
Richard G. Shearmur

Richard G. Shearmur
Contact Information
Email address: 
richard.shearmur [at] mcgill.ca

Ph.D., Université de Montréal

M.U.P., ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ University

B.A, Cambridge University

Ph.D. dissertation
Employment growth in the Canadian Urban System 1971-1994: Factors and Policies



Born in England, I grew up in France, only living in England during my undergraduate studies. After beginning life as a real-estate consultant (chartered surveyor) in Europe in the late 1980s, I landed in Canada in the mid-90s intending to undertake a professional planning degree then sail off into the North-American consulting world. I ended up obtaining an MUP from ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ, a PhD in Economic Geography from Université de Montréal, and working for INRS-Urbanisation Culture et Société from 1998 to 2013, at which point I joined ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ's School of Urban Planning.

My research basically sets out to understand where economic activities locate. This simple question becomes more complicated as soon as the terms 'economic', 'activity' and 'location' are examined. If 'economic' refers to the creation and distribution of goods and services, then almost all human activity is economic in some sense. If 'activity' refers to processes such as manufacturing, service production, innovation, creation (undertaken by mobile people, by organizations that may not have a physical location, and by networks joining these entities together) then the concept of 'location' becomes somewhat complex.

What does the 'location' of an 'activity' - especially a process or a network - mean? How can it be conceptualized? How can it be measured? What can (and can't) it tell us, especially for policy and planning? I have examined these questions at various scales - from the neighbourhood to the regional and national levels -, and for actors both in the private (employees; small and medium sized companies) and public (municipalities) spheres.Ìý

Otherwise, I cycle becauseÌýI like tinkering with bikes, I like eating, and I like riding them.


Né en Angleterre, j'ai grandi en France, ne retournant en Angleterre que pour mes études de licence. Après mes débuts Européens, vers la fin des années 1980, en conseil immobilier (chartered surveyor), j'atterris au Canada au milieu des années 1990 dans l'intention d'obtenir un diplôme professionnel en aménagement, puis d'intégrer le long fleuve tranquille de la consultation Nord-Américaine. Finalement, j'ai obtenu une maîtrise en urbanisme à ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ, un doctorat en économie géographique à l'Université de Montréal, et - de 1998 à 2013 - une première moitié de carrière à l'INRS Urbanisation Culture et Société, que j'ai quitté en 2013 pour joindre l'École d'Urbanisme de ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ.

Ma recherche vise à comprendre où se localisent les activités économiques. Cette question simple devient plus complexe lorsqu'on problématise les termes 'économique', 'activité' et 'localisation'. Si 'économique' se réfère à la création et à la distribution de biens et services, alors presque toute activité humaine en comporte des éléments. Si 'activité" se réfère aux processus de manufacture, de production de services, d'innovation et de création (effectués par des agents mobiles, par des organisations qui n'ont peut-être pas de localisation propre, et au sein de réseaux qui lient ces entités) alors le concept de 'localisation' devient plus difficile à cerner.

Que signifie donc la 'localisation' d'une 'activité' - surtout d'un processus ou d'un réseau? Comment peut-on la conceptualiser? Comment la mesurer? Que peut-elle (ou ne peut-elle pas) nous apprendre, notamment pour l'aménagement et les politiques? J'examine ces questions à des échelles variées - du quartier aux échelles régionales et nationales -, ainsi que pour des acteurs privés (travailleurs, petites et moyennes entreprises) et publics (municipalités).

Sinon, je fais du vélo parceque j'aime bien bricoler, manger, et me déplacer avec.

Areas of interest: 

Cities, peripheries, and firm-level innovation.ÌýI have been conducting research on where innovation takes place, how firms interact with their local and more distant environments in order to innovate, and what consequences firm-level innovation has on the local economy. Recent work has focussed on how innovative agents can move between locations - both geographic locations but also locations within various social and economic networks.

