74e Congrès de l'Acfas, 15-19 mai 2006 Section 416 - Science de l'information
Appel à proposition de communication libre.
Vous êtes cordialement invité(e) à soumettre une proposition de communication libre pour la section Science de l'information (section 416), coordonnée par l'École supérieure de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l'information de l'Université ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ, dans le cadre du Congrès de l'Association francophone pour le savoir (Acfas).
Le Congrès, dont le thème porte sur « Le savoir, trame de la modernité », se tiendra du 15 au 19 mai 2006 à l'Université ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ située à Montréal.
Le français est la langue officielle du Congrès de l'Acfas mais exceptionnellement, le responsable de discipline peut accepter des communications verbales en anglais. Tout support visuel à la communication (acétates, présentation Powerpoint, etc.) doit être en français et le résumé de la communication doit aussi être disponible en français. Les affiches doivent être en français. Veuillez noter que la date limite pour soumettre un résumé est le 6 janvier 2006.
Établie au Québec, l'Acfas promeut la science dans l'ensemble des disciplines, dont les sciences humaines et sociales, et met particulièrement l'accent sur la recherche multidisciplinaire. L'Association réunit quelque 5 000 chercheurs francophones des quatre coins du monde et son congrès annuel est l'événement du genre de la plus grande envergure au niveau mondial.
Le calendrier est le suivant:
6 janvier: Date limite du dépôt d'une proposition de communication libre.
Mars 2006: envoi des lettres d'acceptation ou de refus.
Avril 2006: publication des résumés de communication et du programme du congrès sur le site Internet de l'Acfas.
Du 15 au 19 mai 2006: Tenue du 74e Congrès de l'Acfas.
Clemens Successful in Ph.D. Defense
GSLIS is pleased to announce that Ms. Lisbeth Clemens has successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis.
In front of an appreciative audience on September 9th, 2005, Ms Clemens defended her thesis "Images of masculinity in young adult literature"
Lisbeth Clemens and her supervisor Prof. John Leide
Ms. Clemens, who obtained her MLIS from ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ in 1999, is presently employed by Selwyn House School as Librarian.
It is expected that the final stages of Ms. Clemens’ Ph.D. will be completed in time for the Fall, 2005 convocation.
GSLIS Holds Introductory Program
The Graduate School of Library and Information Studies conducted its 2005-2006 introductory program for incoming students on September 1st and 2nd.
Over seventy new graduate students took part in the program which is followed the next week by the official start to the fall semester.
The introductory sessions gave students the chance to become aclimatized to GSLIS, ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ and Montreal.
Amongst the sessions held were an introduction to IT at GSLIS, a meeting with the returning students of MLISSA (ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Library and Information Studies Student Association), and a citation workshop given by Kendall Wallis of ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Libraries.
Students also partook of a catered lunch on Thursday and tours of the ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ campus.
New LIS students embark on their journey.
(Photo courtesy of Mr. Chenzhu Bai)
The fall semester will be the first to introduce "specializations" to the MLIS program. Students will have a choice amongst the specializations of Librarianship, Archival Studies or Knowledgement Management.
GSLIS Alumna Awarded Honorary Doctorate
Dr. Joanne Gard Marshall (MLIS ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ) was awarded the degree of Doctor of Letters at the June 2005 convocation. Dr. Marshall holds a Ph.D. degree in Community Health from the University of Toronto, a Masters degree in Health Sciences from McMaster University, a Master of Library Science from ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ University, and a bachelor of arts from the University of Calgary.
She is the past Dean of the School of Information and Library Science at University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. In July 2004, in recognition of her contribution to UNC-Chapel Hill and the field of library and information studies, Professor Marshall was awarded an alumni Distinguished Professorship.
Prior to 1999, Dr. Marshall was a faculty member at the University of Toronto, where she taught courses in health sciences information resources, management of corporate and other specialized information centers, research methods and online information retrieval.
Before assuming her faculty appointment at the University of Toronto, she worked for 15 years as a librarian in various academic and health sciences libraries.
Her contributions to the fields of Health Sciences Information and Health Information Services are internationally recognized.She has received more than 20 research and professional service and research awards including: the Medical Library Association doctoral fellowship for 2002; the Winifred Sewell Prize for Innovation in Information Technologies from the Special Libraries Association in 2000; the Medical Library Association Ida and George Eliot Prize for the most significant research in medical librarianship for 1982 and 1993; the Award of Outstanding Achievement from the Canadian Health Libraries Association in 1992; the H.W. Wilson Award in 1997 and the John Cotton Dana Award in 1998 both from the Special Libraries Association; and the Research and Development Award from the Medical Library Association in 1991.
She was also a member of the Board of Scientific Counselors of the National Library of Medicine from 1999 to 2002. She was awarded the Doctoral Symposium Paper Prize of the American Society for Information Science and Technology in 1987.
Dr. Marshall has been a distinguished member of the Academy of Health Information Professionals since 1991. She is also a fellow of both the Medical Library Association and the Special Libraries Association. In May 2004, she assumed the elected position of President of the Medical Library Association, a major health sciences information organization with more than 1,100 institutional and 3,600 individual members worldwide.
Dr. Marshall has received numerous research grants including $3.5 million from the Environmental Protection Agency for studying their library support services, $3 million from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada on the Workforce Aging in the New Economy, and $300,000 from the National Library of Medicine for investigating health information online. She has conducted important research projects and published numerous books, monographs, reports, journal articles that have been very influential in library and information science and include such titles as The Impact of the Special Library on Corporate Decision-Making and Competencies for Special Librarians of the 21st Century, both monographs published by the Special Libraries Association.
Her contribution to the advancement of knowledge and her involvement in professional development has been, by any standards, outstanding.
GSLIS Loses Valued Colleague
The Faculty, staff and students of the Graduate School of Library and Information Studies have lost a treasured colleague and friend.
Ms. Dorothy Carruthers passed away on Friday, April 8, 2005 at the Montreal General Hospital.
Our deepest sympathy is extended to her son Jonathan and family.
A memorial service will be held on Saturday, April 16, 2005 at 1:00 p.m. at St. Stephen's Church (corner Atwater & Dorchester), 4006 Dorchester West. It is advisable to arrive between 12:30 and 12:45 p.m.
In lieu of flowers or a charity donation in her name, Dorothy had requested a donation be made to establish an endowment for the creation of a student prize in the area of Archival Studies at GSLIS. Donations (cheques should be made out to ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ University) should be made to the Graduate School of Library and Information Studies. Please see the bottom of this Web page for the complete mailing address.
Professor Bouthillier Announces MLIS Specializations
On the 8th of March, Acting Director Professor France Bouthillier announced a new era for the MLIS program at the Graduate School of Library and Information Studies.
Beginning with Fall 2005, students enrolling in the MLIS program will have a choice of specializations which they may pursue in the areas of Knowledge Management, Archival Studies, and Librarianship. Students currently enrolled at GSLIS will continue under the existing program requirements.
Professor Bouthillier is confident that the new specializations will benefit GSLIS' students greatly: "Our goal was to better respond to the diversity of skills and knowledge that are required to enable our graduates to work in a variety of settings . . . The purpose of the curriculum change is to build on the existing content of the MLIS program and to allow students to gain specialized skills and knowledge."