Congrats to TIE lab members on presenting their research at SCAPPS 2019
Oct 17-19, 2019, the Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS) annual conference was heldin Vancouver, British Columbia. TIE lab members presented their work at the conference and enjoyed the time there. Shannonand Laurahad great oral presentations. Natasha, Emilie, and Zhiyang all did a great jobpresentingtheirown posters. TIE lab undergradstudents, Kailaand Meaghan, had amazing poster presentations as well.
Dr. Shane Sweet gave a talk on the SSHRC research program at the Jewish Rehabilitation Hospital
October 2nd, 2019, TIE lab directorDr. Shane Sweet gave a talk on the SSHRC Spinal Cord Injury Peer Mentorship Research Program at the Jewish Rehabilitation Hospital (JRH), Laval. Hetalkedabout the workhis team has done and exchanged ideas with the hospital stafffrom the JRH.
Congrats to TIE lab member François Jarry presented at the SSHRC Storytellers contest
June 3rd,TIE lab member Françoiswent to Vancouver to present hisresearch project at the 2019 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences as one of the Top 25 finalists in the Storytellers contest. Click here to see his excellent performance.
Dr. Shane Sweet and TIE lab students presented their research at Congrès québécois de recherche en adaptation-réadaptation
May 16-17, 2019, the 3rd Quebec Congress in Adaptation-Rehabilitation Research was heldat the Centre Mont-Royal, in Montreal, Quebec. Dr. Shane Sweet presented his research titled "Impact of joining an adapted physical activity program on participation in daily and social activities and social isolation“. TIE lab studentsKaila, François, and Zhiyang presented their research posters at this conference too.
TIE lab member Emilie Michalovic presented her research poster at Canadian Respiratory Conference
April 11-13, 2019,the 12th AnnualCanadian Respiratory Conference was hostedinOttawa, Ontario. TIE lab memberEmilie presented her research poster titled "Perceived difficulty and confidence of participation in movement-related activities for individuals living with COPD" at this conference.
Good job, Emilie!
Congrats to Emilie, Jeff, and Shane on publishing a chapter in the book Psychological Aspects of Sport-Related Concussions
Dr. Shane Sweet, Dr.
TIE lab member François Jarry made the 25 finalists for SSHRC annual research communication challenge
TIE lab memberFrançois Jarry has been selected as one of the 25 finalists of SSHRC 2019 Storytellers challenge. SSHRC’s annual Storytellers contest highlights how knowledge about the social sciences and humanities helps Canadians understand and improve the world.
Congrats to TIE lab alumni Keryn Chemtob on publishing her Master's thesis
Congrats to TIE lab alumni Keryn Chemtob on publishing her Master's thesis "Using tele-health to enhance motivation, leisure time physical activity, and quality of life in adults with spinal cord injury: A self-determination theory-based pilot randomized control trial" onPsychology of Sport and Exercise.
TIE Lab member Emilie Michalovic published her publication on Disability and Health Journal
Congrats to TIE Lab member Emilie Michalovic on her publication entitled"Motivation and participation in daily and social activities among adults with spinal cord injury: Applying self-determination theory".
TIE lab members presented their research at ECSEPS 2019
March 22-23, 2019, the 23rd Annual Eastern Canada Sport and Exercise Psychology Symposium (ECSEPS) regional conferencewas heldin Vaughan, Ontario. TIE lab members presented their research and enjoyed their time there.Bradley, François, Laura, Emilie, Shannon, Natasha, Erin, and Zhiyang did a great job presenting theirresearch. Undergraduate students, Matthew, Mana, andKaila also presented theirresearchin great fashion.
TIE lab Master's student François Jarry on his running motivation-Le Journal de Montréal
TIE lab member François Jarry was featured in the Journal de Montréal regarding that he received the Quebec road athlete of the year award from the Quebec Athletics Federation. The article talks about his preparation for future races (potentially 2024 Paris Olympics) and his motivation to keep running! Click here toread the featured article by the Journal de Montréal.
Dr. Shane Sweet discusses his research for Institute of Human Development and Well-Being’s video series.
Dr. Shane Sweet discusses his research on well-being and specifically on spinal cord injury peer mentorship for ϲ University’s Institute of Human Development and Well-Being’s video series entitled: Well-Being: What a Concept!
Click here to see the video.
TIE lab members presented their research at SCAPPS 2018
Oct 18-20, 2018, the Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS) annual conference was heldin Toronto, Ontario. TIE lab members showed up as a cohesive crew and enjoyed their time at theconference. Shannonand Meredithboth had amazingoral presentations. Bradley, Laura, François, Emilie, and Zhiyang all presented theirown posters. New graduate students, Erin and Natasha, obtained growth from attending theconference.
TIE lab member Meredith Rocchi published an article in Moelle Epinière et Motricité’s ParaQuad Magazine
TIE lab member Meredith Rocchi's article titled "Utiliser la télésanté pour améliorer la motivation, l'activité physique et la qualité de vie chez les adultes souffrant d'une lésion de la moelle épinière" was published in Paraquad Magazine. Paraquad magazine was created in June 1976 and has become over the years an invaluable link between Moelle épinière et motricité Québec (MEMO-Qc) and its members and partners.
TIE lab member François Jarry on his Montreal Marathon Experience - Journal de Montréal
TIE lab Master's student François Jarry was featured in the Journal de Montréal regarding his 6th place finish at the Montreal Marathon on September 23rd 2018. François was the fastest Quebecerof the race finishing with a time of 2:22.03. The article talks about his experience with the race and his plans for the future!