
Publications: 2003-2005

2005 | 2004 | 2003


Alters, S., and B. Alters. 2005. Biology: Understanding life. (11th ed.). Wiley. 864 pp..

Alters, B., and S. Alters. 2005. Teaching biology in higher education. Wiley. 107 pp..

Barrett R., MacLean R.C. & Bell, G. 2005. Experimental evolution of Pseudomonas fluorescens in simple and complex environments. American Naturalist, 2005, v. 166, pp. 470-480.

Bell G. 2005. The co-distribution of species in relation to the neutral theory of community ecology. Ecology 86:757-770.

Bell G. 2005. Experimental sexual selection in Chlamydomonas. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 18: 722-734.

Bell G., Lechowicz M.J. & Waterway M. 2005. The co-distribution of species in relation to the neutral theory of community ecology. Ecology 86: 1757-1770.

MacLean R.C., Dickson A. & Bell G. 2005. Resource competition and adaptive radiation in a microbial microcosm. Ecology Letters 8: 38-46.

Perron, G.G., Zasloff, M. & Bell, G. 2005. Experimental evolution of resistance to an antimicrobial peptide. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 273: 251-256 [see News and Views, Nature 438:170-171 (2005)].

Carroll, R.L. Between water and land. Nature, 2005, pp. 38-39.

Clark, B., Hartley, S.E., Nash Sudling, K., de Mazancourt, C. 2005. The effect of recycling on plant competitive hierarchies. American Naturalist. 165: 609-622.

de Mazancourt, C., Loreau, M., & Dieckmann, U. 2005. Understanding mutualism when there is adaptation to the partner. Journal of Ecology, 93: 305-314.

Crawley, M.J., Johnston, A.E., Silvertown, J., Dodd, M., de Mazancourt, C., Heard, M.S., Henman, D.F., & Edwards, G.R. 2005. Determinants of species richness in the park grass experiment. American Naturalist, 165: 179-192.

Teske P.R., Hamilton H., Palsbøll P.J., Choo C-K., Gabr H., Lourie, S.A., Santos M., Sreepada A., Cherry M.I., Matthee C.A. (2005) Molecular evidence for long-distance colonization in an Indo-Pacific seahorse lineage. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 286: 249-260

Lourie, S.A., D.M. Green, and A.C.J. Vincent (2005). Dispersal, habitat differences, and comparative phylogeography of Southeast Asian seahorses (Syngnathidae:Hippocampus). Molecular Ecology 14: 1073-1094

Carroll, R.L., J. Irwin and D.M. Green. 2005. Thermal physiology and the origin of terrestriality in vertebrates. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 143:345-358.

Green, D.M. 2005. Designatable units for status assessment of endangered species. Conservation Biology 19:1813-1820.

Green, D.M. 2005. The biology of amphibian declines. pp. 58 - 72. In Declining Amphibians: a United States’ Response to the Global Phenomenon. M.J. Lannoo (ed.). University of California Press, Berkeley.

Lourie, S.A., D.M. Green and A.C.J. Vincent. 2005. Dispersal, habitat differences and comparative phylogeography of Southeast Asian seahorses seahorses (Syngnathidae: Hippocampus). Molecular Ecology 14:1073-1094.

Ouellet, M., I. Mikaelian,, B.D. Pauli, J. Rodrigue, and D.M. Green. 2005. Historical evidence of widespread chytrid infection in North American amphibian populations. Conservation Biology 5:1431-1440.

Smith, M.A, and D.M. Green. 2005. Dispersal and the metapopulation paradigm in amphibian ecology and conservation: are all amphibian populations metapopulations? Ecography 28:110-128.

Crispo, E., and A.P. Hendry. 2005. Does time since colonization influence isolation by distance? A meta-analysis. Conservation Genetics 6: 665-682.

Hendry, A.P. 2005. The power of natural selection. Nature 433:649-695.

Hendry, A.P., and T. Day. 2005. Population structure attributable to reproductive date: isolation-by-time and adaptation-by-time. Molecular Ecology 14:901-916.

Herrel, A., J. Podos, S.K. Huber, and A.P. Hendry. 2005. Bite performance and morphology in a population of Darwin’s finches: implications for the evolution of beak shape. Functional Ecology. 19:43-48.

Herrell, J. Podos, S.K. Huber, and A.P. Hendry. 2005. Evolution of bite force in Darwin’s finches: a key role for head width. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 18:669-675.

Huey, R.B., G.W. Gilchrist, and A.P. Hendry. 2005. Using invasive species to study evolution. Pages 139-164 in D.F. Sax, S.D. Gaines, and J.J. Stachowicz (editors). Species invasions: insights to ecology, evolution and biogeography. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA.