Innovative municipalities. Municipalities, small entities which have little control over their external environments – like SMEs – are faced with practical problems linked to their management of infrastructure, waste and local services. They often introduce innovative solutions to these problems. Municipal innovation has a number of particularities (relative to private-sector innovation) linked with the nature of public-sector entrepreneurship, non-financial motivation, politics of evaluation and cooperative diffusion.Ìý

Urban and regional development.ÌýMuch of my work has been on urban and regional economic development, particularly the development of smaller towns and rural areas in Canada, and the intra-metropolitan development of large cities. These two seemingly disparate areas of interest are connected because there is no actual separation between urban and rural processes.

Measurement, data and knowledge. Questions of method, of measurement, and of how we acquire knowledge have become increasingly important. An example of this is the strong normative connotation of ‘innovation’, and the belief that encouraging it locally will lead to local development. In order to explore this one must first understand how measurement and data have been marshalled to create this apparent knowledge.

Real estate.ÌýI teach a course on real-estate and planning, which keeps me on my toes.

Futures and cities:Ìý I have started examining futures thinking, and its applications in urban planning, more closely. I am currently preparing a course on the topic.


Areas of expertise: 

Economic geography, Urban geography, Regional Development, Geography of Innovation

Current research: 

My current research focuses on i) the geography of innovation, with particular emphasis on the interplay between innovation in peripheral and in more central locations; ii) the geography of paid work, in a world where individuals move around and perform there paid activities from multiple places; iii) and on innovation in municipal organizations, thinking through how innovation can be conceptualized and evaluated in non-market situations. My interest in innovation has also led me to consider how futures and future thinking can/does feed into planning practice, a topic upon which I am preparing a new course.

Pragmatically, this research feeds into policy questions related to regional development, to the evolution of offices and buildings, to manufacturing and retail in cities, and to attempts to ignite or reignite neighbourhood economies (including downtown) post-Covid. It also feeds into my continued interest in real-estate.


URBP 555 Real estate and planning; URBP 624 Studio 3; URBP 640 Introduction to statistics; URBP 644 Multivariate analysis; coming soon: Futures, cities and planning

Selected publications: 


Shearmur, R., 2024,Ìý,ÌýCities, 153, 105303

Ananian, P., Borde, M-A., Lachapelle, U., Scherrer-Paulhiac, F., Shearmur, R., et Tremblay, D-G, and Rodrigue, T., 2024. Geoforum, 152, 104016

St.Pierre, L-A, Doloreux, D, Shearmur, R. et Frigon, A., 2024, Le quartier : Soutien et générateur des interactions sociales pour l'innovation? Canadian Geographies / Géographies canadiennes,

Doloreux, D., Shearmur, R. and Garneau, F., 2024, Geographical Review, 114:1, 1-30

Seker, M., R.Shearmur & Beaudet, G., 2024, , Urban Affairs Review


Gluckler, J., R.Shearmur & K.Martinus, 2023, Liability or Opportunity? Reconceptualizing the periphery and its role in innovation, Journal of Economic Geography, 23 (1), 231-249,

Doloreux, D. and R.Shearmur, 2023, Does location matter? STI and DUI innovation modes in different geographic settings, Technovation,

Shearmur, R., Doloreux, D. et Kristensen, I., 2023, Le Géographe Canadien / Canadian Geographer, 484-498

Kristensen, I., R.Shearmur and D.Doloreux, 2023, , Canadian Public Policy, 66.3, 285-302

Doloreux, D., Shearmur, R., Suire, R. et Berthinier-Poncet, A., 2023, Creativity and innovation management, 32.1, 141-157

Shearmur, R. et Doloreux, D., 2023, , in Gallouj, F., Gallouj, C., Monnoyer, M-C., Rubalcaba, L. (eds), Elgar Encyclopedia of Services, Cheltenham: Elgar, 522-524

Doloreux, D., Shearmur, R. and Baldassarri, G., 2023, in Gallouj, F., Gallouj, C., Monnoyer, M-C., Rubalcaba, L. (eds), Elgar Encyclopedia of Services, Cheltenham: Elgar, 420-423

Doloreux, D., Shearmur, R. et Kristensen, I., 2023, , Journal of Rural Studies, 99, 53-61

Garneau, F., Doloreux, D. and Shearmur, R., 2023, Le Géographe Canadien / Canadian Geographer,


Shearmur, R., Ananian, P., Lachapelle, U., Parra-Lockurst, M., Scherrer-Paulhiac, F. et Tremblay, D-G, and Wycliffe-Jones, A., 2022, , Urban Studies, doi.org/10.1177/00420980211022895

Baumgartinger-Seiringer, S., Doloreux, R.Shearmur & M.Trippl, 2022, , Geoforum, 128, 115-128

Shearmur, R., 2022, in Kong, H. and Monforte, T. (eds) Innovations in Urban Sustainability: Citizens and Participatory Governance, Toronto: University of Toronto press, 65-94

Shearmur, R. and D.Doloreux, 2022, ZFW – Advances in Economic Geography, 66.4, 185-200

Doloreux, D., R.Shearmur & S. Poulin-Houle, 2022, , Le Géographe Canadian / Canadian Geographer, 66.2, 383-395


Shearmur, R., 2021, , Urban Studies ,

Shearmur, R. and D.Doloreux, 2021, , Regional Studies,

Pajevic, F. and R.Shearmur, 2021, in Mariotti, I., Di Vita, S. and Akhavan, M. (eds) New Workplaces – Location Patterns, Urban effects and Development Trajectories, Cham: Springer, 233-250

Doloreux, D., Rodriguez, M. and R.Shearmur, 2021, International Journal of Technology Management, 85.1, 78-93

Shearmur, R., Parra-Lockurst, M. and Wycliffe-Jones, A., 2021, . in Doucet, B., Filion, P. and van Melik, R. (eds) , Bristol: Policy Press, 15-24


Stevens, L. and R.Shearmur, 2020, Geoforum, 111, 155-164

Putri, D. and R.Shearmur, 2020, The Canadian Geographer 64.4, 602-618

Shearmur, R., 2020, , in. M.Moos, D.Pfeiffer and T.Vinodrai (eds) , Oxford University Press

Frigon, A., D.Doloreux and R.Shearmur, 2020, Drivers of eco-innovation and conventional innovation in the Canadian wine industry, Journal of Cleaner Production, 275,

Makkonen, T., Gretzinger, S., Hjaltadottir, R, Lorentzen, A., and Shearmur, R., 2020, Innovation in peripheries and borderlands (editorial), Journal of Rural Studies, doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2020.06.030

Shearmur, R. 2020, Remote work: Employers are taking over our living spaces and passing on costs, The Conversation. June 2016,

Shearmur, R., 2020, A personal perspective on Mario Polèse’s research in regional science, Canadian Journal of Regional Science, 42.1, 6-10

Doloreux, D., R.Shearmur, Porto, I. and J.Zabala, 2020, , Growth and Change, doi.org/10.1111/grow.12385

Shearmur, R., 2020, Covid-19's effect on work is a shift, not a major revolution, Policy Options. 21st May 2020.


Shearmur, R. and D.Doloreux, 2019, KIBS as Both Innovators and Knowledge Intermediaries in the Innovation Process: Intermediation as a Contingent Role, Papers in Regional Science, DOI:10.1111/pirs.12354

Meili, R. and R.Shearmur, 2019, Diverse diversities – Open innovation in small towns and rural areas, Growth and Change, 50.2, 492-514

Doloreux, D. & R.Shearmur, 2019, Moving Clusters to the next level: Canada's ocean Supercluster, Marine Policy, 98, 33-36

Doloreux, D., R.Shearmur and A.van Asche, 2019, Combined innovation and export strategies of KIBS in different regional settings, Industry & Innovation,

Shearmur, R., M.Charron and F.Pajevic, 2019, Pourquoi seulement les villes sont-elles qualifiées d’intelligentes? Un vocabulaire du biais urbain, Canadian Geographer, DOI:10.1111/cag.12573

