Procedures and Support

Content Types

There are three primary classifications for Course Catalogue content:

  1. ±Ê°ù´Ç²µ°ù²¹³¾Ìýpages have titles that end with parentheses enclosing either a credit total or program type (e.g., Ph.D., M.Sc., Cert., Grad Cert, etc.). Programs may only be revised, retired, or added through applications to the Subcommittee on Courses and Teaching Programs (SCTP). Once the application has been approved, this content is applied by the Enrolment Services Degree Evaluation team.
  2. °ä´Ç³Ü°ù²õ±ðÌýpages have titles that begin with course codes (e.g., BIOL 101, ECON 230, etc.). As with programs, changes to courses can only be authorized by SCTP.  Once the application has been approved, this content is applied by the Enrolment Services Class Scheduling team.
  3. Front Matter pages are all Course Catalogue content not covered in the two preceding categories. These pages are reviewed through CourseLeaf's workflow.

All information covered here pertains to the annual review of front matter only. If you are looking to change any course or program information, please refer to the Subcommittee on Courses and Teaching Programs guidelines.

For information on the review process for Front Matter, please .

Roles and Standard Workflow

The following roles comprise the standard workflow for a given page:

  1. Editors are people named in direct association with at least one specific page in the Course Catalogue. In CourseLeaf terminology, this makes an Editor the page’s 'Owner'. When the annual review cycle is initiated, Editors will be sent a message to remind them that they have pages to review. An Editor is not obligated to make changes, but they must click on the green 'Start Workflow' button. This way, we can confirm that the named Editor looked at their page(s) and confirmed that the information presented in the Course Catalogue is accurate. The Editor should prioritize confirmation of any factual information such as dates, fees, contact information, regulations, and course and program offerings. Please be advised that any changes to courses or programs must go through SCTP as mentioned above.
  2. Faculty Coordinators are the specialists who both oversee all of their faculty’s content and maintain open communication between their faculty and Enrolment Services. Coordinators make sure that the Editors assigned to pages are confirmed with each review cycle. New Faculty Coordinators are advised to contact the Course Catalogue team directly if they are unsure of their duties. They may also want to refer to Course Catalogue Guide or the site for more information regarding tools and processes.
  3. The Course Catalogue Team comprises the Copy Editor and the Managing Editor. Their role in the workflow is to confirm that content complies with the Course Catalogue style guide and that there are no technical errors introduced to pages. Once all pages are submitted and approved, they prepare the Course Catalogue for publication. Beyond the workflow, they ensure the continuity of the Course Catalogues and their related content and processes. Feel free to [at] (contact the Course Catalogue team )if you have any questions or concerns about the review process.

The standard workflow for front matter pages is:

Editor > Faculty Coordinator > Copy Editor > Managing Editor > CourseLeaf Publication

Please note that this is the standard workflow. Roles can be removed or more roles can be added by request of a Faculty Coordinator. Any given role in a workflow may be shared among two or more people if you wish to ensure that a group of eligible reviewers is available to cover any leaves.

Timeline for Content Reviewers

The Course Catalogue review cycle begins in October for the following academic year. For example, content review for the 2026–2027 Course Catalogue will begin in October 2025.

At this time, Faculty Coordinators confirm who will be the Editor for each page in their faculty's section. After Faculty Coordinators have had a chance to confirm the editors in their faculty, workflows will be initiated and reviewers will receive automated notifications from CourseLeaf when they have pages to review.

Editors should observe the timelines established by their respective Faculty Coordinators. We recommend that no one role takes longer than two weeks to revise their pages once workflows have begun. This ensures that everyone in a given workflow can review their pages within two months of the workflows being started.

Once edits are submitted, the Course Catalogue will be published on the second Monday of April. If you have already submitted your edits but need to make any additional changes, [at] (contact the Course Catalogue team). They will be able to either make edits on your behalf or reopen the workflow as needed. Note that it will not be possible to make changes in the one month prior to publication as the content must be locked and confirmed prior to publication. However, revisions will be possible following the publication of the first edition.

The second edition of the Course Catalogue is published on the second Monday of August. At this time, the Course Catalogue for a given academic year is considered locked as it will be copied and archived. Any additional edit requests should be applied to the following academic year. Exceptions can be made in cases that will adversely affect students.

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