Patterson, I. G., E. Crispo, A. P. Hendry, M. T. Kinnison, and P. Bentzen. 2005. Characterization of tetranucleotide microsatellite markers in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata). Molecular Ecology Notes 5:269-271.

Morbey, Y.E., C.E. Brassil, and A.P. Hendry. 2005. Rapid senescence in Pacific salmon. American Naturalist 166:556-568.

Moore, J.-S., and A.P. Hendry. 2005. Both selection and gene flow are necessary to explain adaptive divergence: evidence from clinal variation in stream stickleback. Evolutionary Ecology Research 7:871-886.

Larsson, H.C.E. 2005. Hatching of an accountable science. Science 307:520. [book review]

O'Keefe, F. R., C. A. Sidor, C. A., H. C. E. Larsson, A. Maga, O. Ide. 2005. Vertebrate fauna of the Upper Permian of Niger - III, morphology and ontogeny of the hindlimb of Moradisaurus grandis (Reptilia, Captorhinidae). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 25:309-319.

Sidor, C.A., F. R. O'Keefe, R. Damiani, J. S. Steyer, R. M. H. Smith, H. C. E. Larsson, P. C. Sereno, O. Ide, A. Maga. 2005. Permian tetrapods from the Sahara show climate-controlled endemism in Pangea. Nature 434: 886-889.

Jones, L.A. and A. Ricciardi. 2005. Influence of physicochemical factors on the distribution and biomass of invasive mussels in the St. Lawrence River. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62: 1953-1962.

Palmer, M.E. and A. Ricciardi. 2005. Community interactions affecting the relative abundance of native and invasive amphipods in the St. Lawrence River. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62: 1111-1118.

Ricciardi, A. 2005. Facilitation and synergistic interactions among introduced aquatic species. In: H.A. Mooney, R.N. Mack, J. McNeely, L.E. Neville, P.J. Schei and J.K. Waage (editors), Invasive Alien Species: A New Synthesis. Island Press, Washington, D.C. pp. 162-178.

Godfrey LR, Samonds KE, Wright PC and King SJ (2005). Schultz’s unruly rule: dental developmental sequences and schedules in small-bodied folivorous lemurs. Folia Primatologica 76: 77-99.

Lawson, B. 2005. Collecting Cultures: Canadian Missionaries, Pacific Islanders and Museums. In Canadian Missionaries, Indigenous Peoples: Representing Religion at Home and Abroad, A. Austin and J. Scott, eds. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 235-61.

Lawson, B. 2005. Pacific Tapa. (Book Review) Pacific Affairs, 78 (3): 522-23.

Hofmann, H.J., 2005. Palaeoproterozoic dubiofossils from India revisited - Vindhyan triploblastic animal burrows or pseudofossils? Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India, v. 50 (2), p. 113-120.

Hofmann, H.J., O’Brien, S.J., and King, A.F. 2005. Hiemalora and other Ediacaran fossils of northeastern Newfoundland, and correlations within Avalonia. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 37, no. 7, p. 485.

Hofmann, H.J., O’Brien, S.J., and King, A.F. 2005. Ediacaran fossils on Bonavista Peninsula, Newfoundland, Canada. North American Paleontology Convention, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada, June 19-25, 2005, Programme and Abstracts, PaleoBios, v. 25, Supplement to No. 2, p. 60-61.

Labelle, M.-L. 2005. Beads of Life: Eastern and Southern African Beadwork from Canadian Collections, Mercury Series, Cultural Studies Paper 78, 208 pages.


Alters, B. 2004. Teaching Biological Evolution in Higher Education: Methodological, religious, and nonreligious Issues. Jones & Bartlett. 136 pp..

Collins S. & Bell G. 2004. Phenotypic consequences of 1000 generations of selection at elevated CO2 in a green alga. Nature 431:566-569.

MacLean R.C. & Bell G. 2004. The evolution of a phenotypic fitness trade-off in Pseudomonas fluorescens. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 101: 8072-8077.

Smith S.A., Bell G. & Bermingham E. 2004. Cross-Cordillera exchange mediated by the Panama Canal increased the species richness of local freshwater fish communities. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B doi:10.1098/rspb.2004.2796. (See News@Nature 18 August 2004).

