Course |
Topic/Syllabus |
ANTH 402
Topics in Ethnography
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Anthropology: An exploration of selected ethnographic case material. Investigation of a regional literature or survey of significant contributions to ethnography or examination of an ethnological issue.
Offered by: Anthropology
- Fall
- Restriction: U3 students in Anthropology or permission of instructor
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ANTH 403
Current Issues in Archaeology
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Anthropology: Current issues in archaeological interpretation, in particular, those relating to processual and postprocessual archaeology.
Offered by: Anthropology
- Winter
- Prerequisite: ANTH 357 or preferably ANTH 359, or permission of instructor
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
ANTH 406
Great Debates in Ethnography
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Anthropology: An examination of major ethnographic debates, such as those about Samoa, the Kalahari, and Amazonia.
Offered by: Anthropology
- Winter
- Restriction: U3 students in Anthropology or permission of instructor
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
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ANTH 407
Anthropology of the Body
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Anthropology: This course will survey theoretical approaches used over the past 100 years, and then focus on contemporary debates using case studies. The nature/culture mind/ body, subject/object, self/other dichotomies central to most work of the body will be problematized.
Offered by: Anthropology
- Winter
- Prerequisites: ANTH 227 and (1) 300-level anthropology course, and Honours/Major/Minor status in Anthropology or Social Studies of Medicine, or permission of instructor.
- Restriction: U3 status or permission of instructor
听Winter 2020 ANTH407 Syllabus |
ANTH 408
Sensory Ethnography
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Anthropology: Anthropology of the senses through the study of ethnographic film, photography and sound. Topics include: the role of senses and emotion in the production of knowledge, non-word based ways of knowing, and the relation between image and text in anthropology.
Offered by: Anthropology
- Prerequisite: U3 students in Anthropology or permission of instructor
Winter 2021 ANTH408 Syllabus |
ANTH 411
Primate Studies & Conservation
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Anthropology: Critical evaluation of theories in primate behaviour, ecology, and conservation that emphasizes direct observations, research design, and developing field methods.
Offered by: Anthropology
- Winter
- Prerequisite: One course in Anthropology, Geography or Environmental Studies, Introductory Biology, or permission of the instructor.
- Restriction: Students must have completed at least two full semesters at their home university. Only open to students in the Canadian Field Studies in Africa program.
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
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ANTH 412
Topics:Anthropological Theory
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Anthropology: A concentrated examination of selected theoretical literature. A current theoretical issue will be examined, or the work of a major anthropological theorist or school will be explored and assessed.
Offered by: Anthropology
- Winter
- Restriction: U3 students in Anthropology and ANTH 355 or permission of instructor
Fall 2020 ANTH 412 Syllabus |
ANTH 413
Gender in Archaeology
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Anthropology: Relationship between the structure of the archaeological discipline and construction of gender roles in past human societies; division of tasks between men and women in subsistence activities, organization of the household and kin groups; and creation of power and prestige in a larger community.
Offered by: Anthropology
Fall 2020 ANTH 413 Syllabus |
ANTH 416
Environment/Dev: Africa
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Anthropology: Study of environmental effects of development in East Africa, especially due to changes in traditional land tenure and resource use across diverse ecosystems. Models, policies and cases of pastoralist, agricultural, fishing, wildlife and tourist development will be examined, across savanna, desert, forest, highland and coastal environments.
Offered by: Anthropology
- Winter
- Restriction: Open only to students in the Study in Africa program, a full-term field study program in East Africa
- Prerequisite: One prior course in Anthropology, Geography or Environmental Studies
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
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ANTH 419
Archaeol of Hunter-Gatherers
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Anthropology: A systematic investigation into current theoretical and methodological concerns in hunter-gatherer archaeology. Examples will be drawn from around the world.
