Program Requirements
The Major Physics and Computer Science is designed to give motivated students the opportunity to combine the two fields in a way that will distinguish them from the graduates of either field by itself. The two disciplines complement each other, with physics providing an analytic problem-solving outlook and basic understanding of nature, while computer science enhances the ability to make practical and marketable applications, in addition to having its own theoretical interest. Graduates of this program may be able to present themselves as being more immediately useful than a pure physics major, but with more breadth than just a programmer. They will be able to demonstrate their combined expertise in the Special Project course which is the centrepiece of the final year of the program.
Program Prerequisites
Students entering Physics programs from the Freshman program must have successfully completed the courses below or their equivalents. Quebec students must have completed the DEC with appropriate science and mathematics courses.
CHEM 110 General Chemistry 1 (4 credits)
Chemistry : A study of the fundamental principles of atomic structure, radiation and nuclear chemistry, valence theory, coordination chemistry, and the periodic table.
Terms: Fall 2015
Instructors: Gauthier, Jean-Marc; Sewall, Samuel Lewis; Huot, Mitchell; Barrett, Christopher; Friscic, Tomislav; Pavelka, Laura (Fall)
Prerequisites/corequisites: College level mathematics and physics or permission of instructor; CHEM 120 is not a prerequisite
Each lab section is limited enrolment
CHEM 120 General Chemistry 2 (4 credits)
Chemistry : A study of the fundamental principles of physical chemistry.
Terms: Winter 2016
Instructors: Pavelka, Laura; Butler, Ian Sydney; Siwick, Bradley; Gauthier, Jean-Marc; Huot, Mitchell (Winter)
Prerequisites/corequisites: College level mathematics and physics, or permission of instructor: CHEM 110 is not a prerequisite
Each lab section is limited enrolment
PHYS 131 Mechanics and Waves (4 credits)
Physics : The basic laws and principles of Newtonian mechanics; oscillations and waves.
Terms: Fall 2015
Instructors: Ragan, Kenneth J (Fall)
PHYS 142 Electromagnetism and Optics (4 credits)
Physics : The basic laws of electricity and magnetism; geometrical and physical optics.
Terms: Winter 2016
Instructors: Gervais, Guillaume; Engelberg, Edith M (Winter)
3 hours lectures, 3 hours laboratory in alternate weeks; tutorial sessions
Prerequisite: PHYS 131.
Corequisite: MATH 141 or higher level calculus course.
Restriction: Not open to students taking or having taken PHYS 102, CEGEP objective 00UR or equivalent
Laboratory sections have limited enrolment
One of:
BIOL 111 Principles: Organismal Biology (3 credits)
Biology (Sci) : An introduction to the phylogeny, structure, function and adaptation of unicellular organisms, plants and animals in the biosphere.
Terms: Fall 2015
Instructors: Krahe, Rudiger; Dhindsa, Rajinder S; Gregory-Eaves, Irene (Fall)
2 hours lecture and 3 hours laboratory
Restriction: Not open to students who have taken CEGEP objective 00UK or equivalent; or BIOL 115.
This course serves as an alternative to CEGEP objective code 00UK
May require departmental approval.
Open to all students wishing introductory biology.
Attendance at first lab is mandatory to confirm registration in the course.
This class will use a Student Response System (clicker) which can be obtained from the Bookstore.
BIOL 112 Cell and Molecular Biology (3 credits)
Biology (Sci) : The cell: ultrastructure, division, chemical constituents and reactions. Bioenergetics: photosynthesis and respiration. Principles of genetics, the molecular basis of inheritance and biotechnology.
Terms: Winter 2016
Instructors: Dent, Joseph Alan; Schöck, Frieder (Winter)
MATH 133 and either MATH 140/141 or MATH 150/151.
MATH 133 Linear Algebra and Geometry (3 credits)
Mathematics & Statistics (Sci) : Systems of linear equations, matrices, inverses, determinants; geometric vectors in three dimensions, dot product, cross product, lines and planes; introduction to vector spaces, linear dependence and independence, bases; quadratic loci in two and three dimensions.
