Dipl么me en entreprenariat (30 unit茅s)

Ceci est la version 2016鈥2017 de l'annuaire 茅lectronique. Veuillez mettre 脿 jour l'ann茅e dans la barre d'adresse de votre navigateur pour une version plus r茅cente de cette page, ou cliquez ici pour consulter l'annuaire la plus r茅cente.

Offered by: D茅veloppement de carri猫re et perfectionnement professionnel     Degree: D-ENTR

Program Requirements

Ce programme d'茅tudes s'adresse aux 茅tudiants qui souhaitent lancer leur propre entreprise. Il permet de bien comprendre toutes les exigences du d茅marrage et de l鈥櫭﹙olution d鈥檜ne entreprise viable. Il s'int茅resse principalement aux besoins particuliers des entrepreneurs d'aujourd'hui, y compris l'adaptation aux circonstances vari茅es d'un monde dans lequel les affaires et les march茅s devenus mondiaux 茅voluent rapidement. Il int猫gre des approches et des activit茅s permettant aux 茅tudiants d'acqu茅rir les outils et les comp茅tences n茅cessaires pour trouver des occasions d'affaires, 茅valuer la capacit茅 entrepreneuriale, d茅velopper un plan d'affaires, financer, structurer et promouvoir l'entreprise, ainsi qu'organiser son volet commercial. Gr芒ce 脿 un curriculum personnalis茅, ce programme convient 脿 tous ceux qui souhaitent apprendre l'essentiel de l'entrepreneuriat avec un personnel enseignant qui a observ茅 des r茅ussites, des 茅checs et des 茅checs suivis de nouvelles r茅ussites.

Nota : les cours associ茅s ne sont pas pris en compte dans les exigences totales du programme en mati猫re d'unit茅s.

Cours associ茅s

  • CMS2 500 Mathematics for Management (3 unit茅s) *

    Offered by: D茅veloppement de carri猫re et perfectionnement professionnel (脡cole d'茅ducation permanente)

    Vue d'ensemble

    Sciences de la gestion (CCE) : Basic mathematics needed for business applications, including graphs of functions, series summation, mathematics of finance, annuity, discounted cash flow, internal rate of return, permutations, combinations, maxima and minima of functions with business applications in optimization, introductory statistics and probability

    Terms: Automne 2016, Hiver 2017, 脡t茅 2017

    Instructors: Golovina, Galina (Fall) Brown, Grant (Winter) Makhmali, Omid (Summer)

    • Prerequisite: CMSC 000

    • Note: "Mathematics for Management" must be completed in the first semester of the Diploma in Management program.

* ou r茅ussite de l'examen d'exemption

Cours obligatoires (27 unit茅s)

  • CACC 520 Accounting for Management (3 unit茅s)

    Offered by: D茅veloppement de carri猫re et perfectionnement professionnel (脡cole d'茅ducation permanente)

    Vue d'ensemble

    Comptabilit茅 : This course covers financial and managerial accounting. The course provides an understanding of the various financial statements as well as cost behaviour, cost/volume/profit relationships, budgets, responsibility accounting and relevant costing.

    Terms: Automne 2016, Hiver 2017, 脡t茅 2017

    Instructors: Cohen, Thierry (Fall) Cohen, Thierry (Winter) Cohen, Thierry (Summer)

  • CCLW 511 Law 1 (3 unit茅s)

    Offered by: D茅veloppement de carri猫re et perfectionnement professionnel (脡cole d'茅ducation permanente)

    Vue d'ensemble

    Droit (CCE) : Sources and administration of law; the Canadian Constitution and the division of powers; the Quebec Civil Code, comprising the law of persons, the law of property, obligations, contracts, sale, lease and hire, mandate, suretyship, hypothecs and prescription.

    Terms: Automne 2016, Hiver 2017, 脡t茅 2017

    Instructors: Sepinwall, Bernard (Fall) Cox, Robert (Winter) Sepinwall, Bernard (Summer)

  • CEC2 532 Business Economics (3 unit茅s)

    Offered by: D茅veloppement de carri猫re et perfectionnement professionnel (脡cole d'茅ducation permanente)

    Vue d'ensemble

    脡conomie (CCE) : Introductory micro and macro economic theory and practice in profit and non-profit organizations from a managerial perspective. Topics include: demand and supply analysis, production costs, firms' pricing and output determination, aggregate demand and supply, national income, output and employment determination, inflation, interest rate, exchange rate determination, fiscal and monetary policies.

