
Below is a summary of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS) Office Regulations. See the GPS website for more details.

Application and Admission Requirements

Applicants should be graduates of a university of recognized reputation and hold a Bachelor's degree equivalent to a ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Honours degree in a subject closely related to the one selected for graduate work. Some Major Programs (at ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ and elsewhere) contain the necessary amount of specialization and may qualify the applicant for consideration. Applicants with a background in Linguistics should bear in mind that such a background is unlikely to be compatible with our offerings. Demonstrated fluency in English is required.

The applicant must present evidence of high academic achievement. High grades are expected in courses considered by the Department to be preparatory to the graduate program.

For information on application and supporting documents, please see "How to Apply."


Students accepted in the Program will receive a letter of acceptance from the Department and an official acceptance package from the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Office (GPSO). Both letters are necessary, as the department's recommendation must be confirmed by GPSO.

Note: Students who receive an acceptance and intend to register in the Program should convey their intention in writing to the Director of Graduate StudiesÌýno later thanÌý15 April.

Registration and Assessment

New students will be notified by e-mail of the dates and times of registration. Students register for courses in July; the exact date changes every year. Before term begins, all students must meet with an advisor from the Graduate Administration CommitteeÌýto receive advising about the program and to have their registration form signed. These meetings are arranged by the Graduate Program Coordinator during the summer, and advisingÌýfor new students takes place in the week before the fall term begins.

Advising for returning students takes place in April. Specific information on advising times will be available from the Graduate Program Coordinator.

All students must pay their fees and/or outstanding fines before registering.

Grading System

Classification of grades:

A 85-100%
A- 80-84%
B+ 75-79%
B 70-74%
B- 65-69%
F 0-64%; failure

Incomplete Course(s)

If, in the instructor's opinion, there is sufficient reason to permit a delay in the submission of required term work in a 500-level course, an extension of deadline after the end of the course may be granted to the student. In this case, the instructor will submit a grade of "K" (incomplete). At the time of submission of the grade of "K," the instructor will indicate the date by which the work is to be completed on a "K" form (signed by the student and the instructor). For 500-level courses the maximum deadline extensions for the submission of grades will be: 30 April for Fall Term courses, 31 July for Winter Term and year-long courses. If the required work is not completed before the deadline the grade of KF (failed course) will automatically be recorded on the student's transcript. In exceptional circumstances, and with the approval of the Associate Dean, the deadlines indicated above may be extended further, in which case the grade of K* will appear. When the extended deadline has not been met, the grade of E will automatically be assigned.

The maximum extension for submission of work assigned the grade of K in a 600- or 700-level course is normally four months. A further extension, designated E, may be granted with a note from the instructor of the course(s) to the Director of Graduate StudiesÌýstating the further extension deadline. It is the student's responsibility to adhere to this deadline and to ensure that the final grade has been submitted to the Graduate Office (Arts 155).

Students with incompletes and/or uncleared KsÌýwill not be assigned Teaching or Research Assistantships.


Students who have failed one course required by their department while registered as a graduate student may automatically retake that course or substitute an equivalent course. For the purposes of this policy, ‘required course’ includes either a course required by the student’s program of study, or a course that has been designated by the department for an individual student’s program of study. Students with any further failures in that course, or a failure in any other course, will be required to withdraw from their program of study. When a student retakes a course, she/he is required to pay the fee charged for the course in question. PhD and MA students in thesis programs can also be required to withdraw from their program of study for documented lack of performance in research.

This failure policy does not pertain to the failure of comprehensive examinations, doctoral oral defenses, or thesis failures. In the case of a failed thesis or defense, the Thesis Failure Policy, detailed in the Thesis Guidelines, applies. In the case of a failed comprehensive examination, the PhDÌýComprehensives Policy applies.

Reassessments and Rereads

Reassessments of grades and rereads of exams for 500-level courses follow the regulations of the Faculty of Arts. For courses at the 600- and 700-levels the application for reassessment or reread should be made in writing to the ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ and Records Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Office within 30 days of the posting of final marks.

Time Limitations

Masters students are encouraged to complete all degree requirements within two years. All MAÌýrequirementsÌýmustÌýbe completed withinÌýthree yearsÌýof initial registration. If the MA degree requirements are not completed within three years, the student must withdraw from the program.

