Recruitment licence
A department may initiate a recruitment with written approval from the Provost and Executive Vice-President (Academic). The formal approval for the staffing plan will include the Recruiting Licence to be used for the position.
A new recruitment licence will be issued to replace pre-tenure academic staff, however, a department must nonetheless receive approval from the Provost and Executive Vice-President (Academic) prior to advertising the new position. New recruitment licences are not issued to replace retiring academic staff members.
Employment equity
ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ University is committed to fulfilling its mission within an institutional environment that embraces equity and diversity. The University seeks to be proactive in attracting excellent academic staff who are members of designated groups, as identified by federal and provincial legislation, as well as ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ’s Employment Equity Policy. These groups include women, Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, ethnic minorities, racialized persons/visible minorities, and persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity (LGBTT2SQ* persons).
Employment equity recruitment guidelines are to be followed by all units in the course of hiring ranked academic staff (tenure–stream and contract academic staff).
Each academic unit that is recruiting ranked academic staff must take steps to attract applications from suitably qualified members of the designated groups.
For more information or support in employment equity in recruitment, please contact tynan.jarret [at] (Tynan Jarrett), the Director, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.
Advertising a tenure-stream position
All tenure-stream academic staff positions must be advertised and specify the following information:
- University
- Faculty or department
- Position title
- Qualifications required
- Nature of duties
- Salary (if not indicated, salary will be negotiable and commensurate with qualifications and experience)
- Person to whom inquiries should be addressed
- Classification and term of appointment
- Deadline for receiving applications, with the understanding that is a mandatory 30 day waiting period
The advertisement must also include the Equity Statement and Immigration Statement:
Advertisements must be publicly posted to the site on Workday, and to the following domains:
- One advertisement in University Affairs or the Canadian Association of University Teachers Bulletin;
- A letter sent to the department heads of at least ten similar departments in Canada, where possible;
- An advertisement in a Canadian professional journal or association website, where possible.
Note: You must ensure that the posting period on the ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Careers website is for longer duration than it is on external websites to allow for administration time.
Advertisements that are posted to University Affairs and/or the Canadian Association of University Teachers Bulletin, and that are included in letters to department heads at other universities should be in both official languages. Assistance is available from ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Linguistic Services for a fee. It is important to retain and submit proof of payments for advertisements and to ensure that the duration of the posting is clearly indicated. Online advertisements that are submitted as PDFs must include the publication date and the URL. The ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Equity and Immigration Statements are automatically included in the postings on the ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Career website in Workday, but must still be added to external postings. For support in broadening advertisement venues and ensuring a diverse applicant pool, please contact the andrea.clegg [at] (Senior Employment Equity Advisor).
Tenure-Stream Equity Assessment in Workday
The Selection Committee has access to the candidates' equity data in Workday.
Information from the Applicant equity survey is confidential and may only be used by Selection Committees to ensure adherence to ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ's Employment Equity Policy. Specifically, a Selection Committee Chair may use the information to:
- Evaluate the diversity of the applicant pool: where the pool is insufficiently diverse, a department may decide to extend the application period or reset the search; If the hiring unit is not satisfied with the response rate of the survey, they may send applicants a reminder to complete it;
- Verify the composition of the shortlist - all shortlists must contain at least one member of a designated group, and an email including the Workday requisition number must be submitted to the the Senior Employment Equity Advisor to ensure compliance;
- Select the candidate – where candidates do not differ in merit, selection committees are instructed to select the candidate from the group that is most underrepresented in their area. At the selection stage, the Chair may share equity data about short listed candidates with the rest of the selection committee in order to facilitate compliance with equity guidelines; and
- Report on the search – approval from the Senior Employment Equity Advisor must be attached to the Workday recruiting business process.
Selection process
Composing a Selection Committee
Each academic unit that is recruiting ranked academic staff should consider the following criteria when composing their Selection Committees:
- Committee should be comprised of at least 3 tenure stream members
- Committee Chair should have tenure
- Dean's representative is mandatory, and usually consists of someone from outside the hiring department. The Dean's representative focuses on ensuring equity in the process of recruitment and selection. Depending upon the department tradition, and the expertise of the Dean's representative, they may also weigh in on more substantive issues.
- Include members of diverse viewpoints and disciplinary schools
- Include people from designated groups, but be mindful of heavy administrative workload
- All members of the Selection Committee must attend training on equitable recruitment practices. Faculty must refresh their training after three years.
Ranking and Shortlist
Ranking candidates will be done in Workday. Please recall that Selection Committees should not be numerically ranking candidates but should instead be placing them in equivalency classes (e.g. excellent, good, etc.). All candidates shortlisted for a position should be ranked in the top class in order to be invited to an interview.
Once a Selection Committee has established its shortlist (and it has been identified in Workday as such), it must confirm that at least one candidate on that list is a member of a designated equity group. This determination is to be made by consulting the candidate recruiting table in Workday. In the event that there are no members of a designated group on the shortlist, the Selection Committee Chair should consider extending or re-setting the search. If the Chair cannot extend or reset the search, they must provide justification about why the search should proceed with a non-compliant shortlist.
Selection Committee Chairs should send an email notification, including the Workday requisition number, to the andrea.clegg [at] (Senior Employment Equity Advisor) as soon as possible after the shortlist is decided and the committee-level equity review is completed. The Senior Employment Equity Advisor will review the documentation and candidates' files provided by the Selection Committee in Workday and will confirm to the Chair that equity requirements have been met, or, request that the shortlist be expanded to include additional candidates.
Where two or more candidates are deemed to be "excellent" at the end of a search process, Selection Committees should apply preferential measures as outlined in the "Act Respecting Equal Access to Employment in Public Bodies."
