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Materials used in the built environment (building materials) have significant and long-lasting impacts on the environment.

Concrete and steel are the most commonly used building materials in new constructions today. Concrete is a mixture of sand, gravel and cement. According to experts, cement production is the source of 8-10% of global energy-related CO2 emissions, while the iron and steel industry accounts for 5%. As a result, progressive architects worldwide are increasingly choosing to build with regenerative, renewable, or low-impact materials.

Brick, for example, has a lower impact than concrete or steel but is not regenerative since it is made of soil of which the Earth has limited supply. Wood and bamboo, on the other hand, are regenerative materials as they can grow again. Building with low-impact materials will greatly reduce buildings’ negative impact on their surroundings and in turn reduce the speed of climate change.

This session introduces children to low-impact building materials and how they are made and used in buildings. It prioritizes sustainable and renewable building materials and building practices and encourages children to engage with the topic through hands-on building activities. Engaging with low-impact building practices creates a more sustainable future.