2006-07 Seminars

Lucyna Lach, April 18th

Health and Psychosocial Functioning of Caregivers of Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Preliminary Results from the NLSCY

Claudia Lahaie, March 21st

Impact of work conditions on educational and mental health outcomes of Mexican children

Ellen Moss, March 7th

Can we change caregiving in maltreating families? Results of an attachment-based intervention study with maltreating families

Danielle Turney, February 21st

An attachment perspective on social work with neglected children and their families

Marie-脠ve Cl茅ment, January 31st

Major findings from the 1999 and 2004 cycles of the Quebec Family Violence Surveys

Delphine Collin-V茅zina, January 24th

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Dissociation in Sexually Abused Girls: Influence of Individual and Family Factors

Chantal Cyr, January 10th

Promoting Resiliency in Maltreating Parents and their Children Through Attachment-Based Interventions

Wendy Haight, December 13th

Substance abuse, child welfare and children's mental health: The instance of parent methamphetamine abuse in rural Illinois

Vandna Sinha, November 29th

Crime and Community: Dealing with Disorder and Drug Markets in Chicago Neighborhoods

Nico Trocm茅, November 14th

Deconstructing the increase in child maltreatment rates

Jill Hanley, November 14th

The role of families in human trafficking: a key dynamic in both prevention and protection

Cindy Blackstock & Nico Trocm茅, October 30th

Neglected Children / Neglected Communities: Challenges of First Nations Child Welfare

  • Note that the 2006 January 17, 24 & 31 and February 14 & 28 were reserved for job talks for the two tenure track positions at the School of Social Work and the Centre

Please visit the New Releases page to download the new First Nations CIS Report.

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