Barbara Lee Mazer
Associate Professor [Professional]

BSc (OT) (Queen's U.), MSc (Rehabilitation Sciences), PhD (Epidemiology and Biostatistics); Postdoctorate (Health Services) Université de Montréal and ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ University.
Co-ordinate and Contribute to the following courses:
POTH 624: Entry Level Masters Project (co-coordinator)
POTH 612: Advanced Research Methods
Prof. Mazer’s research focuses on the rehabilitation of adults and children with neurological impairments; specifically, the factors associated with utilization of rehabilitation services, integration into the community, participation in leisure activities, and use of transportation/driving. More recently her research is focused on the factors associated with Long-COVID and the needed rehabilitation services to treat this new condition.ÌýÌý
Current research projects include:
-Development of a screening tool to examine community mobility for young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
-Rehabilitation services for people with Long-COVID
-Parent involvement in rehabilitation services for young children
Member of Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire en réadaptation du Montréal métropolitain (CRIR), Jewish Rehabilitation Hospital Research Institute, CISSS-Laval
Research Areas:Ìý
clinical trials
leisure participation
neurological disorders
rehabilitation services
Ehrmann Feldman D, Mazer B. (2024) Long covid in persons with self-reported arthritis: symptoms, associated factors and functional limitations, Arthritis Care & Research, 2024;76(1)57-62
Mazer B, Ehrmann Feldman D. (2023) Functional limitations in individuals with long COVID, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2023,
Stasiulis E, Naglie G, Sanford S, Belchior P, Crizzle A, Gélinas I, Mazer B, Moorhouse P, Myers A, Porter MM, Vrkljan B, Rapoport MJ, and on behalf of the Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging Driving and Dementia Team (2023) Developing the Driving and Dementia Roadmap: A Knowledge-to-Action process, International Psychogeriatrics, 2023,
Marshall S, Bédard M, Vrkljan B, Tuokko H, Porter MM, Naglie G, Rapoport MJ, Mazer B, Gélinas I, Gagnon S, Charlton JL, Koppel S, MacLeay L, Myers A, Mallick R, Ramsay T, Stiell I, Wells G, Man-Son-Hing M. (2023) Candrive- Development of a Risk Stratification Tool for Older Drivers, The Journals of Gerontology: Series A 2023;78(12): 2348-2455.
Bédard M, Maxwell H, Weaver B, Stinchcombe A, Gélinas I, Mazer B, Naglie G, Porter MM, Rapoport MJ, Tuokko H, Vrkljan B, Marshall S. (2023) Older drivers reduced engagement in distracting behaviors over a six-year period: Findings from the Candrive longitudinal study. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 2023
Ehrmann Feldman D, Boudrias MH, Mazer B. (2022) Long COVID symptoms in a population-based sample of persons discharged home from hospital. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 2022;113:930-939
Dannenbaum E, Bégin CL, Daigneault-Bourgeois E, Kwon Pak Yin N, Laferrière-Trudeau C, Mazer B, Moreau V, Salvo L, Villeneuve M, Lamontagne A. (2022) Feasibility and effects of a 1-week vestibular rehabilitation day camp in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder. Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics 2022;42(1):62-69.
