Incomplete Courses

If the instructor decides there is sufficient reason to permit a delay in the submission of required term work, an extension of the deadline after the end of the course may be granted to the student. In this case, the instructor will submit a grade of K (incomplete).

Note: If the instructor submits a grade of K, he or she will also indicate the date by which the student must complete the work. Consult the faculty sections for maximum extensions.
Note: If the instructor submits a new grade within the deadline, both the new grade and the grade of K will appear on your verification forms and unofficial and advising transcript. However, the new grade will replace the K on your official transcript.
Note: If you do not complete the required work before the deadline, a grade of KF will be updated on your record. A KF denotes a failed course and is calculated in the TGPA and CGPA as an F.
Note: In exceptional circumstances, and with the approval of the Associate Dean or Director, the deadline may be extended further, in which case the grade of KE (further extension granted) appears. If you do not meet the extended deadline, a grade of KF will replace the KE.
Note for Music students: A Music student who has a mark of K not cleared in mid-May is ineligible for scholarships.
Note for Law students: In the Faculty of Law, permission to delay submission of required term work must be obtained from the Student Affairs Officer. It cannot be granted by the instructor. If, in the opinion of the Student Affairs Officer, there is sufficient reason to permit a delay in the submission of required term work, an extension of the deadline after the end of the course may be granted to the student. In this case, the instructor will submit a grade of K (incomplete). If an extension of the deadline is granted, the Student Affairs Officer will indicate the date by which the student must complete the work. If the instructor submits a new grade within the new deadline, both the new grade and the grade of K will appear on the student's faculty reports and verification forms. However, on the student's official transcript the new grade will replace the K. If the required work is not completed before the deadline, a grade of KF will be updated on the student's record. A KF denotes a failed course and is calculated in the TGPA and CGPA the same as an F. In exceptional circumstances, and with the approval of the Assistant Dean (Student Life and Learning), the deadline may be extended further, in which case the grade of KE (further extension granted) will appear. If the extended deadline is not met, a grade of KF will replace the KE.
Note for Law students: If, without a valid excuse, you do not participate in or write a final examination or submit required term work for any courses you were registered in, you will receive a final grade of J (unexcused absence). For more information regarding the J grade, see Grading and Grade Point Averages (GPA): Unexcused Absences.
Programs, Courses and University Regulations—2009-2010 (last updated Mar. 31, 2010) (disclaimer)
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