Offered by: Anthropology
- Winter
- Prerequisite: ANTH 357 or permission of instructor
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
Fall 2020 ANTH 419 Syllabus |
ANTH 422
Contemp.Latin Amer Cult & Soc
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Anthropology: Themes central to the culture and society of contemporary Latin America and the Caribbean, including globalization, questions of race and ethnicity, (post)modernity, social movements, constructions of gender and sexuality, and national and diasporic identities.
Offered by: Anthropology
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
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ANTH 423
Mind, Brain & Psychopathology
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Anthropology: Evolutionary origins of the human mind and the 'social brain', and the psychopathologies that are said to provide access to this evolutionary history, through the perspective of the anthropology of science and psychiatry.
Offered by: Anthropology
- Fall
- Prerequisites: ANTH 227 and Honours/Major/Minor status in Anthropology or Minor Concentration in Social Studies of Medicine or permission of instructor
- Restrictions: U3 students. Not open to students who have taken ANTH 443 under this topic.
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
Winter 2021 ANTH423 Syllabus |
ANTH 426
Immigration and Culture
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Anthropology: Immigration is transforming Europe and North America, and is a major demographic and cultural process in Canada. It is also the subject of government policies in Canada and elsewhere, including the increasingly controversial "multiculturalism." The study of immigration and its cultural dimensions should be covered in our anthropology curriculum, if we are to be up-to-date in our understanding and teaching about globalization and about Canada today.
Offered by: Anthropology
- Restriction: Anthropology Honours or Majors, U3 status, or permission of instructor
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
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ANTH 428
Saints &Mediation in Latin Am.
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Anthropology: This course examines religion in Latin America by means of a focus on the cult of the saints, a phenomenon central to religious, cultural and social life across the continent and key to the endurance of the institutional Catholic Church. Material in the course addresses various interpretive frames (e.g., historical, political economic, psychoanalytic, semiotic) in exploring how worship of the saints has marked Latin American society and culture, shaping sensibilities, sociality, nationalism, race, class, gender, and sexuality. The course also enables a comprehensive examination of Catholicism as both 'lived religion' and as shaped by the institutional Catholic Church.
Offered by: Anthropology
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
Winter 2021 ANTH428 Syllabus |
ANTH 436
North American Native Peoples
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Anthropology: A detailed examination of selected contemporary problems.
Offered by: Anthropology
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
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ANTH 437
Historical Archaeology
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Anthropology: Theory and methods of historical archaeology with a focus when possible on East Asia.
Offered by: Anthropology
- Prerequisites: One 200-level course from both EAST and ANTH or permission of instructor
- Restrictions: U3 ANTH or EAST students only or permission of instructor. Not open to students who have taken or are taking EAST 437.
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
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ANTH 438
Topics in Medical Anthropology
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Anthropology: Conceptions of health and illness and the form and meaning that illness take are reflections of a particular social and cultural context. Examination of the metaphoric use of the body, comparative approaches to healing, and the relationship of healing systems to the political and economic order and to development.
Offered by: Anthropology
- Fall
- Prerequisite(s): ANTH 227 and Honours/Major/Minor status in Anthropology or Minor Concentration in Social Studies of Medicine or permission of instructor.
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
Fall 2020 ANTH 438 Syllabus |
ANTH 440
Cognitive Anthropology
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Anthropology: The problem of knowledge; the nature of perception; the concept of mind; the relation between thought and language. The concept of meaning: communication, interpretation and symbolism. Social aspects of cognition; ideology.
Offered by: Anthropology
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
Fall 2020 ANTH 440 Syllabus |
ANTH 443
Course not available
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ANTH 450
Archaeology of Landscape
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Anthropology: This course investigates the application of landscape, together with other spatial concepts and a range of spatial analytical techniques in archaeological practice. We will interrogate the application of a range of theoretical approaches (phenomenological, semiotic, socio-evolutionary, socio-historical), and analytical techniques (regional survey, distributional mapping, spatial graphing, remote sensing, GIS) to archaeological investigations of past landscapes with particular attention to epistemological issues that articulate research problems with appropriate scales and strategies for analyzing and interpreting data. We will explore how a range of social practices produced multi-scalar landscapes, and how the active materiality of landscapes recursively created, maintained and contested social relations.
