Resources in this section include the sexual violence policies (and policies in progress) created by universities across Canada, as well as definitions of different terms used within these policies, and a guide for the offices responsible for creating and implementing the university policy. This page is being regularly updated - please visit again to find new resources for policymakers.
Policies by province | Policies in creation | Annotated bibliographies Case law Definitions
Reports & articlesWorkplace sexual harassmentOnline tools| European resources
Policies (organized by province):
Alberta | British Columbia | Manitoba | New BrunswickNova Scotia | Ontario | Quebec | Saskatchewan
- Ambrose University - Sexual Violence Policy []
- Concordia University of Edmonton - Sexual Violence Policy []
- McEwan University - Sexual Violence Policy []
- Mount Royal University - Sexual Violence Policy []
- Saint Mary's University - Sexual Violence and Harassment Policy []
- Southern Alberta Institute of Technology - Preventing and Responding to Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Policy []
- University of Alberta - Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Policy []
- University of Calgary - Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Policy []
- University of Lethbridge - Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Prevention Policy []
British Columbia
- Capilano University - Sexual Violence Policy []
- Emily Carr University of Art and Design - Sexual and Gender-Based Violence and Misconduct Policy []
- Quest University - Sexual Misconduct Policy []
- Royal Roads University - Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy []
- Simon Fraser University - Policy for Sexual Violence and Misconduct Prevention, Education and Support []
- Thompson Rivers University - Sexualized Violence Policy []
- University of British Columbia - Sexual Assault and Sexual Misconduct Policy []
- University of the Fraser Valley - Policy for Prevention, Education and Response to Sexualized Violence []
- University of Northern British Columbia - Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy []
- University of Victoria - Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response Policy []
- Brandon University - Sexualized Violence Policy []
- Booth University College - Sexual Violence Policy []
- University of Manitoba - Sexual ViolencePolicy []
- University of Winnipeg - Sexual Violence Policy and Procedures[]
New Brunswick
- Mount Allison University - Sexualized Violence Policy []
- St. Thomas University - Policy on Sexual Violence []
- University of New Brunswick - Sexual Assault Policy []
Nova Scotia
- Cape Breton University - Sexual Violence Policy & Guidelines []
- Mount Saint Vincent University - Policy Against Sexual Violence []
- St. Francis Xavier University - Sexual Violence Response Policy []
- St. Mary's University - Sexual Violence and Harassment Policy[]
- Université Sainte-Anne - Politique visant à prévenir et à contrer la violence à caractère sexuel []
- Algoma University - Sexual Misconduct Policy []
- Brock University - Sexual Violence Policy []
- Carleton University - Sexual Violence Policy []
- Lakehead University - Sexual and Gender-based Violence Response Policy and Procedures []
- Laurentian University - Policy on Response and Prevention of Sexual Violence []
- McMaster University - Sexual Violence Policy []
- Nipissing University - Sexual Violence Prevention, Support and Response Policy for Students[]
- OCAD University - Policy on Prevention and Response to Sexual and Gender-based Violence []
- Queen's University - Policy on Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Violence Involving Students []
- Royal Military College of Canada - Policy on Harmful and Inappropriate Sexual Behaviour []
- Toronto MetropolitanUniversity - Sexual Violence Policy []
- University of Guelph - Sexual Violence Policy []
- Université de Hearst - Politique en matière de harcèlement et de violence à caractère sexuel []
- University of Ontario Institute of Technology - Student Sexual Violence Policy and Procedures []
- University of Ottawa - Policy for Prevention ofSexual Violence []
- University of Toronto - Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment []
- University of Waterloo - Policy for Prevention of and Response to Sexual Violence []
- University of Windsor - Policy on Sexual Misconduct []
- Western University - Policy on Gender-Based Sexual Violence []
- Wilfrid Laurier University - Gendered and Sexual Violence Policy[]
- York University - Policy on Sexual Violence []
- Concordia University - Policy Regarding Sexual ViolencePolitique sur la violence à caractère sexuel [] | []
- ϲ University - Policy Against Sexual Violence| Politique contre la violence sexuelle [English]| [French]
- Université du Québec à Montréal -Politique visant à prévenir et à combattre le sexisme et les violences à caractère sexuel []
- Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières - Politique sur le harcèlement sexuel à l’UQTR []
- University of Regina - Policy on Sexual Violence/Misconduct []
- University of Saskatchewan - Sexual Assault Prevention Policy []
Policies in creation:
- Simon Fraser University:
- Thompson Rivers University:
Annotated bibliographies:
- :Primary and secondary sources from case law, policies, and legal research related to sexual violence on university campuses
- :Selected non-academic sources in arts and multi-media, including news articles, podcasts, online exhibitions, poetry, and novels
Case law:
- Ross v. New Brunswick School District No. 15, 1996 CanLII 237 (SCC)
- Eldridge v. British Columbia (Attorney General), [1997] 3 SCR 624
- Pridgen v. University of Calgary, 2010 ABQB 644
- Pacheco v. Dalhousie University (2005), N.S.S.C. 222
- School District No. 44 (North Vancouver) v. Jubran, 2005 BCCA 201
- Mahmoodi v. Dutton and University of British Columbia, 1998 BCHRT 19
- Mpega c. Université de Moncton, 2001 NBCA 78
- Frederick Zhang v. The University of Western Ontario, 2010 ONSC 6489
- by UN Women
- fromϲ University's Office for Sexual Violence Response, Support and Education
Reports & articles:
- is a collaboration between and the . Thisreportidentifiesthe challenges, opportunities and needs of universities to address gender-based violence on campus and in the community. The report is available in and .
- fromPossibility Seeds
- from Courage to Act, available in and
- fromScience & Policy Exchange, available in English andFrench
- fromthe National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
- fromChildren First Canada, available from
- fromthe :
- Richards, C. (2020).Intoxication, adrunk science: Expertise in cases of sexual assault regarding capacity to consent.Canadian Journal of Law and Justice, 2(1).
- fromthe Sexual Assault Centre of the ϲ Students' Society (SACOMSS)
- "Risk Factors For Male-Perpetrated Sexual Violence At Higher Education Institutions"from, previously Canadian Centre for Legal Innovation in Sexual Assault Response (CCLISAR)
- fromYWCA Canada
- andfromthe at the
Workplace sexual harassment:
- and from theand the
- from the Government of Canada
Online tools:
- helps victims of sexual harassment and assault navigate the legal system..
- from the
- 'sreport on , which highlights the experiences of more than 500 LGBTQ2+ youth across Canada, how they are impacted by Gender-Based Violence, what they want done about it, and their top priorities for action.
- from
European resources:
- From USVreact:and