Ehrmann Feldman D, Boudrias MH, Mazer B. (2022) Long COVID symptoms in a population-based sample of persons discharged home from hospital. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 2022;113:930-939
Unsworth C, Dickerson A, Gelinas I, Harries P, Margot-Cattin I, Mazer B, Stapleton T, Swanepoel L, Timmer A, Van Niekerk L, Vrkljan B. (2022) Linking people and activities through community mobility: An international comparison of the mobility patterns of older drivers and non-drivers. Ageing and Society 2022;42:1938-1963 doi:10.1017/S0144686X20001968
Kairy D, Mostafavi M, Blanchette-Dallaire C, Belanger E, Corbeil A, Kandiah M, Qiang Wu T, Mazer B. (2021)ÌýA mobile app to optimize social participation for individuals with physical disabilities: Content validation and usability testing. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021:18(4);1753
Mazer B, Chen Y-T, Vrkljan B, Marshall SC, Charlton JL, Koppel S, Gelinas I. (2021) Comparison of Older and Middle-Aged Drivers’ Naturalistic Driving Performance, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2021;161:106343
Orozco T, Laliberte M, Mazer B, Hunt M, Williams-Jones B, Ehrmann Feldman D. (2021) Making decisions about service provision for clients with low back pain: Perspectives of Canadian physiotherapy professionals. Physiotherapy Canada 2021;73(1):47-55
Chen YT, Gélinas I, Mazer B, Myers A, Vrkljan B, Koppel S, Charlton JL, Marshall SC. (2021) Personal and clinical factors associated with older drivers’ self-awareness of driving performance. Canadian Journal on Aging 2021;40(1):82-96,
Ianni L, Mazer B, Thomas A, Snider L. (2021) The role of occupational therapy with children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): A Canadian national survey. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention 2021;14(2):162-183,
Cull A, Porter MM, Nakagawa S, Smith GA, Rapoport MJ, Marshall SC, Bédard M, Tuokko H, Vrkljan B, Naglie G, Myers AM, Mazer B, Gélinas I. (2020) Speeding and speed modification of older drivers: Does vehicle type make a difference? Canadian Journal on Aging 2020;39(3):385-392
Majnemer A, Rohlicek C, Dahan-Oliel N, Sahakian S, Mazer B, Maltais DB, Schmitz N. (2020) Participation in leisure activities in adolescents with congenital heart defects. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2020;62:946-953, doi: 10.1111/dmcn.14422, 2019
Koppel S, Liu PY, Griffiths D, Hua P, St. Louis RM, Stephan K, Logan DB, Di Stefano M, Darzins P, Porter MM, Mazer B, Gélinas I, Vrkljan B, Marshall S, Charlton JL. (2020) A comparison of older drivers’ driving patterns during a naturalistic on-road driving task with patterns from their preceding four-months of real-world driving. Safety Science 2020:125(8),1046752
Chen YT, Mazer B, Myers A, Vrkljan B, Koppel S, Charlton J, Marshall S, Gélinas I. (2020) Changes in older drivers’ self-awareness of driving ability over one year. Accident Analysis and Prevention 2020;144:105552
Chen YT, Gelinas I, Mazer B. (2020) Development of a weighted scoring system for the Electronic Driving Observation Schedule (eDOS). Accident Analysis and Prevention: MethodsX Published online October 2020,
Koppel S, Stephens AN, Bedard M, Charlton JL, Darzins P, Di Stefano M, Gagnon S, Gélinas I, Hua P, MacLeay L, Man-Son-Hing M, Mazer B, Myers A, Naglie G, Odell M, Porter MM, Rapoport M, Stitchcombe A, Tuokko H, Vrkjlan B, Marshall S. (2019) Self-reported violations, errors and lapses for older drivers: Measuring the change in frequency of aberrant driving behaviours across five time-points. Accident Analysis & Prevention 2019;123:132-139 doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2018.11.009
M, H, (2019) Perspectives from the field: Designing the Driving Cessation in Dementia Intervention Toolkit (DCD-IT), 2019;27(3)S185-S186
Vrkljan B, Montpetit A, Naglie G, Rapoport M, Mazer B. (2019) Interventions that support major life transitions in older adulthood: A systematic review. International Psychogeriatrics 2019;31(3):393-415
Nedelec B, Couture MA, Calva V, Poulin C, Chouinard A, Shashoua D, Gauthier N, Correa JA, de Oliveira A, Mazer B, LaSalle L. (2019) Randomized controlled trial of the immediate and long-term effect of massage on adult postburn scar. Burns 2019;45(1):128-139
Majnemer A, Easson K, Dahan-Oliel N, Rohlicek C, Sahakian S, Brossard-Racine M, and Members of The DAILY Group (Mazer B, Riley P, Maltais DB, Nadeau L, Hatzigeorgiou S, Schmitz N. (2019) A comparison of developmental outcomes of adolescent Neonatal Intensive Care Unit survivors born with a congenital heart defect or born preterm. The Journal of Pediatrics 2019;207:34- 41.e2
Labbé D, Poldma T, Fichten C, Havel A, Kehayia E, Mazer B, McKinley P, Rochette A, Swaine B. (2018) Rehabilitation in the real-life environment of a shopping mall. Disability and Rehabilitation 2018;40(7):848-855
Chen YT, Gélinas I, Mazer B. (2018) Determining older adults’ fitness-to-drive: Comparing the standard on-road driving evaluation and the naturalistic driving observation. Physical and Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics 2018;36(1):90-106
Hudon A, Blackburn E, Laliberté M, Perreault K, Mazer B, Ehrmann Feldman D, Williams-Jones B, Hunt M. (2018) Supporting ethics educators in Canadian occupational therapy and physiotherapy programs: A national interprofessional knowledge exchange project. Journal of Interprofessional Care 2018;32(4):452-462
Sukhawathanakul P, Porter MM, Naglie G, Marshall S, Rapoport MJ, Tuokko H, Vrkljan B, Gélinas I, Mazer B, Bedard M. (2018) The effect of fuel prices on the driving patterns of older adults. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 2018;56:74-81
Sukhawathanakul P, Porter MM, Tuokko H, Charlton JL, Koppel S, Bedard M, Naglie G, Marshall S, Rapoport MJ, Vrkljan B, Gelinas I, Mazer B. (2018) Driving-related attitudes among older adults in Australia.ÌýJournal of the Australasian College of Road Safety 2018;29:46-52 ISSN 1832-9497
Blackburn E, Durocher E, Ehrmann Feldman D, Hudon A, Laliberté M, Mazer B, Hunt M. (2018) Supporting, promoting, respecting and advocating: A scoping study of rehabilitation professionals’ responses to patient autonomy. Canadian Journal of Bioethics 2018;1(3):22-34 ISSN 2561-4665
S, JL, , PY, H, K, D, , G, D, G, T, M, MM, B, , B, S. (2018) Are older drivers' driving patterns during an on-road driving task representative of their real-world driving patterns? Traffic Injury Prevention 2018;19(sup2):S173-S175 doi: 10.1080/15389588.2018.1532219.
Alary Gauvreau C, Kairy D, Mazer B, Guindon A, Le Dorze G. (2017) Rehabilitation strategies enhancing participation in shopping malls for persons living with a disability. Disability and Rehabilitation 2018;40(8):917-925
Zafran H, Mazer B, Tallant B, Chilingaryan G, Gelinas I. (2017) Detecting incipient schizophrenia: A validation of the Azima Battery in First Episode Psychosis. Psychiatric Quarterly 2017;88(3):585-602 10.1007/s11126-016-9482-7
Orozco T, Feldman DE, Mazer B, Chilingaryan G, Hunt M, Williams-Jones B, Laliberté M. (2017) Low back pain: Current patterns for Canadian physiotherapy service delivery. Physiotherapy Canada, 2017;69(1):49–56 doi:
Proulx K, Majnemer A, Dahan-Oliel N, Mazer B, Nadeau L, Vanier K, Maltais DB. (2017) Factors associated with moderate to vigorous physical activity in adolescents born preterm. Pediatric Exercise Science 2017;29(2):260-267.
Koppel S, Charlton JL, Richter N, Di Stefano M, Macdonald W, Darzins P, Newstead SV, D'Elia A, Mazer B, Gélinas I, Vrkljan B, Eliasz K, Myers A, Marshall S. (2017) Are older drivers' on-road driving error rates related to functional performance and/or self-reported driving experiences? Accident Analysis & Prevention 2017;103: 1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2017.03.006
Thomas A, Young M, Mazer B, Lubarsky S, Razack S. (2017) Reliability and validity of the multiple mini interview (MMI) for admissions to an occupational therapy professional program. British Journal of Occupational Therapy 2017;80(9):558-567. doi: 10.1177/0308022617713980
Laliberté M, Mazer B, Orozco T, Chilingaryan G, Williams-Jones B, Hunt M, Ehrmann Feldman D. (2017) Low back pain: Investigation of biases in outpatient Canadian physical therapy. Physical Therapy 2017;97(10):985-997
Majnemer A, Dahan-Oliel N, Rohlicek C, Hatzigeorgiou S, Mazer B, Maltais D, Schmitz N. (2017) Educational and rehabilitation service utilization in adolescents born preterm or with a congenital heart defect and at high risk for disability. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2017;59(10):1056–1062 doi: 10.1111/dmcn.13520