Tong A.H.Y., Lesage G, Bader G., Ding H., Xu H., Xin X., Young J., Berriz G.F., Brost R., Chang M., Chen Y., Cheng X., Chua G., Friesen H., Goldberg D.S., Haynes J., Humphries C., He G., Hussein S., Ke L., Krogan N., Li Z., Levinson J.N., Lu H., MÈnard P., Munyana P., Parsons A., Ryan O., Tonikian R., Roberts T., Sdicu A.-M., Shapiro J., Sheikh B., Suter B., Wong S.L., Zhang L.V., Zhu H., Burd C.G., Munro S., Sander C., Rine J., Greenblatt J., Peter M., Bretscher A., Bell G., Roth F.P., Brown G., Andrews B., Bussey H., Boone C. 2004. Genetic Interaction Networks: Large-scale Mapping of Synthetic Genetic Interactions in Yeast. Science 303: 808-813. [See: Hartwell, L (2004) Science 303: 774-775].

Carroll, R.L. The importance of branchiosaurs in determining the ancestry of the modern amphibian orders. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Palaeontologis, Abhandlungen, v. 23, 2004, pp. 5-28.

Carroll, R., Boivert, C., Bolt, R., Green, D., Philips, N., Rolian, C., Schoch, R. & Tarenko, A. Evolution of the appendicular skeleton of amphibians. In: Appendicular Skeleton of Vertebrates, (ed.) B. Hall, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2004, 100 pp.

Carroll, R., Boivert, C., Bolt, R., Green, D., Philips, N., Rolian, C., Schoch, R. & Tarenko, A. Changing patterns of ontogeny from osteolepiform fish through Permian tetrapods as a guide to the early evolution of land vertebrates. In: Recent Advances in the Origin and early Radiation of Vertebrates, (eds.) G. Arratia, R. Cloutier, and M. Wilson, Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, München, 2004, pp. 321-343.

de Mazancourt, C., and Dieckmann, U. 2004. Trade-off geometries and frequency-dependent selection. American Naturalist. 164: 765-778.

Loreau, M., de Mazancourt, C., and Holt, R.D. 2004. Ecosystem evolution and conservation. in Evolutionary Conservation Biology. Ferrière, R., Dieckmann, U. and Couvet, D., eds. Cambridge Studies in Adaptive Dynamics, IIASA and Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp 327-343.

Lourie, S.A., S. Foster, E.W.T. Cooper, and A.C.J. Vincent (2004). A guide to the identification of seahorses. CITES/WWF North America. 118pp.

Lourie, S.A. Wallace’s Line for a marine fish: phylogeography of the three-spot seahorse Hippocampus trimaculatus (Syngnathidae: Teleostei) in Southeast Asia (2004). Journal of Biogeography. 31: 1975-1985

Lourie, S. A. and A.C.J. Vincent. Using biogeography to help set priorities in marine conservation (2004). Conservation Biology 18: 1004-1020

Green, D.M. 2004. Structure and evolution of B-chromosomes in amphibians. Cytogenetic and Genome Research 106:235-242

Smith, M.A, and D.M. Green. 2004. Phylogeography of Bufo fowleri at its northern range limit. Molecular Ecology 13:3723-3733.

Carlson, S.M., A.P. Hendry, and B.H. Letcher. 2004. Natural selection acting on size, growth rate, and compensatory growth: an empirical test in a wild trout population. Evolutionary Ecology Research 6:955–973.

Einum, S., M.T. Kinnison, and A.P. Hendry. 2004. Evolution of egg size and number. Pages 126–153 in A.P. Hendry and S.C. Stearns (editors). Evolution Illuminated: salmon and their relatives. Oxford Univ. Press.

Gende, S.P., T.P. Quinn, R. Hilborn, A.P. Hendry, and B. Dickerson. 2004. Brown bears selectively kill salmon with higher energy content but only in habitats facilitating choice. Oikos 104:518-528.

Hendry, A.P. 2004. Selection against migrants contributes to the rapid evolution of ecologically-dependent reproductive isolation. Evolutionary Ecology Research 6:1219–1236.

Hendry, A.P., and E. Beall. 2004. Energy use in spawning Atlantic salmon. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 13:185-196.

Hendry, A.P., T. Bohlin, B. Jonsson, and O.K. Berg. 2004. To sea or not to sea: Anadromy versus non-anadromy in salmonids. Pages 92–125 in A.P. Hendry and S.C. Stearns (editors). Evolution Illuminated: salmon and their relatives. Oxford Univ. Press.

Hendry, A.P., V. Castric, M.T. Kinnison, and T.P. Quinn. 2004. The evolution of philopatry and dispersal: homing versus straying in salmonids. Pages 91–52 in A.P. Hendry and S.C. Stearns (editors). Evolution Illuminated: salmon and their relatives. Oxford Univ. Press.

