Undergraduate, Health Sciences and Graduate, and Postdoctoral students can find updated academic info on the eCalendar—browse each faculty section or search the entire site for program requirements; course availability; departmental & advising contacts; and other academic information!

Programs, courses, and other Undergraduate, Grad & postdoctoral studies & Health Sciences information has been updated to reflect new program offerings and academic info for 2018–19 on the eCalendar! Browse to your specific academic unit via the Faculties & Schools overview to find out more.

Programs, courses, and other academic information for the School of Continuing Studies has been updated to reflect new offerings for the 2018–19 academic year. Current and future students can see what's new on the eCalendar! Browse Continuing Studies' offerings in both English and French to find out more.

Programs, courses, and other Undergraduate and Health Sciences information has been updated to reflect new program offerings and academic info for 2017–18 on the eCalendar! Browse to your specific academic unit via the Faculties & Schools overview to find out more.

Programs, courses, and other Undergraduate and Health Sciences information has been updated to reflect new program offerings and academic info for 2016–17 on the eCalendar! Browse to your specific academic unit via the Faculties & Schools overview to find out more.

Continuing Studies academic info has been updated with new offerings for 2016–17!
View new programs & courses designed to help you reach your goals in the Continuing Studies section of the eCalendar.