Shearmur, R., 2019, L'innovation municipale: L'entrepreneuriat dans l'administration Publique locale, in Brady, J-P. (ed), Introduction à la vie politique municipal Québécoise, Québec: Presses de l'Université Laval, 93-118

Shearmur, R., 2019, Why We Should Stop Conflating Cities With Innovation and Creativity, Citylab, 2nd December 2019,

Shearmur, R. and D.Wachsmuth, 2019, Urban Technology : the Rise of the ‘Innovation Machine’, Plan Canada, 59.1, 175-179

Charron, M., R.Shearmur et G.Beauchemin, 2019, Données Massives et Sciences du Territoire, Canadian Journal of Regional Science, 41.1/3, 15-25


Doloreux, D., R.Shearmur and M.Rodriguez, 2018, Internal R&D and External Information in Knowledge-Intensive Business Service Innovation: Complementary, Substitutable or Independent?, Technological and Economic Development of Economy,

Shearmur, R., 2018, La dissolution du territoire: la métropole comme machine économique efficace? in Pecqueur, B. et F.Nadou (eds.) Dynamiques Territoriales et Mutations Économiques, Paris: L'Harmattan, 65-78

Shearmur, R., 2018, The Millennial Urban Space-Economy: Dissolving Workplaces and the De-localization of Economic Value-Creation, in Moos, M., D. Pfeiffer and T. Vinodrai (eds) Millennial City, London: Routledge, 65-80

Terral, L., R.Shearmur and M.Polèse, 2018, Le tournant "métropolitain" à l'épreuve des facteurs de développement territoriaux, in Charles, E. and E.Thouément (eds), La métropolisation: une opportunité pour le développement des territoires?, Paris: l'Harmattan, 73-100


Pajevic, F. and R.Shearmur, 2017, Catch Me if You Can: Big Data and Workplace Mobility, Journal of Urban Technology , DOI: 10.1080/10630732.2017.1334855

Shearmur, R, 2017, Urban Bias in Innovation Studies, in Bathelt, H., P.Cohendet, S.Henn and L.Simon (eds), The Elgar Companion to Innovation and Knowledge Creation: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (Chapter 27)

Rodriguez, M., Doloreux, D., and R.Shearmur, 2017, Variety in external knowledge sourcing and innovation novelty: Evidence from the KIBS sector in Spain, Technovation,

Shearmur, R., 2017, The Elephant in the Room: Travel Bans, Neoliberalism and Editing Urban Geography, Urban Geography, 38.7, 955-957 (editorial)

Shearmur, R., 2017, Le QI de Montréal: Quartier de l'Innovation ou Quartier Imaginaire?, in Klein, J-L and R.Shearmur (eds), Montréal: La Cité des Cités, Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec, 209-228


Shearmur, R., C.Carrincazeaux and D.Doloreux (eds), forthcoming Autumn 2016, Handbook on the Geographies of Innovations, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar

Shearmur, R. and V.Poirier, 2016, Conceptualizing Nonmarket Municipal Entrepreneurship: Everyday Municipal Innovation and the Roles of Metropolitan Context, Internal Resources, and Learning, Urban Affairs Review, DOI: 10.1177/1078087416636482

Shearmur, R. and D.Doloreux, 2016, How open innovation processes vary between urban and remote environments: slow innovators, market-sourced information and frequency of interaction, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, DOI: 10.1080/08985626.2016.1154984

Doloreux, D. and R.Shearmur, 2016, Does the Geographic Distribution of Knowledge Intensive Business Services Affect the Use of Services for Innovation? Empirical Evidence from Quebec KIBS Manufacturers, in Ferreira, J., M.Raposo, C.Fernandes and M.Desjardins (eds),ÌýKnowledge Intensive Business Services and Regional Competitiveness, London: Routledge

