This version of the ϲ Department of English, Undergraduate Studies site is deprecated but has been preserved for archival reasons. The information on this site is not up to date and should not be consulted. Students, faculty, and staff should consult the new site using the link below.
The appearance of a course on these lists does not guarantee that the department running this course and/or the instructor will grant permission to a student from English to take this course; please always inquire about the availability of taking these courses.
There might be other courses in the Faculty of Arts for which you could receive English program credit. If you feel you have identified such a course that is not on this list, you must show your advisor the course syllabus in advance and, if he/she/they agree(s), get the advisor’s initialled approval of the course on your program Audit Sheet.
Finally, recall that majors are allowed to claim only two courses from outside the department to their English degree; if you wish to claim a third non-department course, you must receive advance approval from your advisor. (Minors may claim only one course from outside the department.)
Cultural Studies
Major Figure Requirement
GERM 355: Nietzsche and Wagner (fall)
ITAL 355: Dante and the Middle Ages (winter)
RUSS 358: Fyodor Dostoevsky (winter)
RUSS 397: Tarkovsky: Cinema and Philosophy (fall)
Canadian Component
ARTH/CANS 315: Indigenous Art and Culture (winter)
CANS 415: Black Canada (fall)
FREN 252: Littérature québécoise (winter) (taught in French)
FREN 315: Cinema québécoise (winter) (taught in French)
FREN 382: Littérature québécoise 2 (fall) (taught in French)
FREN 450: Questions de littérature québécoise (winter) (taught in French)
Historical Dimension
ARTH 339: Critical Issues in Contemporary Art (winter)
COMS 340: New Media (winter)
COMS 361: Media and Culture of the Night (fall)
EAST 362: Japanese Cinema (fall)
EAST 368: Asian Genre Cinemas (fall)
EAST 375: Korean Media and Popular Culture (winter)
EAST 454: Topics: Chinese Cinema (winter)
FREN 315: Cinema Québécoise (winter) (taught in French)
FREN 485: Littérature française contemporaine (winter) (taught in French)
GERM 355: Nietzsche and Wagner (fall)
GERM 357: German Culture in European Context (fall)
GERM 371: German Cinema (fall)
GERM 372: Topics in German Cinema (winter)
GERM 390: Topics in 21st Century German Literature and Culture (winter)
HISP 341: Spanish Cinema (winter) (taught in Spanish)
HISP 355: Contemporary Spanish Literature and Culture (fall) (taught in Spanish)
HISP 439: Revolution, Dictatorship & Activism in Latin American Cinema (fall) (taught in Spanish)
ISLA 385: Poetics and Politics in Arabic Literature (winter)
ITAL 307: Fascism in Italian Literature and Film (winter)
ITAL 374: Classics of Italian Cinema (fall)
ITAL 477: Italian Cinema and Video (winter)
JWST 309: Jews in Film: The Jewish Documentary (fall)
MUAR 392: Popular Music after 1945 (fall)
RUSS 369: Narrative and Memory in Russian Culture (fall)
RUSS 395: Soviet Cinema: Art and Politics (winter)
400-Level Theory Requirement
ANTH 412: Topics: Anthropological Theory (winter)
COMS 400: Critical Theory Seminar (fall and winter)
COMS 411: Disability, Technology and Communication (winter)
COMS 490: Special Topics in History and Theory of Media (fall and winter)
COMS 491: Special Topics in Communication Studies (fall)
COMS 492: Power, Difference, and Justice (fall and winter)
GSFS 402/PHIL 442: Topics in Feminist Theory: Covid-19 Pandemic, Disability Justice, and Racism/Colonialism (fall)
GSFS 407: Sexuality and Gender: New Directions (winter)
PHIL 427: Topics in Critical Philosophy of Race (winter)
Other courses
ANTH 202: Socio-Cultural Anthropology (fall)
ANTH 206: Environment and Culture (winter)
ANTH 304: Chinese Culture in Ethnography and Film (fall)
ANTH 355: Theories of Culture and Society (winter)
ARTH 360: Studies in the Photographic (fall)
ARTH 411: Canadian Art and Race (fall)
CLAS 306: Classics in Modern Media (winter)
COMS 301: Core Concepts in Critical Theory (fall)