By registering annually, all Doctoral candidates may maintain their connection with the University for three years after completing their residence requirements (until PhD7). GPSO imposes a strict time limitation ofÌýsix yearsÌýfor the completion of the PhD degree. If the degree requirements are not completed within six years, the student must withdraw.

In exceptional cases, a student who wishes to submit a thesis, or to complete outstanding degree requirements after withdrawing, may do so only on the recommendation of the Department. The student must apply to the Director of Graduate StudiesÌýfor re-admission. Only students who have completed all degree requirements, including the thesis, will be considered for re-admission.

Leave of Absence

Leave of absence may be granted with permission of the Director of Graduate StudiesÌýand the Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Office to graduate students who find it necessary to interrupt their studies during the residency period. A student may have a leave of absence for no more than one year. The time so spent will not be counted as part of the limited time period allowed for completion of the degree program.


No student shall, with intent to deceive, represent the work of another person as his or her own in any academic writing, essay, thesis, research report, project or assignment submitted in a course or program of study or represent as his or her own an entire essay or work of another, whether the material so represented constitutes a part or the entirety of the work submitted.

Upon demonstration that the student has represented another person's work as his or her own, it shall be presumed that the student intended to deceive; the student shall bear the burden of refuting this presumption by evidence satisfying the person or body hearing the case that no such intent existed. Failing to do so, the student may be permanently expelled from the University.

Classification of Students

Regular Students

"Regular Students" are those students who are proceeding to a degree and who in any given session are attending classes or receiving regular guidance relevant to their programs, who wish to write examinations, or who are making use of the University's libraries or other facilities.

All students must register annually up to the term in which they expect to graduate. This rule applies even to students who are not residing in the Montreal area.

Qualifying Students

Students admitted to a Qualifying Program are known asÌýQualifying Students. They are registered withÌýGPSO but have not been admitted to a degree program. These students take a full load (a minimum of 12 credits each term for the fall and winter terms of the year in which they are admitted for a total of 24 credits) primarily of advanced undergraduate courses as indicated by the Department. They may, with permission, also enroll in 500-level courses. A Qualifying Program cannot be taken on a half-time or part-time basis.

Special Students

Students who meet the minimum entrance requirements of GPSO and wish to take one, or at most two, 500- or graduate-level courses per term in the GPSO without the intention of proceeding to a degree or diploma awarded by this Office, are termed "Special Students" by GPSO. Special students can take a maximum of four courses.

If "Special Students" subsequently become candidates for higher degrees, they may receive academic credit for relevant graduate courses taken as Special Students. Credit for such courses is granted at the discretion of the Director of Graduate Studies. Students who wish to take further undergraduate courses only should register as "Special Students" in the undergraduate Faculty concerned, even if they already hold degrees.

Visiting Students

"Visiting Students" are those students who are registered in a degree program at another university and who have obtained written permission from both universities to take a course or courses for credit towards that degree program. Permission to register as a Visiting Student is granted by the Director of Graduate Studies. Visiting Students must make a formal application to the program, including letters of recommendation and transcripts, providing the same informationÌýrequired of all other applicants to Graduate Studies in English. In addition to a regular application, Visiting Students must have written approval from their home institution and include in their application a list of courses they wish to take at ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ.

Graduate Research Trainees

Graduate Research Trainees are distinguished from Visiting StudentsÌýinsofar as they do not take courses. Nevertheless, they must also submit an online application, as well as apply to the Director of Graduate StudiesÌýin order to attend ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ. Graduate Research Trainees will work with a particular faculty member as a supervisor. The student must be registered in a graduate degree program at another university. At ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ, the trainee will perform research only; the student may not enroll in or audit courses.

Transfer Credits from Quebec Universities

ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ students registering for courses at other Quebec universities will be required to pay for the course(s) at the home university. Students may enroll in appropriate graduate courses at other Quebec universities. For such courses, students register throughÌý. Credits will appear on students' transcripts, but no grade is recorded and the credits do not count towards the CGPA.

Deadlines and Fees

The Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Office regularly postsÌýdeadlinesÌýfor submission of nomination of examiners' forms, non-thesis application for graduation (for MA students in the Non-Thesis option), and theses. Please note under 6.2.1 of the Regulations for Graduate Studies: "All students must register (and pay fees) annually up to and including the term in which they expect to graduate. Outstanding tuition fees must be paidÌýbeforeÌýgraduation."

