Photo From left to right: Michael Flanders, Emily Duong, Siddharth Nath, Sarah Chibane, Thomas Barabé-Tremblay, Shady Abid, David Luckow, Mélanie Mondou, Jean-Pierre Farmer, Karen Sigman, Hamid Al Badi, Shawn Karls, Rebecca Oksenhendler, Sam Joseph Daniel. Photo: Joni Dufour.
Family and colleagues gathered to applaud 15 ϲ clinician-teachers and residents at the Transition to Clinical Practice (TCP) Awards Ceremony in Montreal on March 26, 2024. Close to 40 guests were in attendance to honour the laureates, each nominated by medical students for teaching and supervision. An additional four clinician-teachers and residents will similarly be recognized at a ceremony to take place at Campus Outaouais.
Jean-Pierre Farmer, MDCM, Associate Vice-Principal and Vice-Dean, Health Affairs of the Faculty, highlighted the essential role these teachers play in medical education, adding: “We are very fortunate to have many among us who are exceptionally good at what they do, which is why we are here tonight, to recognize and celebrate your outstanding teaching and contributions.”
Echoing Dr. Farmer’s sentiments, Thomas Barabé-Tremblay, MDCM Class of 2025 President, emphasized the qualities of excellent teaching, including adaptability and inclusivity in the learning environment. “Being an excellent teacher goes beyond simply being an expert in the field,” he concluded.
David Lucklow MDCM, Component Director, Transition to Clinical Practice, cited examples of the many reasons students gave for nominating this year’s laureates, qualities such as: warm, professional; empathetic with patients, someone to emulate; truly caring and compassionate; incredible clinician and teacher; positive role model, extremely supportive; inspiring, a true leader in every aspect of the word.
Congratulations again to all the 2024 TCP Awards laureates at both the Montreal and Outaouais campuses!
Laureates (Montreal Campus):
Dalal Dahrouj, MD, Anaesthesia
Katherine Chabot, MD, Anaesthesia (resident)
Shady Abid, MD, Family Medicine
Emily Duong, MD, Family Medicine (resident)
Farzaneh Shamekh, MD, Internal Medicine
Haya Aziz, MDCM, Internal Medicine (resident)
Lucy M Vieira, MD, Neurology
Rebecca Oksenhendler, MD, Neurology (resident)
Michael Flanders, MD, Ophthalmology
Siddharth Nath, MD, PhD, Ophthalmology (resident)
Karen Sigman, MD, Pediatrics
Shawn Karls, MD, Radiology
Sarah Chibane, MDCM, Radiology (resident)
Sam Joseph Daniel, MDCM, Surgery
Hamid Al Badi, MD, Surgery (resident)
Laureates (Campus Outaouais):
Brian Tran, MD, Anaesthesia
Petronela Dascalu, MD, Internal Medicine
Jason Blair, MD, Ophthalmology
Stephen Christian Hanley, MD, Surgery