Hendry, A.P., Y.E. Morbey, O.K. Berg, and J.K. Wenburg. 2004. Adaptive variation in senescence: reproductive life span in a wild salmon population. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 271:259-266.

Hendry, A.P., and S.C. Stearns (Editors). 2004. Evolution illuminated: salmon and their relatives. Oxford University Press. 510 pp.

Hendry, A.P., and E.B. Taylor. 2004. How much of the variation in adaptive divergence can be explained by gene flow: an evaluation using lake/stream stickleback. Evolution 58:2319–2331.

Kinnison, M.T., and A.P. Hendry. 2004. Tempo and mode in salmon evolution. Pages 208–231 in A.P. Hendry and S.C. Stearns (editors). Evolution Illuminated: salmon and their relatives. Oxford Univ. Press.

Stearns, S.C., and A.P. Hendry. 2004. The salmonid contribution to key issues in evolution. Pages 3–19 in A.P. Hendry and S.C. Stearns (editors). Evolution Illuminated: salmon and their relatives. Oxford Univ. Press.

Millien, V. & Damuth, J. (2004). Climate change and size evolution in an island rodent species: new perspectives on the island rule. Evolution, 58:1353-1360.

Millien, V. (2004). Relative effects of climate change, isolation and competition on body size evolution in the Japanese field mouse Apodemus argenteus. Journal of Biogeography, 31:1267-1276.

Colautti, R., A. Ricciardi, I.A. Grigorovich, and H.J. MacIsaac. 2004. Is invasion success explained by the Enemy Release Hypothesis? Ecology Letters 7: 721-733.

Holeck K., E.L. Mills, H.J. MacIsaac, M. Dochoda, R.I. Colautti, and A. Ricciardi. 2004. Bridging troubled waters: understanding links between biological invasions, transoceanic shipping, and other entry vectors in the Laurentian Great Lakes. BioScience 10: 919-929.

Palmer, M.E. and A. Ricciardi. 2004. Physical factors affecting the relative abundance of native and invasive amphipods in the St. Lawrence River. Canadian Journal of Zoology 82: 1886-1893.

Ricciardi, A. 2004. Assessing species invasions as a cause of extinction. (Letter) Trends in Ecology and Evolution 19: 619.

Ricciardi, A. and S.K. Atkinson. 2004. Distinctiveness magnifies the impact of biological invaders in aquatic ecosystems. Ecology Letters 7: 781-784.

Ricciardi, A. and F.G. Whoriskey. 2004. Exotic species replacement: Shifting dominance of dreissenid mussels in the Soulanges Canal, upper St. Lawrence River, Canada. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 23: 507-514.

Irwin MT, Samonds KE, Wright PC and Raharison J-L (2004). Lemur latrines: Observations of latrine behaviour in wild primates and possible ecological significance. Journal of Mammalogy 85(3): 420-427.

Godfrey LR, Samonds KE, Jungers WL, Sutherland MR and Irwin MT (2004). Ontogenetic correlates of diet in Malagasy lemurs. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 123: 250-276.

Lawson, B. 2004. Clothing the Pacific. (Book Review). Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 10(3): 717-18.

Lawson, B. 2004. Toward a Geography of Art. (Book Review). Muse 22(6): 46.

Hofmann, H.J., 2004. Neoproterozoic fossils in Canada - an overview. IGCP Project 478 - 1st Symposium on Neoproterozoic-Early Palaeozoic events in SW Gondwana, Sao Paulo, Programme and Extended Abstracts, p. 39.

Hofmann, H.J., 2004. Precambrian fossils in Quebec, in: G. Prichonnet and M.A.Bouchard (eds.), Actes du premier colloque du patrimoine géologique du Québec, Géologie Québec, MB 2004-05, p. 109-113 (published in CD form).

Hofmann, H.J., 2004. Archean microfossils and abiomorphs. Astrobiology, v. 4, no. 2, p. 135-136.


Bell. G. 2003 The interpretation of biological surveys. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B 270, 2003, pp. 2531-2542.

Bell, G. & Gouyon, P.-H. 2003. Arming the Enemy: the evolution of resistance to self-proteins. Microbiology, v. 149, pp. 1367-1375.

Belotte, D., Curien, J.-B., Maclean, C. & Bell, G. 2003. An experimental test of local adaptation in soil bacteria. Evolution, v. 57, pp. 27–36.

MacLean, R.C. & Bell, G. 2003. Divergent evolution during an experimental adaptive radiation. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B 270, pp. 1645-1650.

Anderson, J.S., Carroll, R.L. & Rowe, T. New information on Lethicus stocki (Tetrapoda, Lepospondyl, Aïstopoda from High Resolution Computerized Tomography and a phylogenetic analysis of Aïstopoda. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 40, 2003, pp. 1071-1083.

