Regular Ph.D. Program Proposed
In 1991, the School accepted its first Ph.D. candidate under the Ad Hoc provisions of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research. With his graduation in 1996, Albert Tabah became the first person to receive a doctorate in library and information studies from a Quebec university.
Although in its early years the number of students in the program was small, there are now eleven candidates, several of whom have gone on to teaching positions in Canada and the United States. The program's second graduate, Fauzia El Bennani, defended her thesis in January of this year.
In April, 2000, the School's Committee on Advance Standing, chaired by Professor John Leide, undertook the formidable task of developing a proposal for a regular doctoral program. In Spring 2001, the School approved the proposal, which was also approved shortly thereafter by the Academic Policy Committee of the Faculty of Education. University approval will undoubtedly require another year or more, as will provincial approval.
The School wishes to thank Professor Leide for his great efforts on behalf of this project. Thanks are also due to Dr. Mary Maguire, Associate Dean, Faculty of Education, for her enthusiastic support and unfailing attention to the strategy and details of the proposal. Mme Helene Richard, Academic Planning Officer, Office of the Principal, has been an invaluable source of insight and support on all aspects of the proposal.