
Publications: 1999 and earlier

1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990
1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1984 | 1983 and earlier


Alters, B.J. 1999. What is creationism? American Biology Teacher 61(2): 103-106.

Carroll, R.L. Homology among divergent Paleozoic tetrapod clades. In: Homology, (ed.) G. R. Bock and G. Cardew, John Wiley & Sons, 1999, pp. 47-64.

Carroll, R.L. Review of Macroevolution: Patterns and Process. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, v. 19, 1999, pp. 799-801.

Carroll, R.L. The ancestry and interrelationships of modern amphibians. Canadian Association of Herpetologists, v. 13, 1999, pp. 2-7.

Carroll, R.L., Kuntz, A. & Albright, K. Vertebral development and amphibian evolution. Evolution and Development, v. 1, 1999, pp. 36-48.

Loreau, M, and de Mazancourt, C. 1999. Should plants in resource-poor environments invest more in antiherbivore defence? Oikos, 87: 195-200.

de Mazancourt, C., Loreau, M., and Abbadie, L. 1999. Grazing optimization and nutrient cycling: Potential impact of large herbivores in a savanna ecosystem. Ecological Applications, 9: 784-797.

Lourie, S.A., J.C. Pritchard, S.P. Casey, S.K. Truong, H.J. Hall, and A.C.J. Vincent (1999). The taxonomy of Vietnam鈥檚 exploited seahorses. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 66(2): 231-56

Abourachid, A. and D.M. Green. 1999. Origins of the frog-kick? Alternate-leg swimming in primitive frogs, familes Leiopelmatidae and Ascaphidae. Journal of Herpetology. 33:657-663.

Griffith, J.N., A.P. Hendry, and T.P. Quinn. 1999. Exploratory behavior or straying: adult sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) entering a non-natal hatchery. Fishery Bulletin 97: 713-716.

Hendry, A.P., and O.K. Berg. 1999. Secondary sexual characters, energy use, senescence, and the cost of reproduction in sockeye salmon. Can. J. Zool. 77:1663-1675.

Hendry, A.P., O.K. Berg, and T.P. Quinn. 1999. Condition dependence and adaptation-by-time: breeding date, life history, and energy allocation in a population of salmon. Oikos 85:499-514.

Hendry, A.P., and M.T. Kinnison. 1999. The pace of modern life: measuring rates of microevolution. Evolution 53:1637-1653.

Quinn, T.P., A.P. Hendry, and E.C. Volk. 1999. Natural otolith microstructure patterns reveal precise homing to natal incubation sites by sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Can. J. Zool. 77:766-775.

Larsson, H.C.E. and C. A. Sidor. 1999. Unusual crocodyliform teeth from the Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) of southeastern Morocco. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 19(2):398-401.

Sereno, P.C., A. B. Beck, D. B. Dutheil, H. C. E. Larsson, G. H. Lyon, B. Moussa, R. W. Sadleir, C. A. Sidor, D. J. Varricchio, G. P. Wilson, and J. A. Wilson. 1999. Cretaceous sauropods from the Sahara and the uneven rate of skeletal evolution among dinosaurs. Science 286:1342-1347.

Millien-Parra, V. & Jaeger, J.-J. (1999). Island biogeography of the Japanese terrestrial mammal assemblage: an example of a relict fauna. Journal of Biogeography, 26: 959-972.

Parra-Millien, V., Loreau, M. & Jaeger, J.-J. (1999). Incisor size and community structure in rodents: two tests of the role of competition. Acta Oecologica, 20: 93-101.

Parra-Millien, V., Bocherens, H. & Jaeger, J.-J. (1999). The skull of Microtia, an extinct burrowing murine rodent of the late Neogene Gargano palaeoisland. Lethaia, 32: 89-100.

Ricciardi, A., and Bourget. 1999. Global patterns of macroinvertebrate biomass in marine intertidal communities. Marine Ecology Progress Series 185: 21-35.

Ricciardi, A., and J.B. Rasmussen. 1999. Extinction rates of North American freshwater fauna. Conservation Biology 13: 1220-1222.

Lawson, B. 1999. From curio to cultural document, in Museums and the Future of Collecting, Simon Knell, editor, pp. 63-72. Aldershot (UK): Ashgate Publishing.