Doloreux, D., R.Shearmur and M.Rodriguez, 2016, Determinants of R&D in knowledge-intensive business services firms,ÌýEconomics of Innovation and New Technology, DOI: 10.1080/10438599.2015.1067001


Shearmur,R., 2015, Far from the Madding Crowd: Slow Innovators, Information Value and the Geography of Innovation, Growth & Change, 46.2, 424-442

Shearmur, R. and D.Doloreux, 2015, Central places or networks? Paradigms, metaphors, and spatial configurations of innovation-related service use, Environment and Planning A, 47, 1521-39

Shearmur, R., 2015, Dazzled by Data: Big Data, the Census and Urban Geography (editorial), Urban Geography, 36.7, 965-968

Shearmur, R. and D.Doloreux, 2015, KIBS use and innovation: high-order services, geographic hierarchies and internet use in Quebec’s manufacturing sector, Regional Studies, 49.10, 1654-71

Shearmur, R., D.Doloreux and A.Lapierre, 2015, Is the degree of Internationalisation Associated with the use of Knowledge Intensive Services or with Innovation? International Business Review, 24.3, 457-465

Shearmur, R., C.Garrocho, J.Alvaraz & T.Chavez, 2015, Hacia una geografia de las actividades economicas en la Ciudad de Mexico: métodos, conceptos, cultura et subjetividad, inÌýGeografia aplicada en Iberamerica: Avances, restos y perspectivas, editied by C.Garrocho and G.Buzai, Toluca: El Colegio Mexiquense, 431-73

Rodriguez, M., D.Doloreux and R.Shearmur, 2015, Innovation strategies, innovator types and openness: A study of KIBS firms in Spain,ÌýService Business,ÌýDOI 10.1007/s11628-015-0286-x

Doloreux, D. R.Shearmur and R.Guillaume, 2015, Collaboration, (transferable and non-transferable) knowledge and innovation: a study of cool climate wine industry (Canada),ÌýGrowth & Change, 46.1, 16-37

Ding, X., W.Zhong, R.Shearmur, Z.Zhang and D.Huisingh, 2015, An inclusive model for assessing the sustainability of cities in developing countries ‘Trinity of Cities' Sustainability from Spatial, Logical and Time Dimensions (TCS-SLTD),ÌýJournal of Cleaner Production, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.06.140

Shearmur, R., 2015, Strategic Role in Development,ÌýThe International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology, New York: Wiley and AAG: Washington DC (forthcoming)


Polèse, M., R.Shearmur et L.Terral, 2014, La France Avantagée : Paris et la Nouvelle Économie des Régions, Paris : Odile Jacob

Poulin, P-O. and R.Shearmur, 2014, Quartiers durables et pôles d’emploi : vers des navettes plus courtes et moins polluantes? Une analyse de Montréal, 1998-2008,ÌýCahiers de Géographie du Québec,Ìý58.163, 59-91 (appeared in 2015)

Bonnet-Gravois, N., and R.Shearmur, 2014, Quel rôle réel pour les réseaux de firmes dans l’innovation locale? Une analyse des bassins d’emplois canadiens durant la période 1997-2005,ÌýRevue d’Économie Régionale et Urbaine, 2014.1, 121-54

Plassard, M. and R.Shearmur, 2014, SFIC et innovation : Les dynamiques géographiques de l’innovation à Québec, Canadian Geographer, 58.2, 244-262

Shearmur, R., 2014, Diplômes et croissance économiques: quelques chainons manquants, in Vultur, M. (ed)ÌýLa surqualification au Québec et au Canada, QuébecÌý: Presses de l’Université Laval, pp245-272

Aubin-Beaulieu, J., M-S.Cloutier et R.Shearmur, 2014, Accessibilité à des Opportunités d’Emploi pour les Populations DéfavoriséesÌý: Quel est le Portrait pour Montréal, Laval et Longueil?,ÌýCanadian Journal of Regional Science, 36.1, 1-12Ìý


