This version of the ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Department of English, Undergraduate Studies site is deprecated but has been preserved for archival reasons. The information on this site is not up to date and should not be consulted. Students, faculty, and staff should consult the new site using the link below.

Complementary Courses in Other Departments


CLAS 203: Greek Mythology (Winter)
CLAS 301: Ancient Greek Literature and Society (Fall)
CLAS 302: Roman Literature and Society (Winter)
CLAS 405: The Epic Tradition (Winter)
CLAS 500: Classics Seminar: True Stories—Narrators in Greek and Roman Literature (Winter)
EAST 350: Gender and Sexuality in Chinese Literature (Fall)
EAST 352: Critical Approaches to Chinese Literature (Winter)
EAST 453: Topics: Chinese Literature (Winter)
EAST 461: Inventing Modern Japanese Novel (Fall)
FREN 252: Littérature québécoise (Fall) (in French)
FREN 382: Littérature québécoise 2 (Winter) (taught in French)
FREN 480: Littérature québécoise contemporaine (Fall) (taught in French)
GERM 259: Introduction to German Literature 1 (Fall)
GERM 260: Introduction to German Literature 2 (Winter)
ISLA 388: Persian Literature (Winter)
ISLA 392: Arabic Literature as World Literature (Fall)
ITAL 355: Dante and the Middle Ages (Winter)
JWST 205: Introduction to Jewish Literature (Fall)
JWST 206: Introduction to Yiddish Literature (Fall)
JWST 311: Gender in Yiddish Literature (Winter)
JWST 348: Yiddish Short Story in English Translation (Winter)
JWST 349: Jewish Women’s Writings (Winter)
JWST 350: Major Jewish Authors Agnon and His Literary and Historical Worlds (Winter)
JWST 386: American Jewish Literature (Fall)
LLCU 201: Narratives of Migration and Identity (Winter)
MDST 400: Interdisciplinary Seminar in Medieval Studies (Fall)
RELG 203: Bible and Western Culture (Winter)
RELG 302: Literature of Ancient Israel 1 (Fall)
RELG 303: Literature of Ancient Israel 2 (Winter)
RELG 311: New Testament Studies 1 (Fall)
RELG 312: New Testament Studies 2 (Winter)
RELG 411: New Testament Exegesis (Winter)
RELG 482: Exegesis of Greek New Testament (Winter)
RUSS 223 Russian 19th Century: Literary Giants 1 (Fall)
RUSS 224 Russian 19th Century: Literary Giants 2 (Winter)
RUSS 330: Chekhov without Borders (Fall) RUSS 337: Vladimir Nabokov (Fall)
RUSS 357: Leo Tolstoy (Fall)
RUSS 365: Supernatural and Absurd in Russian Literature (Winter)
RUSS 385: Russian Drama: From Pushkin to Chekhov (Winter)

Drama & Theatre:

ITAL 290: Comedia Dell-Arte (Fall) (taught in Italian)
PHIL 242: Introduction to Feminist Theory (Fall)
PHIL 336: Aesthetics (Fall)
RUSS 330 Chekhov without Borders (Fall)
RUSS 385: Russian Drama: From Pushkin to Chekhov (Winter)

Cultural Studies:

Canadian Component:

ARTH/CANS 315: Indigenous Art and Culture (Fall)
ARTH 411: Canadian Art and Race (Winter)
CANS 301: Topics in Canadian Studies 2: Sex, Gender and the City (Fall)
FREN 252: Littérature québécoise (Fall) (taught in French)
FREN 315: Cinéma québécois (Winter) (in French)
FREN 382: Littérature québécoise 2 (Winter) (taught in French)
FREN 480: Littérature québécoise contemporaine (Fall) (taught in French)
HIST 414: Canadian Cultural History (Fall)
QCST 300: Quebec Culture and Society (Winter)

Historical Dimension:

ANTH 304: Chinese Culture in Ethnography and Film (Winter)
ARTH 321: Visual Culture of the Dutch Republic (Fall)
ARTH 339: Critical Issues – Contemporary Art (Fall)
ARTH 353: Black Subjects in History and Contemporary Pop Culture (Winter)
ARTH/COMS 354: The Visual Culture of Crime (Winter)
ARTH 422: Totalitarian Art & Architecture: Germany, Italy and the Soviet Union (Fall)
COMS 310: Media and Feminist Studies (Fall)
COMS 361: Media and Culture of the Night (Fall)
EAST 361: Animation and New Media (Fall)
EAST 362: Japanese Cinema (Fall)
EAST 454: Topics: Chinese Cinema (Winter)
FREN 310: Cinéma français 1 (Fall) (taught in French)
FREN 315 Cinéma québécois (Winter) (in French)
GERM 372: Topics in German Cinema (Winter)
GERM 373: Weimar German Cinema (Fall)
HISP 340: Latin American Cinema (Winter)
HISP 341: Spanish Cinema (Fall) (taught in Spanish)
ITAL 375: Cinema and Society in Modern Italy (Fall)
JWST 309: Jews in Film (Fall)
MUAR 374 (sec. 002): Rap Music and Hip-Hop Culture (Fall)
MUAR 392: Popular Music after 1945 (Fall and Winter)
MUAR 393: Introduction to Jazz (Winter)
RUSS 395: Soviet Cinema: Art and Politics (Fall)

400-Level Theory Requirement:

ANTH 408: Sensory Ethnography (Winter)
COMS 400: Critical Theory Seminar (Winter)
COMS 411: Disability, Technology and Communication (Fall)
COMS 490: Technologies of Domination (Winter)
COMS 492: Power, Difference, and Justice (Fall)
EAST 477: Media and Environment in Asia (Fall)
GERM 385: Critical Theory: Introduction to the Frankfurt School (Winter)
GSFS 401-002: Practices and Perspectives in Contemporary Media and Theory (Winter)
GSFS 406: Trans*Feminisms (Fall)

Major Figure Requirement:

ITAL 355: Dante and the Middle Ages (Winter)
JWST 350: Major Jewish Authors: Agnon and His Literary and Historical Worlds (Winter)
RUSS 330: Chekhov without Borders (Fall) RUSS 337: Vladimir Nabokov (Fall)
RUSS 357: Leo Tolstoy (Fall)

Other courses:

ANTH 204: Anthropology of Meaning (Winter)
ANTH 207: Ethnography Through Film (Winter)
ANTH 355: Theories of Culture and Society (Winter)
ANTH 370: Anthropology and the Image (Fall)
EAST 250: Introduction to Asian Media Studies (Winter)
GSFS 250: Sexual and Gender Diversity Studies (Fall)
GSFS 302: Current Topics 2: Sex, Gender and the City (Fall)
GSFS 305: Critical Race and Social Justice Theories (Winter)
GSFS 307: Indigenous Feminisms (Fall)
GSFS 308: Sex and Gender Minority Cultures (Winter)
ITAL 295: Italian Cultural Studies (Winter) (taught in Italian)
LLCU 212: Understanding Digital and Social Media (Fall)
LLCU 230: Environmental Imaginations (Winter)
LLCU 311: Digital Studies/Citizenry (Winter)
MUAR 399: Music and Queer Identity (Winter)
PHIL 242: Introduction to Feminist Theory (Fall)
PHIL 327: Philosophy of Race (Fall)
PHIL 336: Aesthetics (Fall)
PHIL 442: Topics in Feminist Theory (Fall)

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