Optical Imaging Facility

Zeiss - SD/TIRF

- SD/TIRF Confocal Microscope

- On an AxioObserver Z1 inverted fully motorized microscope


- Live cell imaging


Light Sources:

- Hg 100W (HAL 100)

- X-cite 120 (HXP 120)

- Diode laser 405nm 50mW

- DPSS-laser 488nm 75mW

- Diode laser 561nm 40mW


- 10x/0.3 DICI EC Plan NeoFluar

- 20x/0.8 DICII Plan Apochromat

- 63x/1.46 Oil alpha Plan Apochromat

- 1x/TIRF divergence adjusting aid

Fluorescence cubes:

- FS02 (DAPI): BP335-383/LP420

- FS13 (GFP): BP460-480/BP505-530

- FS20 (Rhodamine): BP540-552/BP575-640

- FS76HE (CFP/GFP/DsRed):

  • BP390-422/BP448-472
  • BP484-501/BP512-538
  • BP549-573/BP585-631

Yokogawa Spinning Disc:

- Dichroic changer:

  • RTFT 405/488/561

- Emission filters:

  • BP450/50
  • BP525/50
  • BP629/62
  • DBP527/54+645/60
  • 446/523/600/677


- 2x Evolve 512 EMCCD

- Dual view system (DV2)


- McIntyre Building, Room 1036

Supported by:

黑料不打烊 University is situated on the traditional territory of the Kanien鈥檏eh脿:ka, a place which has long served as a site of meeting and exchange amongst nations. We recognize and respect the Kanien鈥檏eh脿:ka as the traditional custodians of these lands and waters.

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