Mazer B, Dion K, Moryoussef A. (2017) Utilisation and satisfaction with rehabilitation services in childrenÌýwith primary language impairment transitioning to school: Parents’ perspective. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 2017;64(1):45-56
Ahmed S, Swaine B, Milot M, Gaudet C, Poldma T, Bartlett G, Mazer B, Le Dorze G, Barbic S, Rodriguez AM, Lefebvre H, Archambault P, Kairy D, Fung J, Labbé D, Lamontagne A, Kehayia E. (2017) Creating an inclusive mall environment with the PRECEDE-PROCEED model: a living lab case study. Disability and Rehabilitation 2017;39(21):2198-2206
Mazer B, Laliberte M, Hunt M, Lemoignan J, Gelinas I, Vrkljan B, Naglie G, Marshall S. (2016) Ethics of clinical decision-making for older drivers: reporting health-related driving risk. Canadian Journal on Aging/ La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 2016;35 Suppl 1:69-80
Koppel, S., Charlton, J.L., Langford, J., Di Stefano, M., MacDonald, W., Vlahodimitrakou, Z., Mazer, B., Gelinas, I., Vrkljan, B., Eliasz, K., Myers, A., Tuokko, H., Marshall, S. (2016) Driving task: How older drivers’ on-road driving performance relates to abilities, perceptions, and restrictions. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 2016;35 Suppl 1:15-31
Rapoport MJ, Sukhawathanakul P, Naglie G, Tuokko H, Myers A, Crizzle A, Korner-Bitensky N, Vrkljan B, Bedard M, Porter MM, Mazer B, Gelinas I, Man-Son-Hing M, Marshall S. (2016) Cognitive performance, driving behavior, and attitudes over time in older adults. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 2016;35 Suppl 1:81-91
Smith GA, Porter MM, Cull AW, Mazer BL, Myers AM, Naglie G, Bédard M, Tuokko HA, Vrkljan BH, Gélinas I, Marshall SC, Rapoport MJ. (2016) Seasonal and weather effects on older drivers’ trip distances. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 2016;35 Suppl 1:1-10
Vrkljan B, Crizzle A, Villeneuve S, Porter M, Koppel S, Mazer BL, Naglie G, Bedard M, Tuokko HA, Gelinas I, Marshall SC, & Rapoport MJ. (2016) Do demographics and functional abilities influence vehicle type driven by older Canadians? Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 2016; 35 Suppl 1:92-98
Jouk A, Sukhawathanakul P, Tuokko H, Myers A, Naglie G, Vrkljan B, Porter MM, Rapoport M, Marshall S, Mazer B, Man-Son-Hing M, Korner-Bitensky N, Gélinas I, & Bédard M. (2016) Psychosocial constructs as possible moderators of self-reported driving restrictions. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 2016;35 Suppl 1:32-43
Gagnon S, Marshall S, Kadulina Y, Stinchcombe A, Bédard M, Gélinas I, Man-Son-Hing M, Mazer B, Naglie G, Porter M, Rapoport M, Tuokko H, & Vrkljan B. (2016) CIHR Candrive cohort comparison with Canadian household population holding valid driver’s licenses. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 2016;35 Suppl 1:99-109
Tuokko H, Sukhawathanakul P, Walzak L, Jouk A, Myers A, Marshall S, Naglie G, Rapoport, M, Vrkljan B, Porter M, Man-Son-Hing M, Mazer B, Korner-Bitensky N, Gélinas I, & Bedard, M. (2016) Attitudes: Mediators of the relation between health and driving in older adults. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 2016;35 Suppl 1:44-58
Dahan-Oliel N, Shikako-Thomas K, Majnemer A, Mazer B. (2016) Adolescents with disabilities participate in the shopping mall: Facilitators and barriers framed according to the ICF. Disability and Rehabilitation 2016; 38(21):2102-2113
Hudon A, Perreault K, Laliberté M, Desrochers P, Williams-Jones B, Ehrmann Feldman D, Hunt M, Durocher E, Mazer B. (2016) Ethics teaching in rehabilitation: results of a pan-Canadian workshop with occupational and physical therapy educators. Disability and Rehabilitation 2016; 38(22),2244-2254
Mazer B, Gelinas I, Duquette J, Vanier M, Rainville C, Chilingaryan G. (2015) A randomized clinical trial to determine effectiveness of driving simulator retraining on the driving performance of clients with neurological impairment. British Journal of Occupational Therapy 2015;78(6):369-376
