
Assessment Materials Resource Centre

On this page: Access & Use Guidelines | Hours | User fees | Reservation Procedures | Materials on Course ReserveÌý´¥ AMRC Committee | Contact


The primary role of the ECP Assessment Materials Resource Centre (AMRC) is to provide graduate students from the School/Applied Child Psychology ²¹²Ô»åÌýCounselling Psychology programs with access to standardized materials for use in course and clinic work. The AMRC serves as a 'loan collection' whereby measures can be loaned to individual students as part of their course requirements. Read more under "Access" for access and use guidelines for the Centre's resources.

Students receiveÌýan introduction to tests of cognitive abilities, aptitude, personality, and interests, including the acquisition of basic skills needed to administer and interpret individual tests. In some programs studentsÌýare expected to operate autonomously to conduct full client assessments or client counselling sessionsÌýin our ECP Psychoeducational and Counselling Clinic.

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Access & Use Guidelines

  • Resource Centre holdings may be used only by graduate students who pay the user fee for their course (listed in our "User Fees" section below)Ìýand toÌýECPÌýinstructors who are currently teaching specific testing coursesÌýfor the Department.
  • Due to the high usage of measures and consumables for in-course training purposes, Resource Centre materials are reserved for course or clinic work only. Students and researchers (including Faculty members) will not be grantedÌýaccess to any Resource CentreÌýmaterials for personal research projects.
  • Materials and consumables (e.g. response/scoring/template forms, protocols, etc.) are NOT available to students workingÌýat internship sites asÌýthese sites should be supplying all necessary materials. If this is not the case, we advise you to speak to your course instructor or Director of Clinical Training.
  • PLEASE DO NOT make photocopies of task consumables, measures or manuals. This violates copyright laws.


Materials are available for pickup and return at the Education A/V Loans Centre, Room 137Ìýon the scheduled day of your reservation within the hours below.

fall 2024 Hours
Monday - Friday 8:15 AM to 4:45 PM
Saturday, SundayÌý


Please be advised that theseÌýhours of operation outlined aboveÌýapply only to the Fall and Winter academic terms. Please check the schedule regularly for amendments. Students and instructors will be informed in advance of Resource Centre closures. To facilitate the proper functioning of the Centre, students are kindly asked to pick up and return items during the hours specified above.ÌýIt is important to plan ahead to ensure access to the Resource Centre Materials.Ìý

During the summer, access to materials will be scheduled by appointment only. Please ecp-amrc.education [at] mcgill.ca (email) for a pick-up or a drop-off time.ÌýÌý

User Fees

Students who use the Resource Centre are required to pay a user fee. One hundred percent of the user fees go directly towards maintaining up-to-date holdings for student use. Any additional expenses are met by the department or by donations.
When you register for one of the courses listed in the table below, a charge will be applied to your student account. This user fee covers both a general library access fee as well as all the consumables that you will require throughoutÌýyour course. For specific information about the tests covered in your courses, please refer to your course outline or contact your course instructor. Please note that the cost of consumables for the School PsychologyÌýsections of EDSPÌý682D1, EDSPÌý682D2, EDSP 705D1, ²¹²Ô»åÌýEDSP 705D2Ìýare subsidized by the ECP Psychoeducational and Counselling ClinicÌýdue to the fact that student's in this course provide services to real clients in the Clinic who are charged for services rendered.

Program Degree/Year Term ÌýÌý Course Number Course Title Credits Fee
Counselling Psychology MA/1 WinterÌýÌýÌý EDPC 609 Ìý001/002 Psychological Testing 1 3 $57.89
Counselling Psychology MA/2 Fall EDPC 683Ìý 001/002 Practicum in Psychological Testing: Personality Assessment 3 $224.91
Counselling Psychology MA/2 Winter EDPC 684 Ìý001/002 Practicum inÌýPsychological Testing: Cognitive Assessment 3 $125.19
School Psychology MA/1 Fall EDSP 609Ìý 001 Introduction to Cognitive Assessment 3 $105.11
School Psychology MA/1 Winter EDSP 610ÌýÌý001 Introduction to Psycho-educational Assessment 3 $103.53
School Psychology MA/2 Fall EDSP 682D1 001 Psycho-educational Assessment and Intervention Practicum 3 $67.89
School Psychology MA/2 Winter EDSP 682D2 001

