
Niladri Basu

Department of Natural Resource Sciences and School of Human Nutrition
Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences

Niladri BasuDr. Nil Basu holds a Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Environmental Health Sciences and is a Full Professor in the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at 黑料不打烊 University's Macdonald campus. The goal of Dr. Basu's research is to take an ecosystem approach to community, occupational, and environmental health whereby evidence is collected, scrutinized, and compared from both humans and ecological organisms.

Research Areas: Environment; Ecology and Sustainability; Soil; Water and their Sustainable Management; Safe, Nutritious and Secure Food Supply; Human Nutrition; and One Health

Dr. Bernatsky

Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health
School of Population and Global Health

Sasha BernatskyDr. Bernatsky is a rheumatologist and a James 黑料不打烊 full professor in the Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health. She is a senior scientist at the Research Institute of the 黑料不打烊 University Health Centre and part of the Centre for Outcomes Research and Evaluation鈥檚 Infectious Diseases and to drug safety and effectiveness in rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis (RA), systemic lupus (SLE and other diseases). For 15 years she has been contributing to research pertaining to air pollution and rheumatic disease and has published widely on this topic.

Dr Bernatsky also leads the CAnadian Network for Advanced Interdisciplinary Methods for Comparative Effectiveness Research (CAN-AIM) team. Initially funded via CIHR through the Drug Safety and Effectiveness Network, the CAN-AIM team is a Canadian Agency of Drugs and Technologies (CADTH) CoLab collaborator working within the new Post-Market Drug Evaluation Network. Their mandate is to fill drug safety and effectiveness knowledge gaps for policymakers in the real world. This is particularly relevant since decision-makers know the need to develop optimal treatment approaches to complex diseases such as RA funded by Canada鈥檚 COVID-19 Immunity Task Force to help decision-makers regarding vaccination strategies in 2021, she conducted the SUCCEED (Safety and immUnogenicity of Covid-19 vaCcines in systEmic immunE mediated inflammatory Diseases) project.

Department of Health Management, Evaluation, and Policy
University of Montreal - School of Public Health

Fran莽ois M. CastonguayDr. Fran莽ois M. Castonguay is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Management, Evaluation, and Policy at the University of Montreal School of Public Health. He holds a PhD in Agricultural and Resource Economics from the University of California, Davis, and served as a Postdoctoral Fellow with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Specializing in health economics, his research uses decision modelling, dynamic optimization methods, and economic evaluation to enhance the management of health systems and promote sustainable and equitable improvements in population health.

Jonathan Chevrier

Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health
School of Population and Global Health

Jonathan ChevrierDr. Chevrier investigates the impact of exposure to common environmental contaminants on child health and development.聽 His work focuses on emerging and legacy contaminants such as pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane (DDT), bisphenol A (BPA), polybrominated diphenylether (PBDE) flame retardants, and dioxins.聽 He studies the effect of these chemicals on the endocrine system, perinatal outcomes, child growth and neurodevelopment.聽

He also applies and develops causal inference methods to address methodological issues in environmental and occupational epidemiology.聽 He is the Project Director of the Venda Health Examination of Mothers, Babies and their Environment (VHEMBE), a birth cohort study of 751 mother-child pairs investigating the effect of public health insecticides on child development in South Africa.

Dr. Gaskin

Department of Civil Engineering

Susan GaskinDr. Gaskin is a Brace Professor of Water Resources whose research is in the area of environmental hydraulics and water resources. She investigates turbulent mixing of effluents in water bodies and fluvial erosion of cohesive sediment for river engineering applications. Using basin wide hydrologic modelling and investigations of social dynamics, her research considers sustainability in the provision of potable water supply. Her interests in potable water quality are in trace metal contamination, particularly copper, quantifying exposures and collaborating on investigations of its health impacts (neurological).

Shuaiqi Guo

Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology

Shuaiqi GuoShuaiqi Guo is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology at 黑料不打烊 University. He completed his PhD thesis at Queen's University, followed by postdoctoral research at Eindhoven University of Technology and Yale University. His research explores the molecular mechanisms of microbial adhesion, with a focus on its roles in health and environmental contexts. A key aspect of his work investigates the mutualistic interactions between bacteria and microalgae, which has implications in critical ecological processes and holds promise for sustainable applications such as carbon capture and biofuel production.

Koren Mann

Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics
School of Biomedical Sciences

Koren MannDr. Mann has led an independent research program since 2009. Her laboratory researches the environmental health effects of metals, in particular, the toxic effects of arsenic and tungsten on the immune system and how this can lead to different pathologies. Currently, Dr. Mann leads projects including investigating arsenic-induced atherosclerosis and the effect of tungsten on bone and B lymphocytes.

In the past decade Dr. Mann has received several personal support awards from the Fonds de recherche du Qu茅bec - Sant茅. As a Principal Investigator, her current and past research funding includes grants from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada, the Cancer Research Society, the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada and the US National Institutes of Health.

Dr. Mann has published extensively over the past two decades, including 75 peer-reviewed articles and several book chapters, as well as presenting almost 70 abstracts and conference presentations. She currently serves as an Associate Editor of Environmental Health Perspectives.

Bernard Robaire

Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics
School of Biomedical Sciences

Bernard RobaireBernard Robaire completed his studies at UCLA, 黑料不打烊 and Johns Hopkins before joining the academic staff at 黑料不打烊 where he is now a James 黑料不打烊 Professor, and is appointed in the Departments of Pharmacology & Therapeutics and of Obstetrics & Gynaecology.聽 His research interests focus on the effects of environmental toxicants on male reproduction, on male mediated reproductive toxicology, on the structure, function and regulation of the epididymis, on androgen action, and on aging of the male reproductive system. This research activity has resulted in over 200 journal articles and book chapters, and editing/co-editing ten books.

Caroline Wagner

Department of Bioengineering

Caroline WagnerProf. Wagner holds an MSc and PhD in Mechanical Engineering from MIT, where she used experiment and theory to study the microscopic and macroscopic rheological properties of mucus. She then trained as a postdoctoral fellow in mathematical disease modeling at Princeton University. During the Covid-19 pandemic, Prof. Wagner and her colleagues developed models to explore the effect of various factors including immune responses, vaccine dose spacing, and vaccine nationalism on the future burden and timing of Covid-19 infections. This work resulted in three publications in the journal Science and has been covered in numerous media outlets including Quebec Science, La Presse, and Wired. Prof Wagner鈥檚 research program focusses on understanding interactions between pathogens and biological fluids, and modeling the effect of such interactions on population-level disease transmission and dynamics.

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