Mazer B, Kairy D, Guindon A, Girard M, Swaine B, Kehayia E, Labbe D. (2015) Rehabilitation Living Lab in the Mall Community of Practice: Learning together to improve rehabilitation, participation and social inclusion for people living with disabilities, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2015;12(4):4439-4460; doi:10.3390/ijerph120404439
Belchior PdC, Holmes M, Bier N, Bottari C, Mazer B, Robert A, Navaldeep K. (2015) Performance-based tools for assessing functional performance in individuals with mild cognitive impairment. The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy 2015;3(3):article 3,
*Dahan-Oliel N, Mazer B, Maltais D, Riley P, Nadeau L, Majnemer A. (2015) What do you like to do in your free time? Activity preferences of adolescents born extremely preterm. Journal of Child and Adolescent Behavior 2015;3(1) 186-192. doi: 10.4172/2375-4494.1000186
Laliberté M, Hudon A, Mazer B, Hunt M, Ehrmann Feldman D, Williams-Jones, B. (2015) An in-depth analysis of ethics teaching in Canadian physiotherapy and occupational therapy programs. Disability and Rehabilitation, 2015;26: 1-7
Thomas A, Young M, Mazer B, Lubarsky S, Razack S. (2015) Candidates and interviewers perceptions of multiple mini interviews for admissions to an occupational therapy professional program. Occupational Therapy in Health Care – Special Issue on Occupational Therapy Educational Practices, 2015;29(2): 186-200
Cavallo S, Majnemer A, Mazer B, Chilingaryan G, Ehrmann Feldman D. (2015) Participation in leisure activities among Canadian children with arthritis: Results from a national representative sample. The Journal of Rheumatology 2015;42(6):1002-10
Sukhawathanakul P, Tuokko H, Rhodes RE, Marshall S, Charlton J, Koppel S, Gélinas I, Naglie G, Mazer B, Vrkljan B, Myers A, Man-Son-Hing M, Bédard M, Rapoport M, Korner-Bitensky N, Porter MM. (2015) Measuring driving-related attitudes among older adults: Psychometric evidence for the Decisional Balance Scale across time and gender The Gerontologist 2015;55(6):1068-1078
Hudon A, Laliberté M, Hunt M, Sonier V, William-Jones B,ÌýMazer B, Badro V, Ehrmann Feldman D. (2014) What place for ethics? an overview of ethics teaching in Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy programs in Canada. Disability and Rehabilitation 2014;36(9):775-780.
Dahan-Oliel N,ÌýMazer B, Riley P, Maltais D, Nadeau L, Majnemer A. (2014) Child and environmental factors associated with leisure participation in adolescents born extremely preterm. Early Human Development 2014, 90(10):665-672.
Marshall SC, Man-Son-Hing M, Bédard M, Charlton J, Gagnon S, Gélinas I, Koppel S, Korner-Bitensky N, Langford J,ÌýMazer B, Myers A, Naglie G, Polgar J, Porter MM, Rapoport M, Tuokko H, Vrkljan B and Woolnough A. (2013). Protocol for Candrive II/Ozcandrive, a multicentre prospective older driver cohort study. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 61:245-252.
Rapoport MJ, Naglie G, Weegar K, Myers A, Cameron D, Crizzle A, Korner-Bitensky N, Tuokko H, Vrkljan B, Bédard M, Porter MM,ÌýMazer B, Gélinas I, Man-Son-Hing M and Marshall S. (2013). The relationship between cognitiveÌý performance, perceptions of driving comfort and abilities, and self-reported driving restrictions among healthy older drivers. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 61:288-295.
Darsaklis V, Snider LM, Majnemer A andÌýMazer B.Ìý(2013). Assessments used to diagnose developmental coordination disorder: do their underlying constructs match the diagnostic criteria? Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 33(2):186-198.
Mazer B, Majnemer A, Dahan-Oliel N and Sebestyen I. (2012). Global developmental assessments. In Majnemer A. (ed.) Clinical and Research Measures for children with Developmental Disability: Framed by the ICF-CY, MacKeith Press, U.K.
Dahan-Oliel N,ÌýMazer BÌýand Majnemer A. (2012). Preterm birth and leisure participation: a synthesis of the literature. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 33:1211-20.
Dahan-Oliel N, Majnemer A andÌýMazer B.Ìý(2011). Quality of life of adolescents and young adults born at high risk: How do they measure up? Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 31(4):362-89.
Dahan-Oliel N,ÌýMazer B, Gelinas I, Dobbs B and Lefebvre H. (2010). Transportation use in community-dwelling older adults: Association with participation and leisure activities. Canadian Journal on Aging, 29(4), 491-502.