
Google Code for Remarketing Tag - Bloom

Catalogue des cours


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CENG 222 Risk Assessment: Ore Reserves/Mine Planning. (16 credits)
The new generation of conditional simulation technologies for assessing ore body uncertainty, effects on risk analysis and cash flow considerations. Emphasis on downstream applications pertinent to ore reserves, feasibility, design, development and planning stages of mining ventures, and financial optimization of relevant aspects of operations and production.
CENG 225 Ore Reserve Risk and Mine Planning. (3.5 credits)
Methods to build up to the presentation of a new generation of applied technologies (stochastic mine planning optimization) dealing with geological risk and its substantial effects on ore reserves, strategic planning, optimization, risk management and profitability.
CENT 305 Sales and Negotiations. (3 credits)
Hiver 2019
Skills necessary to sell your business vision and its products and services in a competitive marketplace. Focus on specific strategies and techniques to convince all stakeholders of your company鈥檚 value proposition. In addition, skills needed to negotiate win-win business arrangements are developed and practiced.
CENT 306 Launching a New Business. (3 credits)
Hiver 2019, Automne 2019
Converting ideas into successful new business ventures is a challenging task that needs creativity, understanding of the external market, key planning and risk management. All aspects of launching a new business, including the skills and tools needed to identify, evaluate and launch an attractive product or service.
CENT 307 Creating a Business Plan. (3 credits)
The importance of creating a business plan for entrepreneurs is discussed. The elements of a solid plan and components that should be included are explained. The foundations of preparing a tailored business plan and the key to making an effective presentation are also covered.
CENT 308 Financing a New Business. (3 credits)
Hiver 2019, Hiver 2020
Finding financial resources to launch and grow a business is a creative process. Focus will be on different types of capital available throughout the different stages of a venture. An understanding of the choices of funding and importance of financial planning by comparing and contrasting various financing methods.
CENT 309 Business Growth Strategies and Issues. (3 credits)
Printemps/脡t茅 2020
Practical strategies for different stages of business growth. Classroom and group work focus on the opportunities and challenges of creating and managing growth in entrepreneurial settings, within both small and larger companies. Issues of particular importance to rapidly growing companies will also be highlighted and discussed.
CENT 434 Entrepreneurship Issues Management. (3 credits)
Issues relating to leadership, communication, sustainability, financing, globalization, stewardship, GAAP, social responsibility, family business and succession, intellectual property and contemporary management events.
CESL 150 English as a Second Language. (6 credits)
Designed to help students whose native tongue is not English and who have difficulty in a) understanding spoken English, b) speaking it, c) reading English text material, or d) writing assignments in English. Emphasis on writing skills in the high-intermediate and advanced sections. Con莽u pour venir en aide aux 茅tudiants dont la langue maternelle n'est pas l'anglais et qui ont de la difficult茅 dans les quatre comp茅tences suivantes: a) compr茅hension de l'oral; b) production orale; c) compr茅hension de l'茅crit; ou d) r茅daction. Ce cours se donne en salle de classe et au laboratoire de langue (au besoin). Dans les sections des niveaux interm茅diaire et avanc茅, l'accent est mis sur la comp茅tence 脿 l'茅crit.
CESL 200 ESL: Academic English 1. (3 credits)
For students who have a basic knowledge of English. Focus is on developing writing skills: sentence structure; formal paragraphs; short essays. Independent learning strategies for vocabulary building, grammar, editing techniques, structuring an oral presentation, and improving pronunciation.
CESL 299 ESL: Academic English Seminar. (3 credits)
Printemps/脡t茅 2021
With materials from across the curriculum the course prepares students to meet the expectations of the university classroom: note-taking and summary of lectures; paraphrase and summary of written and multimedia materials; oral and seminar presentations. Development of critical thinking, reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills and strategies. Au moyen de documents tir茅s de divers programmes offerts 脿 黑料不打烊, ce cours pr茅pare les 茅tudiants aux exigences des cours universitaires: prendre des notes, faire des expos茅s oraux, r茅sumer (cours magistraux, documents oraux, 茅crits et multim茅dias). D茅veloppement du raisonnement critique, lectures, 茅coutes, r茅dactions, habilet茅s et strat茅gies de communication.
CESL 300 ESL: Academic English 2. (3 credits)
Automne 2021
Open to students who have more than a basic knowledge of English. Focus is on developing writing skills: structuring an academic essay; expressing complex ideas; documenting sources. Independent learning strategies for vocabulary building, grammar, editing techniques, critical thinking and reading skills. Fundamentals of oral presentation, including pronunciation skills.
CESL 400 ESL: Essay & Critical Thinking. (3 credits)
Hiver 2021, Printemps/脡t茅 2021, Automne 2021
For the student whose English is at an advanced level. Critical thinking and reading applied to the whole writing process. Academic genres: summary, paraphrase, quotation, and critique. Review of writing mechanics. ESL diagnostic for advanced students.
CESL 500 ESL: Research Essay and Rhetoric. (3 credits)
Hiver 2021, Printemps/脡t茅 2021, Automne 2021
For the near-native speaker of English. Principles and use of academic research, genres, rhetorical strategies, and editing skills.
CESL 631 Strategies for Academic Communication in English. (1 credit)
Hiver 2019, Automne 2019, Hiver 2020
Key language learning strategies for expressing complex ideas in academic work. For graduate students across disciplines whose first language is not English: strategies for building productive scholarly vocabulary; self-editing techniques to address grammar, syntax and mechanics.
CESL 640 Fundamentals of Academic Writing for Graduate Students. (3 credits)
Focus is on structuring an academic essay and expressing complex ideas. Multiple drafts. Independent learning strategies for academic reading, critical thinking, vocabulary building, and self-editing. Review of writing mechanics.
CESL 641 Fundamentals of Academic Writing in English. (1 credit)
Hiver 2019, Automne 2019, Hiver 2020
Key strategies for graduate students across disciplines whose first language is not English: reading scholarly texts for structure; learning to apply these structures in writing assignments; developing vocabulary building strategies; identifying and practicing nuances of scholarly English syntax. Self-editing techniques; review of English grammar and mechanics. Audio feedback and multiple drafts.
CESL 650 Pronunciation and Communication. (3 credits)
Focus on developing pronunciation and communication skills, including aspects of pronunciation that most affect intelligibility, and with verbal and non-verbal techniques for effective presentations.
CESL 651 Pronunciation for Effective Communication. (1 credit)
Hiver 2019, Automne 2019, Hiver 2020
Developing pronunciation skills for effective communication in academic settings with emphasis on features of pronunciation that most affect intelligibility. Oral practice, and various forms of feedback and assessment, such as instructor, peer and self-assessment.
CESL 660 Pronunciation: Independent Study.
Oral practice in a language lab using authentic materials specific to students' field of study.


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