Offered by: Anthropology
- Prerequisite(s): ANTH 357 and ANTH 359.
- Restriction(s): Open only to students who have earned a minimum of B- in the prerequisite course(s).
Winter 2021 ANTH450 Syllabus |
ANTH 451
Res in Society & Dev in Africa
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Anthropology: Instruction focuses on three goals: 1) existing research in selected core thematic areas, 2) participating in interdisciplinary team research, 3) developing powers of observation and independent inquiry. Students will be expected to develop research activities and interdisciplinary perspectives, and to become conversant with advances in local research in their field.
Offered by: Anthropology
- Winter
- Prerequisite: Open to U2 or later students in the AFSS.
- Corequisite: NRSC 452.
- Restriction: Open only to AFSS students during the year of participation in the field. Not open to students who have taken GEOG 451.
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
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ANTH 458
Archaeology of the Silk Roads
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Anthropology: Comparative study of the material and visual culture of the Silk Roads, from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages, ca. 1200 CE. Focus will be on China, Mongolia and the Central Asian states. Concepts of ethnicity, interaction, and development of social complexity.
Offered by: Anthropology
- Prerequisites: two 200-level courses: one Anthropology and the other focusing on East Asia
- Restrictions: U3 Anthropology or East Asian Studies students only or permission of instructor. Not open to students who have taken or are taking EAST 458.
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
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ANTH 460
Course not available
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ANTH 461
Course not available
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ANTH 480
Special Topic 5
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Anthropology: Supervised reading in advanced special topics under direction of a member of staff.
Offered by: Anthropology
- Prerequisite: Completion of all available courses relevant to the topic and consent of the instructor
- Terms
- Instructors
- Samuele Collu
- S茅gol猫ne Guinard
Winter 2021 ANTH480 Syllabus |
ANTH 481
Special Topic 6
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Anthropology: Supervised reading in advanced special topics under direction of a member of staff.
Offered by: Anthropology
- Prerequisite: Completion of all available courses relevant to the topic and consent of the instructor
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ANTH 490
Honours Thesis
6 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Anthropology: Supervised reading and preparation of a research report under the direction of a member of staff.
Offered by: Anthropology
- Fall or Winter Term
- Prerequisites: U3 Honours status and permission of instructor
- Terms
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
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ANTH 491
Joint Honours Thesis
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Anthropology: Supervised reading and preparation of a 3 credit honours thesis under the direction of a member of staff.
Offered by: Anthropology
- Fall / Winter
- Prerequisites: U3 Honours status and permission of instructor
- Terms
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
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ANTH 490D1
Honours Thesis
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Anthropology: Supervised reading and preparation of a research report under the direction of a member of staff.
Offered by: Anthropology
- Terms
- Instructors
- Setrag Manoukian, Nicole C Couture, Todd E Meyers, Sahar Sadjadi, Alyssa Bader
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ANTH 490D2
Honours Thesis
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Anthropology: see ANTH 490D1.
Offered by: Anthropology
- Terms
- Instructors
- Todd E Meyers, Nicole C Couture, Setrag Manoukian, Sahar Sadjadi, Alyssa Bader
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ANTH 499
Internship: Anthropology
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Anthropology: Internship with an approved host institution or organization.
Offered by: Anthropology
- Fall and Winter
- Prerequisite: Permission of the departmental Internship Advisor.
- Restriction: Open to U2 and U3 students normally after completing 30 credits of a 90 credit degree program or 45 credits of a 69-120 credit program, a minimum CGPA of 2.7, and permission of the departmental Internship Advisor. This course will normally not fulfill program requirements for seminar or 400- level courses.
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