Master of Engineering (Non-Thesis): Applied Artificial Intelligence (45 credits) - Launching Fall 2025

The Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering; Non-Thesis - Applied Artificial Intelligence is a professional program of 45 credits. The program provides the foundation for applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques and experience building an AI system in various fields of interest.

Candidates may satisfy the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) Non-Thesis - Applied AI Concentration by completing a total of 45 credits of Graduate courses (as indicated below), of which 29 credits must be taken within the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECSE 5XX or ECSE 6XX). Students may take up to 16 credits of non-departmental courses.

Required Courses (14 credits)
Complementary Courses (18-24 credits)
• Group A: Artificial Intelligence Focused - 6-8 credits
• Group B: Mathematical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence - 3-4 credits
• Group C: Applications of Artificial Intelligence - 9-12 credits
Elective Courses (7-13 credits)

For the complete list of Required, Complementary, and Elective courses, and program regulations and policies, please download the M.Eng. Applied AI Regulations & Policies [PDF]

The formal residence requirement for the M.Eng. degree is three terms of full-time study. During the three-term residency requirement period, students must register for a minimum of 12 credits to be considered full-time. Full-time students must complete the degree within three (3) years of initial registration. However, it is possible to complete the program in one and one-half years. Part-time students (domestic students only) must complete the degree within five (5) years of initial registration.

NOTE: Prospective applicants should be aware that the Master of Engineering degree does not confer the professional qualification of Engineer in Canada. For more information, please visit the following websites: or .

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