Psycho-educational Assessment and Intervention Practicum

3 $67.89
School Psychology PhD/1 Fall EDSP 705 D1Ìý Practicum 1: School Psychology 3 $67.89
School Psychology PhD/1 Winter EDSP 705 D2Ìý Practicum 2: School Psychology 3 $67.89

* For any students in financial difficulty who are unable to make the required payments outlined above, please visit the Financial Aid section of ourÌýFellowships, funding & financial aidÌýpage.Ìý

Reservation Procedures

Reservations Procedures for checking out and returning test measures:

How to Reserve via Email - Email Templates:

To reserve a testing kit or manual, please send an amrc.ecp [at] mcgill.ca (subject: RESERVATION%20REQUEST) (email) request to amrc.ecp [at] mcgill.ca, at least 2 business or working days in advance of your expected pick-up date, with the details of your reservation (working days are days that ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Adminstrative Offices are open (Monday to Friday between 9:00AM to 5:00PM). Students must use their official ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ email accounts to make requests.

Students should use the template below to draft their message:

  • Name of the item(s) - check holdings for complete names of measures
  • Pick-Up Date and Time
  • Return Date and Time (max. of 3 days/2 nights)
  • Course for which you are making the reservation (i.e. EDPE 684 001)
  • FOR EDSP 682/705 exclusively: Related consumable(s) if required (and quantity)* -ÌýNote: please be specific, ex. BASC-3 Teacher Report Form for age 7.

Reservation Guidelines:

  • Reservations should be made at least two working days prior to the anticipated pick up. Items can be only taken out for a maximum of 3 working days/2 nights. Reservations will only be taken by email.
  • You will receive a confirmation email when your item has been reserved. Reservation emails sent over the weekend will be taken care of on Monday.Ìý
  • Measures can be collected at the Education A/V Loans Service Centre, Education Building, room EDUC 137, on the firstÌýfloor of the Education Building. Items will be available forÌýpick-up on the scheduledÌýdate during the hours of operation listed above. At this time, the studentÌýwill complete and sign an inventory checklist ensuring the presence of all kit items of the respective test. This procedure ensures that tests remain intact and that any missing components, or misuse of materials (i.e. writing in manuals, coffee stains, etc.) may be dealt with accordingly and in a timely manner.
  • Test Kits and manuals must be returned to the Education Building, room EDUC 137, during the hours of operation listed aboveÌýonÌýthe scheduled day.ÌýIt is extremely important to return ALL measures on time due to the high demand for materials and the respective deadlines of your fellow students. Items returned late are subject to a $30 fine. The late fine will be charged directly to your student account. Assessment Materials Resource Centre (AMRC) privileges may also be suspended for repeated late returns.
  • If, for any unforeseen reason, you are unable to return your item by the due date, please contact the Resource Centre Coordinator at (514) 398-4363 orÌýone of the other departmental staff members at (514) 398-4242, so that any waiting students may be advised. Please also write an ecp-amrc.education [at] mcgill.ca (email)Ìýinforming us of the issue. You should email both amrc.ecp [at] mcgill.ca and amrc-ecp.education [at] mcgill.ca to ensure a staff member has been advised.
  • Renewals are to be requested via amrc.ecp [at] mcgill.ca (subject: RESERVATION) (email). Renewal may not be possible. Do not assume that your item has been renewed until you have received your confirmation email.


  • Only students working in the Psychoeducational and Counselling Clinic (EDSP 682 ²¹²Ô»åÌýEDSP 705) have borrowing privileges beyond the end of term each semester.
  • Scoring keys can be borrowed upon request, and kept for a maximum of 3 days/2 nights. Keys must be stored in the Education Building, in the student's locker orÌýlocked student file
  • A limit ofÌý2 kits ²¹²Ô»åÌý1 other test may be borrowed at any one time for a period of three working days.
  • Test kits may not be returned to the Assessment Materials Resource Centre by anyone other than the original borrower.
  • Test kits may not be passed on directly to other borrowers.
  • Items of test kits may not be separated.
  • It is the responsibility of the student who has signed out the measure to ensure that it is returned in the exact condition it was loaned. Students are liable for the cost of any replacement items.