Standard Recruitment
Once a candidate has been selected, the hiring department must assemble the Recruitment Dossier. Dossiers are submitted via Workday to the Academic Personnel Office (APO).
The department or Faculty submits a complete dossier with the required documents:
Document name | Template and/or description |
AAR (Application for Approval of Recruitment) | Application for Approval of Recruitment |
DRL (Dean's Recommendation Letter) |
Letter from the Dean, addressed to the Provost and Vice-President (Academic), recommending the candidate, and including:
CRL (Chair’s Letter) |
Letter from the Department Chair or Director, addressed to the Dean, in support of the candidate. |
CV (Curriculum Vitae) | Candidate’s current CV, including records of teaching and supervision, research, service, and other scholarship. |
ADS (Advertisements for the position) |
RefL 1, 2, 3 (External Letters of Recommendation) | Letters of Recommendation must be from someone who can attest to the candidates’ academic accomplishments and potential, on official letterhead, and dated within the last year. |
SCR (Selection Committee Report) |
Report from the Selection Committee Chair, addressed to the Department Chair or Director, outlining:
ESLR (Equity Shortlist Review) | Written confirmation that the Senior Employment Equity Advisor has confirmed that the equity requirements have been met. If the requirements were not initially met, the review will include instructions that the shortlist be sufficiently broadened. |
OL (Letter of Offer for Tenure-Track Staff) | Must include the Offer Letter generated in Workday, approved by the Chair and/or Dean. |
- Once approved by the Acting Associate Provost (Academic Policies & Faculty Affairs), the Letter of Offer will be sent directly to the candidate via Workday. A Letter of Offer will be issued to the candidate within 48 hours of receipt of a complete recruitment dossier from the Faculty. For hires who are neither Canadian citizens nor permanent residents, the offer must be made conditional upon obtaining the requisite work permit and immigration clearance. The start date for all new hires is August 1 or January 1, unless an exception is approved by the Acting Associate Provost (Academic Policies & Faculty Affairs).
- The candidate will accept and return the signed Acceptance Letter in Workday. APO will prepare the Official Letter of Appointment (OLA), otherwise known as the Board of Governors (BOG) Letter.
- Once signed by the Provost and Vice-President (Academic), the BOG Letter is automatically sent to the candidate in Workday. The Department Chair, Dean and Academic Affairs partners can view the BOG Letter in Workday.
- The department initiates the hire and on-boarding processes in Workday.
Hiring with Tenure
The procedure for hiring with tenure is the same as that of a standard recruitment, however the dossier requires two additional documents for consideration by the . Complete dossiers are submitted via Workday to the Academic Personnel Office (APO).
In exceptional cases where a position is approved for a UTCR bypass, sections 7.32.5 and 7.32.6 of the Regulations Relating to the Employment of Tenure Track and Tenured Academic Staff apply.
Additional Documentation for Recruitment with Tenure
Document name | Template and/or Description |
DRL (Dean’s Recruitment Letter) | This can be exactly the same as the standard Dean’s Letter, without any financial information included. |
UTCR e-vote and recommendation to President
Once the Offer Letter is accepted by the candidate in Workday, the dossier can be put forward for review and voted on by the UTCR. E-votes last for one full week (seven days).
The Provost and Executive Vice-President (Academic) chairs the UTCR, and recommends the appointment of the candidate (with tenure) to the President. The President then in turn recommends the appointment to the Board of Governors.
E-vote timing is dependent on the date the Offer Letter is accepted by the candidate in Workday. Deadlines for the current academic year can be found below.
APO will prepare the Official Letter of Appointment (OLA), otherwise known as the Board of Governors (BOG) Letter in Workday. Once signed by the Provost and Executive Vice-President (Academic), the BOG Letter is automatically sent to the candidate in Workday. The Department Chair, Dean and Academic Affairs partners can view the BOG Letter in Workday.
The department initiates the hire and on-boarding processes in Workday.
Deadlines for Submitting UTCR Dossiers in Workday
The following table will be updated each academic year. Note that the UTCR will review and recommend the candidate’s dossier after the offer letter has been accepted by the candidate in Workday.
UTCR Docs in WD | UTCR E-vote | UTCR Meetings* |
9 Sept 2024 | 23 - 30 Sept 2024 | 27 Sept 2024 (11:00-12:00) |
12 Sept 2024 | 26 Sept - 4 Oct 2024 | 2 Oct 2024 (11:30-12:30) |
7 Oct 2024 | 21 - 28 Oct 2024 | 25 Oct 2024 (10:30-11:30) |
7 Nov 2024 | 21 - 29 Nov 2024 | 27 Nov 2024 (noon-1:00) |
20 Dec 2024 | 3 - 10 Jan 2025 | 7 Jan 2025 (noon-1:00) |
27 Dec 2024 | 9 - 7 Jan 2025 | 13 Jan 2025 (noon-1:00) |
14 Feb 2025 | 28 Feb - 7 Mar 2025 | 4 Mar 2025 (noon-1:00) |
20 March 2025 | 3 - 11 Apr 2025 | 8 Apr 2025 (noon-1:00) |
17 April 2025 | 1 - 9 May 2025 | 6 May 2025 (noon-1:00) |
8 May 2025 | 22 - 30 May 2025 | 26 May 2025 (11:30-12:30) |
16 June 2025 | 30 Jun - 8 July 2025 | 2 July 2025 (noon-1:00) |
24 July 2025 | 7 - 15 Aug 2025 | 12 Aug 2025 (noon-1:00) |
*The UTCR meets only when necessary
Please visit the page on the Senate's website for a list of current UTCR Committee Members.