Transcript of Academic Record

Transcript of Academic Record: Unofficial Transcripts

If you require a copy of your student record, access Minerva to view and print an unofficial transcript. This applies to records from 1976 to the present. For pre-1976 records, you must order an official transcript.

Programs, Courses and University Regulations—2009-2010 (last updated Mar. 31, 2010) (disclaimer)

Transcript of Academic Record: Official Transcripts

Use Minerva to order an official transcript at Student Menu > Student Records Menu > Request Printed/Official Transcript. If you cannot access Minerva, fill out the Request for Release of Official Document form available online at or in person at Enrolment Services (address below), and submit it by mail, by fax, or in person. Note that the form must be signed by the student. To protect privacy, we do not accept telephone or email requests.

  • Enrolment Services
  • James Administration Building
  • 845 Sherbrooke Street West, Room 205
  • Montreal, Quebec H3A 2T5
  • Fax: 514-398-8939
Programs, Courses and University Regulations—2009-2010 (last updated Mar. 31, 2010) (disclaimer)

Transcript of Academic Record: General Information

Transcripts are free of charge.

The University sends official transcripts directly to the addresses provided by the student. If you intend to deliver the transcript to another institution yourself, you can request to receive it in a sealed envelope.

Requests are normally processed in 3 to 5 working days; transcripts requested at peak times and for pre-1976 records take longer.

Enrolment Services is not responsible for transcripts that are lost or delayed in the mail.

The University issues only complete transcripts that record all attempted work and final results obtained in any and all programs. Under no circumstances does the University issue partial transcripts.

Official transcripts are NOT issued for students registered on or after September 2001 who have failed to provide the information and/or documents necessary to obtain or verify their Permanent Code.

Transcripts are not issued if you owe fees or fines over $30.

The University prints official transcripts on secure paper that cannot be copied.

Programs, Courses and University Regulations—2009-2010 (last updated Mar. 31, 2010) (disclaimer)

Transcript of Academic Record: Course Numbering on the Transcript

Prior to September 2002, course numbers had a seven-character designation beginning with the three-number code for the teaching unit/department. The next three digits specified the course, with the first of these indicating its level. The final character was a letter indicating the term, or terms, during which the course was offered. For example:

107-200A = Philosophy (107) course (200) in Fall term (A);

301-202B = Architecture (301) course (202) in Winter term (B);

154-230D = Economics (154) course (230) extending for two terms, Fall and Winter (D).

A list of the former Teaching Unit Codes and their Subject Code equivalents is available at

For Information on our current course numbering, see Course Information and Regulations: Course Numbering.

Programs, Courses and University Regulations—2009-2010 (last updated Mar. 31, 2010) (disclaimer)
Programs, Courses and University Regulations—2009-2010 (last updated ?) (disclaimer)
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