Terms: Fall 2015, Winter 2016, Summer 2016
Instructors: Disegni, Daniel; Kelome, Djivede; Baratin, Aristide; Anderson, William J (Fall) Novytska, Yuliya; Kelome, Djivede (Winter) Baratin, Aristide (Summer)
3 hours lecture, 1 hour tutorial
Prerequisite: a course in functions
Restriction A: Not open to students who have taken MATH 221 or CEGEP objective 00UQ or equivalent.
Restriction B: Not open to students who have taken or are taking MATH 123, MATH 130 or MATH 131, except by permission of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
Restriction C: Not open to students who are taking or have taken MATH 134.
MATH 140 Calculus 1 (3 credits)
Mathematics & Statistics (Sci) : Review of functions and graphs. Limits, continuity, derivative. Differentiation of elementary functions. Antidifferentiation. Applications.
Terms: Fall 2015, Winter 2016, Summer 2016
Instructors: Hundemer, Axel W; Hu, Ying; Wallace, Michael (Fall) Vonk, Jan (Winter) Jakobson, Dmitry (Summer)
3 hours lecture, 1 hour tutorial
Prerequisite: High School Calculus
Restriction: Not open to students who have taken MATH 120, MATH 139 or CEGEP objective 00UN or equivalent
Restriction: Not open to students who have taken or are taking MATH 122 or MATH 130 or MATH 131, except by permission of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Each Tutorial section is enrolment limited
MATH 141 Calculus 2 (4 credits)
Mathematics & Statistics (Sci) : The definite integral. Techniques of integration. Applications. Introduction to sequences and series.
Terms: Fall 2015, Winter 2016, Summer 2016
Instructors: Pang, Chung Yin Amy (Fall) Shokoohi, Farhad; Hundemer, Axel W; Barsheshat, Yariv (Winter) Al Balushi, Ibrahim; ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈivray, Annaliza (Summer)
Restriction: Not open to students who have taken MATH 121 or CEGEP objective 00UP or equivalent
Restriction Note B: Not open to students who have taken or are taking MATH 122 or MATH 130 or MATH 131, except by permission of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
Each Tutorial section is enrolment limited
MATH 150 Calculus A (4 credits)
Mathematics & Statistics (Sci) : Functions, limits and continuity, differentiation, L'Hospital's rule, applications, Taylor polynomials, parametric curves, functions of several variables.
Terms: Fall 2015
Instructors: Roth, Charles (Fall)
3 hours lecture, 2 hours tutorial
Students with no prior exposure to vector geometry are advised to take MATH 133 concurrently. Intended for students with high school calculus who have not received six advanced placement credits
Restriction: Not open to students who have taken CEGEP objective 00UN or equivalent
Restriction Note B: Not open to students who have taken or are taking MATH 122 or MATH 130 or MATH 131, except by permission of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics
MATH 150 and MATH 151 cover the material of MATH 139, MATH 140, MATH 141, MATH 222
MATH 151 Calculus B (4 credits)
Mathematics & Statistics (Sci) : Integration, methods and applications, infinite sequences and series, power series, arc length and curvature, multiple integration.
Terms: Winter 2016
Instructors: Roth, Charles (Winter)
3 hours lecture; 2 hours tutorial
Each Tutorial section is enrolment limited
Prerequisite: MATH 150
Restriction: Not open to students who have taken CEGEP objective 00UP or equivalent
Restriction: Not open to students who have taken or are taking MATH 122 or MATH 130 or MATH 131, except by permission of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Restriction: Not open to students who have taken MATH 152
U1 Required Courses (21 credits)
COMP 250 Introduction to Computer Science (3 credits)
Computer Science (Sci) : An introduction to the design of computer algorithms, including basic data structures, analysis of algorithms, and establishing correctness of programs. Overview of topics in computer science.
Terms: Fall 2015, Winter 2016
Instructors: Blanchette, Mathieu; Waldispuhl, Jérôme (Fall) Crepeau, Claude (Winter)
MATH 222 Calculus 3 (3 credits)
Mathematics & Statistics (Sci) : Taylor series, Taylor's theorem in one and several variables. Review of vector geometry. Partial differentiation, directional derivative. Extreme of functions of 2 or 3 variables. Parametric curves and arc length. Polar and spherical coordinates. Multiple integrals.
Terms: Fall 2015, Winter 2016, Summer 2016
Instructors: Drury, Stephen W; Huang, Jingyin (Fall) Drury, Stephen W (Winter) McGregor, Geoffrey (Summer)
MATH 223 Linear Algebra (3 credits)
Mathematics & Statistics (Sci) : Review of matrix algebra, determinants and systems of linear equations. Vector spaces, linear operators and their matrix representations, orthogonality. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization of Hermitian matrices. Applications.
Terms: Fall 2015, Winter 2016
Instructors: Fox, Thomas F (Fall) Pichot, Michael (Winter)
MATH 240 Discrete Structures 1 (3 credits)
Mathematics & Statistics (Sci) : Mathematical foundations of logical thinking and reasoning. Mathematical language and proof techniques. Quantifiers. Induction. Elementary number theory. Modular arithmetic. Recurrence relations and asymptotics. Combinatorial enumeration. Functions and relations. Partially ordered sets and lattices. Introduction to graphs, digraphs and rooted trees.
Terms: Fall 2015
Instructors: Vetta, Adrian Roshan (Fall)
PHYS 230 Dynamics of Simple Systems (3 credits)
Physics : Translational motion under Newton's laws; forces, momentum, work/energy theorem. Special relativity; Lorentz transforms, relativistic mechanics, mass/energy equivalence. Topics in rotational dynamics. Noninertial frames.
Terms: Fall 2015
Instructors: Pereg-Barnea, Tamar (Fall)
PHYS 257 Experimental Methods 1 (3 credits)
Physics : Introductory laboratory work and data analysis as related to mechanics, optics and thermodynamics. Introduction to computers as they are employed for laboratory work, for data analysis and for numerical computation. Previous experience with computers is an asset, but is not required.
Terms: Fall 2015
Instructors: Warburton, Andreas; Engelberg, Edith M (Fall)
PHYS 258 Experimental Methods 2 (3 credits)
Physics : Advanced laboratory work and data analysis as related to mechanics, optics and thermodynamics. Computers will be employed routinely for data analysis and for numerical computation, and, particularly, to facilitate the use of Fourier methods.
Terms: Winter 2016
Instructors: Warburton, Andreas; Engelberg, Edith M; Brunner, Thomas (Winter)
6 hours of laboratory and classroom work
Prerequisite: PHYS 257
U2 Required Courses (24 credits)
COMP 206 Introduction to Software Systems (3 credits)
Computer Science (Sci) : Comprehensive overview of programming in C, use of system calls and libraries, debugging and testing of code; use of developmental tools like make, version control systems.
Terms: Fall 2015, Winter 2016
Instructors: Meger, David; Dudek, Gregory L (Fall) Vybihal, Joseph P (Winter)
COMP 251 Algorithms and Data Structures (3 credits)
Computer Science (Sci) : Introduction to algorithm design and analysis. Graph algorithms, greedy algorithms, data structures, dynamic programming, maximum flows.
Terms: Fall 2015, Winter 2016
Instructors: Crepeau, Claude (Fall) Vetta, Adrian Roshan (Winter)
COMP 302 Programming Languages and Paradigms (3 credits)
Computer Science (Sci) : Programming language design issues and programming paradigms. Binding and scoping, parameter passing, lambda abstraction, data abstraction, type checking. Functional and logic programming.
Terms: Fall 2015, Winter 2016
Instructors: Pientka, Brigitte (Fall) Panangaden, Prakash (Winter)
3 hours
Prerequisite: COMP 250
COMP 350 Numerical Computing (3 credits)
Computer Science (Sci) : Computer representation of numbers, IEEE Standard for Floating Point Representation, computer arithmetic and rounding errors. Numerical stability. Matrix computations and software systems. Polynomial interpolation. Least-squares approximation. Iterative methods for solving a nonlinear equation. Discretization methods for integration and differential equations.
Terms: Fall 2015
Instructors: Chang, Xiao-Wen (Fall)
MATH 314 Advanced Calculus (3 credits)
Mathematics & Statistics (Sci) : Derivative as a matrix. Chain rule. Implicit functions. Constrained maxima and minima. Jacobians. Multiple integration. Line and surface integrals. Theorems of Green, Stokes and Gauss. Fourier series with applications.
Terms: Fall 2015, Winter 2016
Instructors: Panati, Annalisa (Fall) Roth, Charles (Winter)
MATH 315 Ordinary Differential Equations (3 credits)
Mathematics & Statistics (Sci) : First order ordinary differential equations including elementary numerical methods. Linear differential equations. Laplace transforms. Series solutions.
Terms: Fall 2015, Winter 2016, Summer 2016
Instructors: Xu, Jian-Jun (Fall) Lu, Xinyang (Winter) Roth, Charles (Summer)
PHYS 232 Heat and Waves (3 credits)
Physics : The laws of thermodynamics and their consequences. Thermodynamics of P-V-T systems and simple heat engines. Free, driven, and damped harmonic oscillators. Coupled systems and normal modes. Fourier methods. Wave motion and dispersion. The wave equation.
Terms: Winter 2016
Instructors: Lovejoy, Shaun MacDonald (Winter)
PHYS 241 Signal Processing (3 credits)
Physics : Linear circuit elements, resonance, network theorems, diodes, transistors, amplifiers, feedback, integrated circuits.
Terms: Winter 2016
Instructors: Dobbs, Matthew Adam (Winter)
2 hours lectures; 3 hours laboratory alternate weeks
Prerequisite: CEGEP physics or PHYS 142.
U3 Required Courses (21 credits)
COMP 360 Algorithm Design (3 credits)
Computer Science (Sci) : Advanced algorithm design and analysis. Linear programming, complexity and NP-completeness, advanced algorithmic techniques.
Terms: Fall 2015, Winter 2016
Instructors: Hatami, Hamed (Fall) Hatami, Hamed (Winter)
MATH 323 Probability (3 credits)
Mathematics & Statistics (Sci) : Sample space, events, conditional probability, independence of events, Bayes' Theorem. Basic combinatorial probability, random variables, discrete and continuous univariate and multivariate distributions. Independence of random variables. Inequalities, weak law of large numbers, central limit theorem.
Terms: Fall 2015, Winter 2016, Summer 2016
Instructors: Anderson, William J (Fall) Vrbik, Irene (Winter) Kelome, Djivede (Summer)
PHYS 331 Topics in Classical Mechanics (3 credits)
Physics : Forced and damped oscillators, Newtonian mechanics in three dimensions, rotational motion, Lagrangian mechanics, small vibrations, normal modes. Introduction to Hamiltonian mechanics.
Terms: Winter 2016
Instructors: Dasgupta, Keshav (Winter)
PHYS 339 Measurements Laboratory in General Physics (3 credits)
Physics : Introduction to modern techniques of measurement. The use of computers in performing and analysing experiments. Data reduction, statistical methods, report writing. Extensive use of computers is made in this laboratory; therefore some familiarity with computers and computing is an advantage.
Terms: Winter 2016
Instructors: Cooke, David (Winter)
6 hours
Prerequisite: PHYS 241 or permission of instructor
PHYS 340 Majors Electricity and Magnetism (3 credits)
Physics : The electrostatic field and scalar potential. Dielectric properties of matter. Energy in the electrostatic field. Methods for solving problems in electrostatics. The magnetic field. Induction and inductance. Energy in the magnetic field. Magnetic properties of matter. Maxwell's equations. The dipole approximation.
Terms: Fall 2015
Instructors: Siwick, Bradley (Fall)
PHYS 446 Majors Quantum Physics (3 credits)
Physics : de Broglie waves, Bohr atom. Schroedinger equation, wave functions, observables. One dimensional potentials. Schroedinger equation in three dimensions. Angular momentum, hydrogen atom. Spin, experimental consequences.
Terms: Fall 2015
Instructors: Cumming, Andrew (Fall)
PHYS 489 Special Project (3 credits)
Physics : A project incorporating aspects of both physics and computer science, under the joint supervision of the two departments. The Physics aspect may be either laboratory-based or theoretical in nature. The Computational aspect will involve the development and implementation of algorithms arising from the investigation.
Terms: Winter 2016
Instructors: Sutton, Mark (Winter)
6 hours
Restriction: Only open to students in their final year of the Joint Major in Physics and Computer Science after consultation with the adviser(s) for the program