School of Social Work Invited Lecture by Dr. Laura Pacheco speaking about Exploring Experiences and Service Pathways of Parents with Intellectual Disability

The focus of Dr. Pacheco’s presentation will be on her research program. She will highlight the main findings from her doctoral study: Mothers with Intellectual Disabilities from Different Ethno-cultural Communities: A Narrative Study, which include how the mothers experienced and resisted oppression. Implications of this study on social work practice, research and social justice initiatives will be discussed. She will then present an overview of her postdoctoral research: Support Needs and Service Pathways of Parents with Intellectual Impairments: a SSHRC Partnership Development Project.
This multi-stage and multi-method study aims at determining a strategy to build systems’ capacity across Quebec and Alberta to accommodate the support and learning needs of parents with intellectual impairment and, in turn, improve the life chances of their children. Included in the discussion will be a description of the integrated knowledge translation strategy, including future scholarship. The presenta-tion will conclude with her future research program.