Transforming Social Work Speaker Series

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This is the second 足足足足足足足足足足足足足足足足足足足足足足足足lecture in the 菜創音嬉貳 School of Social Work's Transforming Social Work Speaker Series.油油This series stems from numerous calls to action within our profession and broader society. Recognition of social works colonial roots requires reflecting on our past and present to determine how as a profession we can油move towards liberatory transformation.
Dr. Shana Almeida, Assistant Professor, Ryerson University
"Decoding Diversity Speak: How Racism Thrives Through Inclusion"
Dr. Shana Almeida is an Assistant Professor in the School of Professional Communication at Ryerson University, specializing in politics and race. Her research and teaching contributions are informed by over six years as political staff in the municipal government of Toronto. During her time at the City of Toronto, Dr. Almeida spearheaded several City-wide policy initiatives in the areas of anti-racism, equity, immigration, employment, recreation, public health, poverty, and housing. Dr. Almeida completed her Ph.D. in Social Work at York University in Toronto (2016). Her doctoral thesis, an exploration of how race is reproduced through diversity discourse in the City of Toronto, provides the foundation for her forthcoming book Toronto the Good? Negotiating Race in the Diverse City, with University of Toronto Press. The book uniquely attends to what diversity does, to remake the City of Toronto as a beacon of democracy, racial inclusion, and progress. Initiated in a local context, the book critically contributes to global debates on the roles of racial inclusion, representation and political participation in advancing anti-racism and social justice. Dr. Almeida has been invited to share her work locally and internationally, including in Toronto, Berlin, Frankfurt, London, and Grahamstown, South Africa.
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After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.油 There is no fee required to attend this event, closed captions will be available, and a recording of the event will be shared shortly after the lecture.
Image Description: A head and shoulders photograph of a South Asian woman with long black hair that is swept over her right shoulder. She looks straight into the camera, smiles, and wears a black jacket over a stripped black and white shirt.