COMS 310: Media and Feminist Studies (fall)
COMS 330: Media in Cultural Life (winter)
COMS 350: Sound Culture (winter)
COMS 362: “Bad” Music: Aesthetics, Taste, and the Formation of Opinion (fall)
COMS 360: Environmental Communication (fall)
EAST 464: Image, Text, Performance (fall)
GSFS 250: Sexual and Gender Diversity Studies (fall)
GSFS 301: Queer and Feminist Food (fall)
GSFS 304: Postcolonial Feminist Theories (fall)
GSFS 307: Indigenous Feminisms (winter)
ITAL 295: Italian Cultural Studies (winter) (taught in Italian)
LLCU 230: Environmental Imaginations (winter)
LLCU 255: Introduction to Literary Text Mining (winter)
LLCU 300: Cinema and the Visual (winter)
LLCU 311: Digital Studies/Citizenry (fall)
MUAR 374 (sec. 001): Music and Colonialism in Global History (winter)
MUAR 393: Introduction to Jazz (winter)
MUAR 399: Music and Queer Identity (fall)
PHIL 242: Introduction to Feminist Theory (fall)
PHIL 327: Philosophy of Race (fall)
PHIL 336: Aesthetics (fall)
PHIL 436: Aesthetics 2 (winter)
RELG 331: Religion and Globalization (fall)
RELG 358: Religion and Cinema in India (fall)
RELG 368: Japanese Religions in Pop Culture (winter)
RELG 455: Religion and the Performing Arts in South India (winter)
Drama & Theatre
ITAL 290: Commedia Dell’Arte (fall) (taught in Italian)
PHIL 242: Introduction to Feminist Theory (fall)
PHIL 336: Aesthetics (fall)
PHIL 436: Aesthetics 2 (winter)
CLAS 203: Greek Mythology (winter)
CLAS 301: Ancient Greek Literature and Society (fall)
CLAS 302: Roman Literature and Society (winter)
EAST 453: Topics: Chinese Literature (fall)
FREN 250: Littérature française avant 1800 (fall) (taught in French)
FREN 251: Littérature française depuis 1800 (winter) (taught in French)
FREN 252: Littérature québécoise (fall) (taught in French)
FREN 335: Théories littéraires 1 (winter) (taught in French)
FREN 337: Textes, imaginaires, sociétés (fall) (taught in French)
FREN 360: La littérature du 19e siècle 1 (fall) (taught in French)
FREN 362: La littérature du 17e siècle 1 (winter) (taught in French)
FREN 381: Littératures francophones 2 (fall) (taught in French)
FREN 450: Questions de littérature québécoise (winter) (taught in French)
FREN 453: Littérature du 20e siècle 2 (winter) (taught in French)
FREN 456: La littérature médiévale 2 (fall) (taught in French)
FREN 459: La littérature du 18e siècle 2 (fall) (taught in French)
FREN 485: Littérature française contemporaine (winter) (taught in French)
GERM 259: Introduction to German Literature 1 (fall)
GERM 260: Introduction to German Literature 2 (winter)
GERM 352: German Literature—19th Century 3 (winter)
GERM 365: Modern Short Fiction (winter)
GERM 366: Lyric Poetry (fall)
GERM 390: Topics in 21st Century German Literature and Culture (winter)
HISP 328: Literature of Ideas: Latin America (fall) (taught in Spanish)
HISP 352: Latin American Novel (fall) (taught in Spanish)
HISP 355: Contemporary Spanish Literature and Culture (fall) (taught in Spanish)
HISP 357: Latin American Digital Literature and Culture (winter) (taught in Spanish)
HISP 358: Gender and Textualities (winter) (taught in Spanish)
ISLA 385: Poetics and Politics in Arabic Literature (winter)
ITAL 345: Romanticism in Italy (winter) (taught in Italian)
ITAL 355: Dante and the Middle Ages (winter)
JWST 330: Topics in the Hebrew Bible: Biblical Women in Fiction (winter)
JWST 368: A Taste of Hebrew Literature in Hebrew: Hebrew Language and Israeli Culture (winter)
JWST 383: Holocaust Literature: Memoirs (winter)
JWST 386: American Jewish Literature (fall)
LLCU 255: Introduction to Literary Text Mining (winter)
PHIL 336: Aesthetics (fall)
PHIL 436: Aesthetics 2 (winter)
RELG 203: Bible and Western Culture (fall)
RELG 302: Literature of Ancient Israel 1 (fall)
RELG 303: Literature of Ancient Israel 2 (winter)
RUSS 223 Russian 19th Century: Literary Giants 1 (fall)
RUSS 224 Russian 19th Century: Literary Giants 2 (winter)
RUSS 340: Russian Short Story (fall)
RUSS 358: Fyodor Dostoevsky (winter)
RUSS 365: Supernatural and Absurd in Russian Literature (winter)
RUSS 369: Narrative and Memory in Russian Culture (fall)