    Terms: Automne 2016, Hiver 2017, 脡t茅 2017

    Instructors: Matziorinis, Ken (Fall) Matziorinis, Ken (Winter) Matziorinis, Ken (Summer)

  • CEN2 500 New Venture Formation (3 unit茅s)

    Offered by: D茅veloppement de carri猫re et perfectionnement professionnel (脡cole d'茅ducation permanente)

    Vue d'ensemble

    Entrepreunariat : Essential business acumen required to plan and launch a new venture. The various facets of entrepreneurship dealing with idea generation, valuation techniques, funding, data sources, intellectual property, legalities and business plan development will be explored.

    Terms: Automne 2016, Hiver 2017

    Instructors: McCully, Philip (Fall) McCully, Philip (Winter)

  • CEN2 505 Sales and Negotiation Strategies (3 unit茅s)

    Offered by: D茅veloppement de carri猫re et perfectionnement professionnel (脡cole d'茅ducation permanente)

    Vue d'ensemble

    Entrepreunariat : Identify target customers, crystalize the venture鈥檚 customer value proposition, and develop an effective sales plan. Also, 鈥渨in-win鈥 business negotiation techniques will be reviewed.

    Terms: Hiver 2017

    Instructors: Sacksner, Jeffrey (Winter)

  • CEN2 506 Financing Startups and Ventures (3 unit茅s)

    Offered by: D茅veloppement de carri猫re et perfectionnement professionnel (脡cole d'茅ducation permanente)

    Vue d'ensemble

    Entrepreunariat : Selecting and securing venture financing by evaluating the different sources of equity and debt financing (including Government financial assistance programs). Capital planning, valuation and financing deal structure will also be covered.

    Terms: Automne 2016

    Instructors: Sacksner, Jeffrey (Fall)

  • CEN2 507 Venture Growth Strategies (3 unit茅s)

    Offered by: D茅veloppement de carri猫re et perfectionnement professionnel (脡cole d'茅ducation permanente)

    Vue d'ensemble

    Entrepreunariat : Practical strategies for building businesses through all the various stages will be explored. Focus will be placed on identifying potentials for growth, realizing the challenges and opportunities for growth within entrepreneurial settings, and managing growth. The course will also include a team project in which a development plan for a real or hypothetical business will be created.

    Terms: Automne 2016, Hiver 2017

    Instructors: Whittaker, Gary (Fall) Whittaker, Gary (Winter)

  • CEN2 510 Practical Entrepreneurship Management (3 unit茅s)

    Offered by: D茅veloppement de carri猫re et perfectionnement professionnel (脡cole d'茅ducation permanente)

    Vue d'ensemble

    Entrepreunariat : This application-based course provides students with hands-on experience in planning a new venture in its entirety. Students will work in teams to develop a new start-up idea project during the term.

    Terms: Automne 2016

    Instructors: Hamaoui Chemtob, Rachel (Fall)

    • Prerequisite: CEN2 500, CEN2 505 and CEN2 506

    • Note: The course includes live case studies by the 'Dobson Fellows' (Presidents, CEOs and industry leaders).

  • CPL2 510 Communication and Networking Skills (3 unit茅s)

    Offered by: D茅veloppement de carri猫re et perfectionnement professionnel (脡cole d'茅ducation permanente)

    Vue d'ensemble

    Politique : This course will provide students with leadership skills pertaining to communication and networking in the workplace. Topics covered include influencing, appraising situations, business networking, teamwork and delivering effective presentations.

    Terms: Automne 2016, Hiver 2017, 脡t茅 2017

    Instructors: Walsh, Brendan; Pitts, Charles (Fall) Pitts, Charles; Walsh, Brendan (Winter) Walsh, Brendan (Summer)

    • **Due to the intensive nature of this course, the standard add/drop and withdrawal deadlines do not apply. Add/drop is the second lecture day and withdrawal is the third lecture day.

