BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T193235EDT-1918Omwcmb@ DTSTAMP:20250312T233235Z DESCRIPTION:Nutrition month is here\, come find us to learn more!\n\nThe MU HC Libraries & the Clinical Nutrition Services - adult sites want to help you stay informed about proper diet and nutrition. We’re happy to help you search for and identify reliable information\, whether online or through books! We will be at the different sites on the following dates:\n\n\n Marc h 11th The Neuro 10am-2pm - Main entrance on the 1st floor\n March 12th Gle n Site 10am-2pm - Ground floor hallway near the stairs leading to the RVH cafeteria\n March 19th Montreal Children’s Hospital 10am-2pm - Ground floor near the waiting area\n March 25th Montreal General Hospital 10am-2pm - 6t h floor near main entrance on Cedar avenue\n\n\n \n\nEveryone is welcome t o come and see us. We will have various nutrition materials with us\, incl uding pamphlets\, books\, and access to our virtual resources. Our nutriti onists will also be there!\n\nWe’ll also have our always popular Wheel of Knowledge with us! Come give it a spin! If none of this captures your imag ination\, you should at the very least come for the free snacks.\n DTSTART:20250311T140000Z DTEND:20250325T180000Z SUMMARY:Nutrition Month at the MUHC URL:/sociology/channels/event/nutrition-month-muhc-364 080 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR