Fast Track to Ph.D.


Upon recommendation by the program and approval by Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS), academically promising students registered in Master's programs may proceed directly to Doctoral studies without completing the full requirements for the Master's degree. If approved for fast-tracking, the student will enter the doctoral program at the PhD2 level.

It should be emphasized that fast-tracking represents a serious long-term commitment by both student and supervisor. To obtain recommendation to transfer to the PhD Program, the student's Advisory Committee must be satisfied that the student has an adequate understanding of the scope of their project and sufficient knowledge of background material.

Eligibility Criteria:
  1. According to GPS' Fast Tracking Procedures, the applicant must have completed a minimum of 2 full-time terms in the Master's program, up to a maximum of 4 full-time terms, according to the requirements of the academic unit, and has maintained a CGPA of 3.5 or higher throughout their M.Sc. studies.聽

  2. The student has received favourable assessment from their Advisory Committee at their second annual Advisory Committee Meeting. The decision to promote a student will be based on the evaluation criteria listed below. Please see MSc Advisory Committee Guidelines for more information.

Evaluation Criteria:
  • Reasonable amount of data was presented
  • Demonstrated ability to carry out research
  • Demonstrated ability to organize results
  • Demonstrated familiarity with previous work in the field
  • Differentiated their own data from the laboratory data
  • Demonstrated ability to present their data in an organized, clear and understandable fashion.
  • Demonstrated ability to interpret data
  • Demonstrated ability to discuss them in respect to the literature.
  • Demonstrated ability to answer questions relating to their research in an appropriate manner.
  • Presented a solid PhD project
  • The student must contact the Graduate Program Coordinator (GPC) to declare their intention to transfer into the PhD program and to verify that the above criteria have been met.
  • IMPORTANT: Do not apply to fast-track until you have contacted the GPC, as a profile must be created on the admissions system specifically for fast-track applications in order for supporting documentation to be waived.
  • Once the GPC notifies the student via e-mail that the profile has been created, the student can complete the online application.
  • Once the application has been approved, the student will enter the doctoral program at the PhD2 level and must complete the PhD Program requirements.

Please note that there are no exceptions to the application deadlines above, so it is important that students contact the GPC as early as possible.

Term of Admission International students Canadian/Permanent Resident students


October 1

April 1


January 15

June 1


August 1

November 1
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