If a student does not submit by the Fall deadline, he/she must register and pay fees for the Winter term. Only if students submit byÌýAugust 15Ìýin each year are they then exempt from registration and fees for the subsequent Fall term.

The University reserves the right to change any fee without notice.ÌýTranscripts of records, diplomas, and permission to re-register will be withheld if tuition fees, residence fees, library fines, student loans, or any other amount owing either to ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ University or the Royal Institution for the Advancement of Learning remain outstanding, and this notwithstanding any bankruptcy of the debtor under the Bankruptcy Act.

Fee Information

Up-to-date fee information is published by theÌýStudent AccountsÌý°¿´Ú´Ú¾±³¦±ð.

International Students

International Students are required to pay higher tuition fees than Canadian students or permanent residents (e.g., landed immigrants). Exemption from international student fees may be claimed by students in certain categories. A list of these categories and required application forms are available at the Registrar's Office or at the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Records Office. International students are also required to enroll in the compulsoryÌýºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ International Health Insurance Plan.


The tuition fees for two terms of resident study in a degree program is currently (academic year 2021-22): $2,725.20 for Quebec MA and PhD students;Ìý$8,505.60 for non-Quebec Canadian MAÌýstudents ($2,725 for non-Quebec PhD students); andÌý$18,661.80 for International MA students ($16,750.50 for International PhD students). Students in non-thesis programs must register for a minimum of 12 credits per term in order to be considered full-time. Activity fees and health insurance are not included in tuition fees.Ìý.

Additional Session

Candidates requiring additional terms beyond the required period of residence currently pay the following rates for full-time enrollment per term (academic year 2021-22): $824.58 (the fee is the same for Quebec, non-Quebec Canadian, and International students).Ìý.


Students who wish to take a leave of absence from the University for one year before returning to complete their residence requirements should first obtain permission to do so both from the Department and from the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Office. The student must register as a non-resident student and pay the non-resident fee. No other fees are levied.


A "Special Student" is not enrolled in any degree program and tuition fees are assessed on a per course (per credit) basis.

Qualifying Program

Tuition fees in the Qualifying ProgramÌýare assessed on a per course (per credit) basis. A Qualifying ProgramÌýmay consist of a maximum of two terms of full-time studies.

Student Accounts

Fees are levied by the university. The most up-to-date fees and regulations are available atÌý.

Students' Societies and Student Services Fees

All students, with the exception of those categorized as "Non-Resident" students, are entitled to a valid identity card and must pay fees for students' societies and student services. These student fees are separate from any tuition or registration fee assessed and are not included in the calculation of the minimum tuition fees for the degree.

Additional fees include Student Societies and other student-related activities fees. Fees are collected by the University on behalf of the various campus-wide, faculty, and departmental students' societies, CKUT radio, Daily Publication, QPIRG (Quebec Public Interest Research Group) and the Legal Information Clinic. A breakdown of these fees isÌýavailable online.

Full-time student services fees include Athletic fees. Additional session, part-time, special and visiting students wishing to have athletic privileges are required to pay an additional fee. Such students should contact the Dept. of Athletics at 475 Pine Avenue W., tel: 398-7000.

Other fees are levied for late registration, re-reads, graduation, thesis examination, resubmission of thesis, and so forth.

Regulations for Payment of Fees

For specific information on fees, including exact due dates, deposit amounts, bursaries, scholarships, and loans, please consult theÌýÌýsection of the ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ website.

Graduation and Convocation

Names of candidates who have completed all their requirements are presented to Senate on three occasions during the year: February, May, and October. Transcripts of successful candidates will indicate the date on which the degree was granted and this is the official date of graduation.

Convocation ceremonies are held in May and November, at which time the degree is conferred by the Chancellor of the University.

Compulsory Health Insurance for International Students

In Quebec, holders of student visas cannot establish legal residence in the province and therefore do not qualify for inclusion in the Quebec health plan. As a result, such students who need hospitalization may find themselves facing very heavy financial charges. All full-time international students and students who are not permanent residents must enroll in the compulsory ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ International Student Health Insurance Plan at the time of registration. are availableÌýavailable onlineÌýand from International Student Services, Brown Student Services Building, Suite 5100, 3600 McTavish St., Montreal, QC H3A 0G3, tel: 514-398-4349.


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