Materials Available on Reserve at theÌýEducation Curriculum Resource Centre (1st Floor)

A limited number of manuals are available in course holdings at the Education Curriculum Resources Centre, available for short term loans. To reserve a manual, you do not have to give any advanced notice. Simply go to the Education Curriculum Resources Centre when you have spare time and pick up a manual during the hours of operation. To check the availability these materials, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Library Course ReservesÌý
  2. Click on Search Course Reserves
  3. Search for ECP-AMRC as course number
  4. Click on the item you wish to reserve
  5. Check to see if the manual is currently available or on loan. Please note that this is a first come, first serve system

Opening Hours: Monday – Friday: 8:15 AM – 4:15 PM

  • In order to access the materials, you must be enrolled in a course that has access to the AMRC (have paid the user fees; see table above).
  • You will be asked to provide your student ID card to complete the loan, and your enrollment in an AMRC access course will be verified.
  • Loans are for maximum 3 hours. Should you check out a reference after 2:00 PM, it will be due back the following morning before 10:00 AM.
  • Please note: overnight loans must stay in the Education Building, stored in student’s lockers in B-163 or B-123A.

List of Holdings

Please note that there is a single copy of the following resources, unless noted.

  • A Compendium of Neuropsychological Tests: Administration, Norms, and Commentary
  • ASEBA CBCL School-Age Forms & Profiles Manual
  • Beck Youth Inventory II (BYI-II) Manual
  • Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI)Manual
  • Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI-II) Manual
  • Behaviour Assessment System for Children 3Ìý(BASC-3) Manual
  • Behaviour Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF) Professional Manual
  • BRIEF-SR Professional Manual
  • California Verbal Learning Test 3 (CVLT-3) Manual
  • Career Beliefs Inventory (CBI)
  • CELF-5 Digital Manual and Stimulus Book
  • Conner’s Rating Scale 3 Manual (2 copies)
  • D-KEFS Manual
  • Foundations of Behavioral, Social and Clinical Assessment of Children, Sixth Edition (includes accompanying Resource Guide)
  • Internships in Psychology - The APAGS Workbook for Writing Successful Applications and Finding the Right Fit (2 copies)
  • Myers-Briggs Type IndicatorÌý (MBTI) Manual - Third edition
  • MBTI Introduction to Type (2 copies)
  • MMPI®–2 Manual, Revised Edition
  • NEO-PI 2 Manual
  • Neuropsychological Assessment, 5th Edition (NEPSY-II)Ìý
  • Rey Complex Figure Test ManualÌý(2 copies)
  • Strong Interest Inventory
  • Self Directed Search (SDS) Technical Manual & Professional User's Guide
  • WJ-III: University Training Package (includes CD-ROM, Examiner Training Workbook for Tests of Achievement Form B, and Examiner Training Workbook for Tests of Cognitive Abilities)
  • Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale IV (WAIS-IV) Administration and Scoring Manual
  • WAIS-IV: Canadian Manual
  • WIAT-III Examiner's Manual
  • WISC-IV Canadian Manual
  • WISC-IV Administration and Scoring Manual
  • WISC-IV Clinical Assessment and Intervention, Second Edition
  • WISC-V Canadian Manual (and Supplement)
  • WISC-V Administration and Scoring Manual (and Supplement)
  • WISC-V Technical and Interpretive Manual
  • Young Schema Questionnaire: Schema Therapy Institute

AMRC Committee

The mandate of the Assessment Materials Resource Centre (AMRC) Committee is to ensure that the Resource Centre's administration, both in service to its users and availability of tests, is maintained at the highest standard possible. The Committee meets a minimum of twice a year where important issues relating to the Resource Centre are discussed.ÌýWhile feedback or questions relating to the Resource Center are welcomed at all times, more formal requests, comments, or concerns can be brought forward during one of these meetings by contacting your respective Student Representative. Students who are not Representatives are also welcome to attend these meetings; we simply ask that you please advise us in advance of your intention to attend by contacting members of the Assessment Materials Resource Centre Committee. Committee composition can be found on the ECP Governance website.Ìý


For questions or comments please contact: Address

Assessment Materials Resource Centre Coordinator
Information:Ìýecp-amrc.education [at] mcgill.caÌý

Reservations for ECP students and instructors only: amrc.ecp [at] mcgill.caÌý

Education Bldg, Room 614G
3700 McTavish Street
Montreal, Quebec
H3A 1Y2


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