
SLA Related Resources

Professional Associations (International)

Professional Associations (Canada)



Professional Associations (Other Countries)

SLA Student Groups (in Canada)

There are many SLA Student Groups in the USA

Other 'Librarian' Sites

... And Now for Something Completely Different

Career Information

Information and Advice

Job Posting Sites (Canada)

Job Posting Sites (US and International)


Atlantic Canada Library and Information Studies Jobs List Send an email to mailserv [at] ac.dal.ca and in the body of the message, type: subscribe LIS-JOBLIST [your full name]

School of Library, Archival and Information Studies (UBC) Job List Open to students and all interested professionals]. Send blank e-mail to: SlaisJobs-subscribe [at] yahoogroups.ca

Summer Employment and Internships



Each year, SLA awards $30,000 to at least 5 students who have demonstrated their ability and desire to contribute to the Special Librarian field.


Travel/Attendance Awards

Student Awards

  • Pfizer Award of Excellence (coming soon)

Professional Awards

  • Lists many awards given by the SLA; local chapters and divisions also offer awards and grants not listed on the SLA main site.

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