Cours compl茅mentaire (3 unit茅s)

3 unit茅s 脿 choisir parmi les cours suivants :

  • CGM2 510 Project Management: Tools and Techniques (3 unit茅s)

    Offered by: D茅veloppement de carri猫re et perfectionnement professionnel (脡cole d'茅ducation permanente)

    Vue d'ensemble

    Gestion : Focus on main concepts and theories of project management from initiation to close-out. Topics include: project life cycle, planning, scheduling, implementing, monitoring, controlling, close-out and ethics. The concepts presented apply to projects of various sizes, types and degrees of complexity.

    Terms: Automne 2016, Hiver 2017, 脡t茅 2017

    Instructors: Chasse, Andrew (Fall) Chasse, Andrew; Lapointe, Deirdre (Winter) Chasse, Andrew (Summer)

    • Restrictions: Open to students currently in a program. Not open to Special Students.

    • **Due to the intensive nature of this course, the standard add/drop and withdrawal deadlines do not apply. Add/drop is the second lecture day and withdrawal is the third lecture day.

  • CMIS 530 Digital Analytics and Targeting (3 unit茅s)

    Offered by: D茅veloppement de carri猫re et perfectionnement professionnel (脡cole d'茅ducation permanente)

    Vue d'ensemble

    Gestion des syst猫mes d'information : Covers fundamental techniques in measuring and analysing the digital marketing experience success and effectiveness as well as using audience data to improve advertising and content using targeting and experiments. How to measure, analyze, and act upon the evolving internet technologies and trends.

    Terms: Automne 2016

    Instructors: Aldik, Fares (Fall)

  • CMIS 542 Strategic Internet Marketing (3 unit茅s)

    Offered by: D茅veloppement de carri猫re et perfectionnement professionnel (脡cole d'茅ducation permanente)

    Vue d'ensemble

    Gestion des syst猫mes d'information : Introduction to electronic marketplaces and their evolving role in e-business focusing predominantly on the use of general and vertical marketplaces by businesses. Social media marketing including new channels of marketing, advertising and communication will also be discussed.

    Terms: Automne 2016

    Instructors: Muscott, Adam (Fall)

  • CMIS 544 Social Media Marketing and Technology (3 unit茅s)

    Offered by: D茅veloppement de carri猫re et perfectionnement professionnel (脡cole d'茅ducation permanente)

    Vue d'ensemble

    Gestion des syst猫mes d'information : Examines the use of social media in business, new channels of marketing, advertising and communication that make up the social media space, leveraging marketing channels for optimal results. Utilizes case studies and lab exercises from large corporations and small business to provide hands-on experience and real-world examples.

    Terms: Hiver 2017

    Instructors: Muscott, Adam (Winter)

  • CMS2 521 Applied Management Statistics (3 unit茅s)

    Offered by: D茅veloppement de carri猫re et perfectionnement professionnel (脡cole d'茅ducation permanente)

    Vue d'ensemble

    Sciences de la gestion (CCE) : Statistical methods used in a variety of business situations, emphasizing application and providing a working knowledge of the most widely-used techniques. Topics include descriptive statistics; probability distributions; sampling procedures and distributions; inferential statistics including estimation; hypothesis testing and Anova; simple linear, multiple regression and correlation; time series and forecasting.

    Terms: Automne 2016, Hiver 2017, 脡t茅 2017

    Instructors: MacKenzie, Kenneth (Fall) Kelome, Djivede (Winter) Golovina, Galina (Summer)

    • Prerequisite: CMS2 500 or the Exemption by Examination Test

  • CPL2 524 Introduction: International Business (3 unit茅s)

    Offered by: D茅veloppement de carri猫re et perfectionnement professionnel (脡cole d'茅ducation permanente)

    Vue d'ensemble

    Politique : This course deals with fundamental international business issues: the international business environment, foreign exchange risk, multinational corporations, international organizations, international sources of financing, international marketing policies, essential factors to be considered when entering foreign markets (licensing and exporting) and international management.

    Terms: Automne 2016, Hiver 2017

    Instructors: Saba, John (Fall) Saba, John (Winter)

    • Core Program

School of Continuing Studies—2016-2017 (last updated ao没. 26, 2016) (disclaimer)
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