Lawson, B. 1999. Exhibiting agendas: anthropology at the Redpath Museum (1882-1899). Anthropologica / Canadian Anthropology Society, v. XLI, n. 1, pp. 53-65.

Hofmann, H.J. (1999): Geons and geons, Geology, 27, 855-856

Hofmann, H.J. (1999): Global distribution of the Proterozoic sphaeromorph acritarch Valeria lophostriata (Jankauskas), Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 16, 215-224

Hofmann, H.J. (1999): Coniform stromatolites in Warrawoona Group, Western Australia. in: K. Grey, A. Hickman, H. Hofmann, M. Van Kranendonk, and I. Williams, (leaders), Pilbara Archaean Stromatolite Excursion, Field Guide, June 29th-July 6th 1999, Geological Survey of Western Australia, 37

Hofmann, H.J., Grey, K., Hickman, A.H., and Thorpe, R. (1999): Origin of 3.45 Ga coniform stromatolites in Warrawoona Group, Western Australia., Geological Society of America Bulletin, 111, 1256-1262


Alters, B.J. 1998. Stephen Jay Gould - An interview. American Biology Teacher 60(4): 272-275.

Kassen, R. & G. Bell. 1998. Experimental evolution in Chlamydomonas. IV. Selection in environments that vary through time at different scales. Heredity 80: 732-741.

Carroll, R.L. Cranial anatomy of ophiderpetontid a茂stopods: Palaeozoic limbless amphibians. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society of London, v. 122, 1998, pp. 143-166.

Carroll, R.L. Limits to knowledge of the fossil record. Zoology, v. 100, 1998, pp. 221-231.

Carroll, R.L., Bossy, K., Milner, A., Andrews, S.M. & Wellstead, C. Lepospondyli. In: Handbuch der Pal盲oherpetologie, Volume I, (ed.) P. Wellnhofer, Friedrich Pfeil, Verlag, 1998, pp. 220, 111 figures.

Holmes, R., Carroll, R.L. & Reisz, R.R. The first articulated skeleton of Dendrerpeton acadianum (Temnospondyli, Dendrerpetontidae) from the Lower Pennsylvanian locality of Joggins, Nova Scotia, and a review of its relationships. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, v. 18, 1998, pp. 64-79.

de Mazancourt, C., Loreau, M., and Abbadie, L. 1998. Grazing optimization and nutrient cycling: When do herbivores enhance primary production? Ecology 79: 2242-2252.

Sharbel, T.F., D.M. Green, and A. Houben. 1998. B chromosome origin in the endemic New Zealand frog Leiopelma hochstetteri through sex chromosome devolution. Genome 41:14-22.

Sagor, E.S., M. Ouellet, E. Barten, and D.M. Green. 1998. Geographic variation in age structure in the Wood frog, Rana sylvatica. Journal of Herpetology 32:469-474

Hendry, A.P., and M.T. Kinnison. 1998. Taking time with microevolution. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 13:76-77.

Hendry, A.P., J.E. Hensleigh, and R.R. Reisenbichler. 1998. Incubation temperature, developmental biology and the divergence of sockeye salmon within Lake Washington. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 55:1387-1394.

Hensleigh, J.E., and A.P. Hendry. 1998. Rheotactic response of fry from beach-spawning populations of sockeye salmon: evolution after selection is relaxed. Can. J. Zool. 76:2186-2193.

Larsson, H.C.E. 1998. A new method for comparing ontogenetic and phylogenetic data and its application to the evolution of the crocodylian secondary palate. Neues Jahrbuch f眉r Geologie und Pal盲ontologie, Abhandlungen 210(3):345-368.

Sereno, P.C., Beck, A.L., Dutheil, D.B., Gado, B., Larsson, H.C.E., Lyon, G.H., Marcot, J.D., Rauhut, O.W.M., Sadleir, R.W., Sidor, C.A., Varricchio, D.D., Wilson, G.P., and Wilson, J.A. 1998. A long-snouted predatory dinosaur from Africa and the evolution of spinosaurids. Science 282:1298-1302.

Parra-Millien, V. & Jaeger, J.-J. (1998). Estimation de la taille et du poids corporel chez les rongeurs (Rodentia, Mammalia) 脿 partir de la taille des incisives. Comptes Rendus de l'Acad茅mie des Sciences, Paris, S茅rie IIa, Sciences de la Terre et des Plan猫tes, 326: 79-85.

Ricciardi, A. 1998. Global range expansion of the Asian mussel Limnoperna fortunei (Mytilidae): another fouling threat to freshwater systems. Biofouling 13: 97-106.

Ricciardi, A., R.J. Neves, and J. B. Rasmussen. 1998. Impending extinctions of North American freshwater mussels (Unionoida) following the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) invasion. Journal of Animal Ecology 67: 613-619.

Ricciardi, A., and J.B. Rasmussen. 1998. Predicting the identity and impact of future biological invaders: a priority for aquatic resource management. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55: 1759-1765

Hofmann, H.J. (1998): Distribution of Archean stromatolites in time and space, Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 30, A232

Hofmann, H.J. (1998): Synopsis of Precambrian fossil occurrences in North America, 271-376

Hofmann, H.J., and Bolton, T.E. (1998): Middle Ordovician (Whiterockian) trilobite Bathyurus angelini Billings 1859 from the Carillon Formation (uppermost Beekmantown Group) at Kahnawake, Quebec, and correlative trilobites from eastern Canada, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 35, 76-87

Hofmann, H.J., and Davidson, A. (1998): Paleoproterozoic stromatolites, Hurwitz Group, Quartzite Lake area, Northwest Territories, Canada, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 35, 280-289

Hofmann, H.J., and Mountjoy, E.W. (1998): New macrofossil occurrence in Neoproterozoic Miette Group (Windermere Supergroup), western Canada, Inaugural Sprigg Symposium, University of Adelaide; Geological Society of Australia, Abstracts No. 51, 25

Yuan, X-L., and Hofmann, H.J. (1998): New microfossils from the Neoproterozoic (Sinian) Doushantuo Formation, Wengan, Guizhou Province, southwestern China, Alcheringa, 22, 189-222

Stevenson, L. 1998. Memorial of John Sinclair Stevenson, September 21, 1908 - September 7, 1987. American Mineralogist, v. 73, pp. 922-924.

Bonin, J. 1998. Rapport Sur La Situation de la Tortue G茅ographique (Graptemys geographica) au Qu茅bec. Ministre de l'Environnement et de la Faune.

Holland, A. M. 1998. Exhibit catalogue, Napoleon鈥檚 Expedition to Egypt: A Bicentenary Exhibition, Montreal, 黑料不打烊 University Libraries, (Redpath material is listed pp. 2-19).

Marshall, C.W. 1998. Book Review of T.B.L. Webster, Monuments Illustrating New Comedy. In Echoes du Monde Classique / Classical Views, vol. XLII, n.s. 17: 178-184.


Alters, B.J. 1997. Nature of Science: A diversity or uniformity of ideas? Journal of Research in Science Teaching 34(10): 1105-1108.

Alters, B.J. 1997. Whose nature of science? Journal of Research in Science Teaching 34(1): 39-55.

Alters, B.J. 1997. Hearts and minds in the science classroom: The education of a confirmed evolutionist revisited. Journal of Science Teaching 34(1): 89-91.

Bell, G. 1997. Experimental evolution in Chlamydomonas. I. Short-term selection in uniform and diverse environments. Heredity 78: 490-497.

Bell, G. 1997. The evolution of the life cycle in brown seaweeds. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 60: 21-38.

Bell, G. & A. Mooers. 1997. The diversity of cell types among multicellular organisms. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 60: 345-363.

Bell, G. & X. Reboud. 1997. Experimental evolution in Chlamydomonas. II. Genetic variation in strongly contrasted environments. Heredity 78: 498-506.

Reboud, X. & G. Bell. 1997. Experimental evolution in Chlamydomonas. III. Evolution of specialist and generalist types in environments that vary in space and time. Heredity 78: 507-514.

Zeyl, C. & G. Bell. 1997. The advantage of sex in evolving yeast populations. Nature 388: 465-468.

Alters, B.J. 1997. Nature of Science: A diversity or uniformity of ideas? Journal of Research in Science Teaching 34(10): 1105-1108.

Alters, B.J. 1997. Whose nature of science? Journal of Research in Science Teaching 34(1): 39-55.

Alters, B.J. 1997. Hearts and minds in the science classroom: The education of a confirmed evolutionist revisited. Journal of Science Teaching 34(1): 89-91.

Birker, I. 1997 Nine Frogs and a Toad - Teachers' Information and Resource Kit. Printing costs supplied by the Discretionary Fund of the Minister of Education.

Carroll, R.L. Mesozoic marine reptiles as models of long term, large scale evolutionary phenomena. In: Mesozoic Marine Reptiles, (eds.) E. Nicholls & J. Callaway, Academic Press, London, New York, 1997, pp. 467-489.

Carroll, R.L. Patterns and Processes of Vertebrate Evolution. Cambridge University Press, 1997, pp. 448.

Green, D.M. 1997. Perspectives on amphibian population declines: defining the problem and searching for answers. Herpetological Conservation 1:291-308.

Green, D.M. 1997. Temporal variation in abundance and age structure in Fowler's toads (Bufo woodhousii fowleri) at Long Point, Ontario. Herpetological Conservation 1:45-56.

Green, D.M., H. Kaiser, T.F. Sharbel, J. Kearsley, and K.R. McAllister. 1997. Cryptic species of spotted frogs, Rana pretiosa complex, from Western North America. Copeia 1997:1-8.

Green, D.M. and C. Pustowka. 1997. Correlated morphological and allozyme variation in the hybridizing toads, Bufo americanus and Bufo hemiophrys. Herpetologica 53:218-228.

Shirose, L.J., C.A. Bishop, D.M. Green, C.J. MacDonald, R.J. Brooks and N.J. Helferty. 1997. Validation tests of an amphibian call count survey technique in Ontario, Canada. Herpetologica 53:312-320.

Hendry, A.P., and T.P. Quinn. 1997. Variation in adult life history and morphology among populations of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) within Lake Washington, WA, in relation to habitat features and ancestral affinities. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 54:75-84.

Ricciardi, A., F.G. Whoriskey, and J.B. Rasmussen. 1997. The role of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in structuring macroinvertebrate communities on hard substrata. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54: 2596-2608

Lawson, B. 1997. Review of Museums and the Making of Ourselves: The Role of Objects in National Identity, Flora E.S. Kaplan, editor, in Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, v. 34, n. 1, pp. 110-12.

Pope, M.C., Read, J.F., Bambach, R., and Hofmann, H.J. (1997): Late Middle to Late Ordovician seismites of Kentucky, southwest Ohio, and Virginia - sedimentary record left of earthquakes in the Appalachian Basin, Geological Society of America, Bulletin, 109, 489-503

Trzcienski, W.E., Jr., Hofmann, H.J., and Poirier, G. (1997): Inquest of the metamorphic pseudofossil Eozoon canadense in marbles of the Grenville Supergroup, Quebec: pressure- temperature conditions for the so-called canals, Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada, Joint Annual Meetings, Abstracts, 22, A-149


Da Silva, J. & G. Bell. 1996. The ecology and genetics of fitness in Chlamydomonas. VII. The effect of sex on the mean and the variance of fitness. Evolution 50: 1705-1713.

Zeyl, C. and G. Bell. 1996. Symbiotic DNA in eukaryotic genomes. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 11: 10-14. (ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION REQUIRED)

Zeyl, C., G. Bell & D. Green. 1996. Sex and the spread of retrotransposon Ty3 in experimental populations of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.脻Genetics 143: 1567-1577.

Carroll, R.L. Elongate early tetrapods: Why 鈥淟izzie鈥 had little limbs. Paleontology, no. 52, 1996, pp. 139-148.

Carroll, R.L. Pleistocence and Holocene vertebrates as models for the study of evolution patterns. Chapter in 鈥淧alaeoecology an Palaeoenvironments of Late Cenozoic Mammals鈥 (K.M. Stewart and K.L. Seymour,eds.), 1996, pp. 54-82.

Carroll, R.L. Revealing the pattern of macroevolution. Nature, v. 381, 1996, pp. 19-20.

Hurly, T.A. and S.A. Lourie (1996). Scatterhoarding and larderhoarding by red squirrels. Journal of Mammalogy. 78(2): 529-537

Hendry, A.P., T.P. Quinn, and F.M. Utter. 1996. Genetic evidence for the persistence and divergence of native and introduced sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) within Lake Washington, WA. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 53:823-832.

Sereno, P.C., D. B. Duthiel, M. Iarochene, H. C. E. Larsson, G. H. Lyon, P. M. Magwene, C. A. Sidor, D. J. Varricchio, and J. A. Wilson. 1996. Predatory dinosaurs from the Sahara and Late Cretaceous faunal differentiation. Science 272:986-991.

Ricciardi, A., F.G. Whoriskey, and J.B. Rasmussen. 1996. Impact of the Dreissena invasion on native unionid bivalves in the upper St. Lawrence River. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53: 1434-1444.

Hofmann, H.J. (1996): Precambrian fossil occurrences in North America: an overview and appraisal of the data, In J.E. Repetski (ed.), Sixth North American Paleontological Convention, Abstracts of Papers, Paleontological Society, Special Publication No. 8, 172

Hofmann, H.J. (1996): IGCP 320 field excursion to Namibia, International Geological Correlation Programme; Canadian National Committee, Newsletter 22.

Hofmann, H.J., and Jackson, G.D. (1996): Notes on the geology and micropaleontology of the Thule Group, Ellesmere Island, Canada, and North-West Greenland, Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 495, 26


Hendry, A.P., F.E. Leonetti, and T.P. Quinn. 1995. Spatial and temporal isolating mechanisms: the formation of discrete breeding aggregations of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Can. J. Zool. 73:339-352.

Quinn, T.P., A.P. Hendry, and L.A. Wetzel. 1995. The influence of life history trade-offs and the size of incubation gravels on egg size variation in sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Oikos 74:425-438.

Ricciardi, A., F.L. Snyder, D.O. Kelch, and H.M. Reiswig. 1995. Lethal and sublethal effects of sponge overgrowth on introduced dreissenid mussels in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River system. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52: 2695-2703.

Ricciardi, A., F.G. Whoriskey, and J.B. Rasmussen. 1995. Predicting the intensity and impact of Dreissena infestation on native unionid bivalves from Dreissena field density. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52: 1449-1461.

Ricciardi, A., R. Serrouya, and F.G. Whoriskey. 1995. Aerial exposure tolerance of zebra and quagga mussels (Bivalvia: Dreissenidae): implications for overland dispersal. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52: 470-477.

Horne, P.; Lawson, B.; and Aufderheide, A. 1995. Examination of the Guanche mummy RED-1. Proceedings of the First World Congress on Mummy Studies, Tenerife, 1992, (2 vols.), v. I, pp. 135-40.

Hofmann, H.J. (1995): Grain-shape indices and isometric graphs: Reply, Journal of Sedimentary Research, A65, 721-723

Hofmann, H.J. (1995): Precambrian paleontology: an overview of the record of early life, Royal Society of Canada, Annual Conference of the Academy of Science, Abstracts, 1

Lane, L.S., Cecile, M.P., Kelley, J.S., Wrucke, C.T., and Hofmann, H.J. (1995): Paleogeographic implications of Early Paleozoic shelf to basin transitions, northern Yukon and Alaska, Geological Society of America, Cordilleran Section, Fairbanks, Alaska, May 1995, Abstracts, 27, A58-A59


Alters, B.J., and W.F. McComas. 1994. Punctuated equilibrium: The missing link in evolution education. American Biology Teacher 56(6): 354-360.

McComas, W.F., and B.J. Alters. 1994. Modeling modes of evolution: Comparing phyletic gradualism and punctuated equilibrium. American Biology Teacher 56(6): 354-360.

Alters, B.J., and W.F. McComas. 1994. Punctuated equilibrium: The missing link in evolution education. American Biology Teacher 56(6): 354-360.

McComas, W.F., and B.J. Alters. 1994. Modeling modes of evolution: Comparing phyletic gradualism and punctuated equilibrium. American Biology Teacher 56(6): 354-360.

Bell, G. 1994. The comparative biology of the alternation of generations. Lectures on Mathematics in the Life Sciences 25: 1-26. (Symposium of the Society for the Study of Evolution.)

Bell, G. and M.J. Lechowicz. 1994. Spatial heterogeneity at small scales and how plants respond to it. Pp 391-414 in Caldwell, M.M. and R.W. Pearcy (eds.) Exploitation of Environmental Heterogeneity by Plants: Ecophysiological Processes Above and Below Ground. Academic Press, San Diego.

Sack, L., C. Zeyl, G. Bell, T. Sharbel, X. Reboud, T. Bernhardt & H. Koelewijn. 1994. Isolation of four new strains of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Chlorophyta) from soil samples. Journal of Phycology 30: 770-773.

Schoen, D., G. Bell & M.J. Lechowicz. 1994. The ecology and genetics of fitness in forest plants. IV. Quantitative genetics of fitness components in Impatiens pallida. American Journal of Botany 81: 232-239.

Zeyl, C., G. Bell, & J. Da Silva. 1994. Transposon abundance in sexual and asexual populations of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Evolution 48: 1406-1409.

Sereno, P.C., J. A. Wilson, H. C. E. Larsson, D. B. Duthiel, and H.-D. Sues. 1994. Early Cretaceous dinosaurs from the Sahara. Science 266:267-271.

Lawson, B. 1994. Missionaries, material culture collecting, and nineteenth-century representations in the New Hebrides [Vanuatu]. Museum Anthropology (American Anthropological Association), v. 18, n. 1, pp. 21-38.

Lawson, B. 1994. Collected Curios: Missionary Tales from the South Seas. (A study of 19th century representations, missionization, and material culture collecting in the New Hebrides [Vanuatu]. Montreal: 黑料不打烊 Libraries, 313 p.

Bisson, M., Lawson, B.; and Trigger, B.G. 1994. Excavating collections: archaeological finds at the Redpath Museum. Fontanus, v. 7, pp. 53-71.

Hofmann, H.J. (1994): Grain-shape indices and isometric graphs, Journal of Sedimentary Research, A64, 916-920

Hofmann, H.J. (1994): Proterozoic carbonaceous compressions (metaphytes and worms), In: Bengtson, S. (ed.), Early Life on Earth, Nobel Symposium 84, Columbia University Press, New York, 342-357

Hofmann, H.J. (1994): Quantitative stromatolitology, Journal of Paleontology, 68, 704-709

Hofmann, H.J., Cecile, M.P., and Lane, L.S. (1994): New occurrences of Oldhamia and other trace fossils in the Cambrian of the Yukon and Ellesmere Island, arctic Canada, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 35, 767-782

Hofmann, H.J., and Jackson, G.D. (1994): Shale-facies microfossils from the Proterozoic Bylot Supergroup, Baffin Island, Canada, Paleontological Society, Memoir 37(Journal of Paleontology 68, supplement, Part 3 of 3).

Hofmann, H.J., and Masson, M. (1994): Archean stromatolites from Abitibi greenstone belt, Quebec, Canada, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 106, 424-429

Hofmann, H.J., and Rainbird, R.H. (1994): Carbonaceous megafossils from the Neoproterozoic Shaler Supergroup of arctic Canada, Palaeontology, 37, 721-731

Bisson, M. and Bolduc, P. 1994. Previously undescribed Gravettian female figurines from the Grimaldi Caves, Italy. Current Anthropology, v. 35, n. 2, pp. 458 - 68.

Trigger, B.G. 1994. The John Garstang cylinders from Meroe in the Redpath Museum at 黑料不打烊 University, in Hommages 脿 Jean Leclant, BIBLIOTH脠QUE D鈥櫭塼ude 106/2, edited by C. Berger, G. Clerc, and N. Grimal, pp. 389-97. Cairo: L'Institut fran莽ais d'arch茅ologie orientale.

Riva, J.F. 1994. Yutagraptus mantuanus Riva in Rickards 1994, a pendent xiphograptid from the Lower Ordovician of Utah, U.S.A. In Chen, Xu, B.-D. Erdtmann and Ni Yu- nan (eds.), Graptolite Research Today, pp. 1-13.


Bell, G. 1993. Pathogen evolution within host individuals as a primary cause of senescence. Genetica 91: 21-34.

Bell, G. 1993. The sexual nature of the eukaryote genome. Journal of Heredity 84: 351-359.

Bell, G., M.J. Lechowicz, A. Appenzeller, M. Chandler, E. Deblois, L. Jackson, B. Mackenzie, R. Preziosi, M. Schallenberg & N. Tinker. 1993. The spatial structure of the physical environment. Oecologia 96: 114-121.

Koufopanou, V. & G. Bell. 1993. Soma and germ: an experimental approach using Volvox. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B 254: 107-113.

Lawson, B. 1993. Recension de Exhibiting Cultures, I. Karp and S. Lavine, 茅diteurs, