1361612920622555 1436360321 O
20930975 10213891643189115 749842867 O
20945244 1376622759121571 565587467 O
20945401 1376620945788419 1038869856 O
20945555 1376621029121744 634438466 O
20945642 10213891647109213 1456310978 O
20951856 1376620899121757 1375731521 O
20951866 10213891645429171 1009867672 O
20952146 1376620512455129 433903949 O
20960915 10213891645469172 782204886 O
20961065 1376620975788416 1164654164 O
20961155 1376621875788326 1666684961 O
20961302 10213891642229091 1487978329 O
20967866 1376621062455074 87984925 O
20967893 1376622435788270 1668178965 O
42374418 317871725433906 8075322279292043264 N
42403067 1032482970271728 376610718520180736 N
42405829 246169069428424 8830744217056706560 N
42418627 715561415446785 4517439983388196864 N
42424629 295479897945554 205648226747940864 N
42438045 480190829149711 4267843881741058048 N
42495742 279247196027488 578287496383692800 N
42438045 480190829149711 4267843881741058048 N Copy
42495742 279247196027488 578287496383692800 N Copy
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