Shearmur, R., 2013, What is an Urban Structure? in Garrocho, C. (ed),ÌýAdvances in Commercial Geography, Toluca: El Colegio Mexiquense, 95-142

Shearmur, R., 2013, Le triomphe des métropoles? Et si l’innovation métropolitaine n’était qu’un mythe?, in Klein, J-L. et R.Guillaume (eds),ÌýVers une nouvelle géographie économique, QuébecÌý: Presses de l’Université du Québec, 93-126

Shearmur, R., 2013, Étudier la Géographie de l’Innovation: Pourquoi, Comment et Perspectives,ÌýCompendium d’indicateurs de l’activité scientifique et technologique au QuébecÌý: Edition 2013, QuébecÌý: Institut de la statistique du Québec, 31-50

Doloreux, D. and R.Shearmur 2013, Innovation Strategies: Are Knowledge Intensive Business Services Just Another Source of Information?ÌýIndustry and Innovation, 20.8, 719-738

Shearmur, R., 2013, Que reste-t-il de la classe créative?,ÌýNouveau projet, 2013.3

Shearmur, R. and D.Doloreux, 2013, Innovation and KIBS: The Contribution of KIBS to Innovation in Manufacturing Establishments,ÌýEconomics of Innovation and New Technology, 22:8, 751-774, DOI:10.1080/10438599.2013.786581

Shearmur, R, L.Terral and M.Polèse, 2013, La géographie de la croissance d’emploi en France à l’aune de processus Nord-Américains: vers une théorisation du contexte,ÌýCybergeo, article 631,Ìý


Shearmur R., 2012, Are cities the font of innovation? A critical review of the literature on cities and innovation, Cities, 29.2, S9-S18

Shearmur, R., 2012, The geography of intra-metropolitan KIBS innovation: distinguishing agglomeration economies from innovation dynamics, Urban Studies, 49.11, 2331-56 , doi: 10.1177/0042098011431281

Doloreux, D. and R.Shearmur, 2012, Collaboration, Information and the Geography of Innovation in Knowledge Intensive Business Services, Journal of Economic Geography, 12.1, 79-105

Shearmur, R., 2012, Producer Services, in Warf, B. (ed),ÌýOxford Bibliographies in GeographyÌýNew York: Oxford University Press,Ìý

Chenard, P. and R.Shearmur, 2012, Immigration, Attraction or Retention? Some Determinants of Local Human Capital change in Canada,ÌýCanadian Journal of Urban Research, 21.1, 79-108

Doloreux, D. and R.Shearmur, 2012, How much does KIBS Contribute to R&D Activities of Manufacturing Firms?,ÌýEconomia Politica, 29.3, 319-42

Shearmur, R., 2012, Montréal 1950-2010Ìý: la métamorphose de l’économie spatiale, Fougères, D. (ed),ÌýHistoire de Montréal et de sa Région, QuébecÌý: Presses de l’Université Laval, 1005-38

Shearmur, R., 2012, La Géographie des Comportements d’Innovation au Québec,ÌýRevue d’Économie Régionale et Urbaine, 2012.4, 623-48

Shearmur, R., 2012, Le passé au présentÌý: structures et institutions de l’économie de l’agglomération Montréal, in Gillio, N. et E.Rallet,ÌýComprendre l’économie des territoires, LyonÌý: Certu, collection Références 126, 156-165

Shearmur, R., 2012, Not being there: why local innovation is not (always) related to local factors, in Westeren, K. (ed),ÌýFoundations of the Knowledge Economy: Innovation, Learning and Clusters, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 117-139

Doloreux, D., R.Guillaume and R.Shearmur, 2011, Production et diffusion de l’innovation dans les régions satellites: l’exemple du Québec,ÌýRevue d’Économie Régionale et Urbaine, 2011/5, doiÌý:Ìý.

