
Place: Room 114 of the Macdonald-Harrington Building (unless otherwise noted)
Time: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday
Information: 398-6704
Coordination: David Krawitz

September 2 to 26, 2008
Future Wood
An exhibition illustrating the integration of digital modeling and fabrication techniques into design, manufacturing, and construction processes. Curated by Oliver Neumann (UBC School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture).

Richmond Oval Arena - StructureCraft Builders Inc.

September 29 to October 10, 2008
The Four Square House design problem
An exhibition of the submissions to the Murdoch Laing / Habitat '67 Design Competition 2008 (U3 class).

October 20 to November 7, 2008
Acute Liaisons / Liaisons Aigu毛s
An exhibition marking the centenary of collage: eight international collages juxtaposed with eight works by John A. Schweitzer.
NOTE: Wednesdays and Fridays from 3 to 5 pm,
also by appointment weekdays 3 to 5 pm (phone 398-6704)

November 10 to 28, 2008
Summer Course Abroad: Italy
An exhibition of student work from the Summer Course Abroad 2008 in Rome and Venice.
Vernissage: Monday 10 November at 5:00 pm (followed by Romolo Martemucci lecture in Room G10).

December 10 to 19, 2008
M2 Final Thesis Projects
Master of Architecture professional program final thesis projects.
Final reviews: Dec. 10 to 12.
Exhibition: Dec. 15 to 19.

January 26 to February 6, 2009
U3 Projects
Projects from the Fall 2008 third-year undergraduate comprehensive design studio.

February 11 to 20, 2009
Type Topos Topology
Projects from the Fall 2008 Master of Architecture professional program (M1) studio.
Closing vernissage: Friday 20 February at 6:00 pm.

March 9 to 20, 2009
Hydraulic Topographies
An exhibition of student work from the Summer 2008 Wilfred Truman Shaver Scholarship trip to Jordan, Dubai and Abu Dhabi.
Vernissage: Monday 9 March from 5:00 to 6:30 pm.

March 23 to April 9, 2009
Sketching School 2008
An exhibition of student work from Sketching School 2008 in Saint John, New Brunswick.
Vernissage: Monday 30 March at 5:00 pm.

May 1 to 29, 2009
Studio Work 2008-2009
Highlights of student work from the design studios of Fall 2008 and Winter 2009.
Portes Ouvertes Design Montr茅al: Saturday 2 May, noon to 6:00 pm.

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