Schoch, R.R. & Carroll, R.L. Ontogenetic evidence for the Paleozoic ancestry of Salamanders. Evolution and Development, v. 5, 2003, pp. 314-324.

Lourie, S.A. and Randall, J.E (2003). A new pygmy seahorse, Hippocampus denise (Teleostei: Syngnathidae) from the Indo-Pacific. Zoological Studies. 42(2): 284-291

Lourie, S.A. Measuring seahorses (2003). Project Seahorse Technical Report No.4, Version 1.0. Project Seahorse, Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia. 15 pp.

Lourie, S.A (2003). Fin-clipping procedure for seahorses. Project Seahorse Technical Bulletin No. 3, Version 1.1. Project Seahorse, Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia. 4 pp.

Green, D.M. 2003. The ecology of extinction: population fluctuation and decline in amphibians. Biological Conservation. 111:331-343.

Green, D.M., and C. Parent. 2003. Variable and asymmetric introgression in a hybrid zone in the toads, Bufo americanus and B. fowleri. Copeia 2003:34-43.

Hendry, A.P., and T. Day. 2003. Revisiting the positive correlation between female size and egg size. Evolutionary Ecology Research 5:421-429.

Hendry, A.P., B.H. Letcher, and G. Gries. 2003. Estimating natural selection acting on stream-dwelling Atlantic salmon: implications for the restoration of extirpated populations. Conservation Biology 17:795-805.

Stockwell, C.A., A.P. Hendry, and M.T. Kinnison. 2003. Contemporary evolution meets conservation biology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 18:94-101.

Larsson, H. C. E. and G. P. Wagner. 2003. Old morphologies misinterpreted. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 18(1): 10.

Larsson, H. C. E. 2003. Jurassic Spark : Philip Currie. Time, November 3: 52-53.

Sereno, P.C., C. A. Sidor, H. C. E. Larsson, and B. Gado. 2003. A new notosuchian from the Early Cretaceous of Niger. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 23(2):477-482.

Wagner, G.P., and H.C.E. Larsson. 2003. What is the promise of developmental evolution? III. The crucible of developmental evolution. Journal of Experimental Zoology (Molecular Biology and Evolution) 300B:1-4.

Denys, C., Lecompte, E., Granjon, L., Baylac, M. Cordeiro, P., Cornette, R., Dobigny, G., Fichet-Calvet, E., Hugot, J.-P., Meslage, C., Millien, V., Petrillo, P., Volobouev, V. & Welz, M. (2003). Integrative systematics: the importance of combining various techniques for increasing knowledge of African murinae. In: Singleton, G. R., Hinds, L. A., Krebs, C. J. & Spratt, D. M. (eds) Rats, mice and people: rodent biology and management : 499-506.

Ricciardi, A. 2003. Predicting the impacts of an introduced species from its invasion history: an empirical approach applied to zebra mussel invasions. Freshwater Biology 48: 972-981.

Godfrey LR, Samonds KE, Jungers WL and Sutherland MR (2003). Dental development and primate life histories. In (PM Kappeler and ME Pereira eds.). Primate Life Histories and Socioecology. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Pp. 177-203.

Hofmann, H.J., 2003. Microbial manifestations and primeval stromatolites. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 2003 Seattle Annual Meeting (November 2–5, 2003), Paper 156-4.

Hofmann, H.J., 2003. Eons and geons - a simple planetary time scale. Geological Association of Canada, Nuna Conference on Time and Time scales. Mt. Tremblant, Abstracts, p. 3-6, and poster.

Savage, D.A., Mountjoy, E.W. and Hofmann, H.J.. 2003. Terminal Proterozoic stromatolite reefs with shelly fossils, Salient Platform, British Columbia. Geological Association of Canada – Mineralogical Association of Canada, Annual Mtg., Abstract 603, and poster.

Zoïtopoúlou, E. 2003. Nouvelles lampes de la collection de l’université ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ. Nouveautés Lychnologiques, pp. 265-83.

Pelizzari, M. A., ed. 2003. Traces of India: Photography, Architecture, and the Politics of Representation, 1850-1900, Canadian Centre for Architecture and Yale Center for British Art, p. 219.


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L’Université ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ est située sur un territoire qui a longtemps servi de lieu de rencontre et d’échange autochtone, notamment pour les Haudenosaunee et les Anishinaabeg. Nous saluons et remercions les divers peuples autochtones qui ont enrichi de leur présence ce territoire qui accueille aujourd’hui des gens de partout dans le monde.

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