Motte-Baumvol, B., Belton-Chevalier, L. and R.Shearmur, 2011, Differences de genre et formes de dépendances des conjoints biactifs dans l’accompagnement des enfants,ÌýGéographie, Économie et Société, 13.2, 189-206


Shearmur, R., 2011, Innovation, Regions and Proximity: From Neo-regionalism to Spatial Analysis, Regional Studies, 45.9, 1225-44

Shearmur, R. and N.Bonnet, 2011, Does Local Technological Innovation Lead to Local Development?, Regional Science Policy and Practice, 3.3, 250-70

Bourne, L., T.Hutton, R.Shearmur and J.Simmons (eds), 2011,ÌýCanadian Urban Regions: Trajectories of Growth and Change, Oxford: Oxford University Press

Shearmur, R. and T.Hutton, 2011, Canada’s Changing City Regions: The Expanding Metropolis, in Bourne, L., T.Hutton, R.Shearmur and J.Simmons (eds), 2011,ÌýCanadian Urban Regions: Trajectories of Growth and Change, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 99-124

Shearmur, R. and N.Rantisi, 2011, Montreal: Rising Again from the Same Ashes, in Bourne, L., T.Hutton, R.Shearmur and J.Simmons (eds), 2011,ÌýCanadian Urban Regions: Trajectories of Growth and Change, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 173-201

Shearmur, R., 2011, Innovation et développement territorial: L’innovation comme processus (presque) a-territorial,ÌýBulletin des Sciences Géographiques de Liège, 55, 17-27

Selected talks and presentations: 

Shearmur, R. and D.Doloreux, 2024, Scaling-up and Moving On: Do Innovative SMEs Leave Peripheral Regions? GeoInno 2024, Manchester, 11th January 2024

Gluckler, J., D.Gutierrez, K.Martinus, R.Shearmur, 2024, Peripheral Positions in Global Innovation Networks and Places, GeoInno 2024, Manchester, 11th January 2024

Doloreux, D., R.Shearmur, and L-A.St.Pierre, 2024, The Micro-geography of STI and DUI Interaction Modes, GeoInno 2024, Manchester, 12th January 2024

Matsiuk, N., D.Doloreux and R.Shearmur, 2024, Micro Geography of Innovation in the Urban Setting: The Role of Neighbourhood and Local Knowledge Exchange, GeoInno 2024, Manchester, 11th January 2024

Doloreux, D., Dubé, J., Shearmur, R. et Cardenas-Morales, D.-A. (2023). The City and KIBS Clusters : A Micro-geographic Analysis for Montréal (Canada), 16th International Conference on Computational Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics), Berlin, Germany, 15-17 décembre.

Shearmur, R., 2023, New Ways to Work, public panel discussion organized by Harris Centre, Memorial University, NL, 22nd November 2023 (chair)

Shearmur, R., 2023, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policies: Some thoughts after beginning to apply them, Annual Meeting of Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Professional Planners, 8th November 2023, (keynote speaker)

Shearmur, R., 2023 "Why Newfoundland ?" A response to family, friends and colleagues, Atlantic Canada, Canadian Association of Geographers, 2nd November 2023, (keynote speaker)

Shearmur, R., 2023, Can we locate innovation? (or do we just observe the places which benefit from it), Innovation workshop, HEC Montréal, 5-6 October, 2023 (invited)

Shearmur, R., 2023, Industrie et innovation en région périphérique et rurale, HEC Montréal, le 3 octobre 2023 (lecture)

Shearmur, R. 2023, Innovation and local development: do innovators scale-up locally? Memorial University, Department of Geography, 29th Sept 2023 (invited)

Shearmur, R. 2023, Lieux d'emploi atypiques. Une révolution?, Congrès de l'ACFAS, 10 Mai 2023, Montréal

Shearmur, R., 2023, L’aménagement et l'urbanisme au Québec. Une brève introduction pratique, Congrès des Sociétés de Dévelopement Commercial du Québec, 28 avril 2023, Montréal (keynote speaker)

Shearmur, R., 2023, From location to locations? Towards a new location theory for economic activities, University of Hong Kong, Dept. of Urban Planning, 21st March 2023 (invited)

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