
Maryam Wagner (PhD)

Academic title(s): 
  • Associate Professor of Health Sciences Education   
  • Program lead for the Assessment and Evaluation Unit 
Maryam Wagner (PhD)
Contact Information
Email address: 
maryam.wagner [at] mcgill.ca
Surgical and Interventional Sciences

BSc, BEd, MEd, PhD

Graduate supervision: 

Currently supervising students

Currently Recruiting
M.Sc. Students
M.Sc. Non-Thesis projects
Ph.D. Students
Areas of expertise: 

Assessment and Evaluation

Areas of interest: 

Second language learning and assessment in health professions; cognitively diagnostic assessment and feedback; test design and development; relationship between intrapersonal variables and assessment use; and validity


Professor Wagner completed her doctoral studies at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/University of Toronto focusing on students’ use of cognitively diagnostic feedback for advancing writing. Her research is broadly situated in educational assessment. She has participated in a variety of research investigations including tracking medical students’ learning progressions in technology-rich learning environments, a validation study of a language assessment framework, and the development and validation of a multimodal scenario-based assessment system. She was awarded a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Postdoctoral Fellowship which she pursued at Carleton University working on diagnosing and supporting engineering students’ writing. Additionally, Maryam has acquired expertise in a range of research methods and methodologies including mixed methods research design. 

Selected publications: 

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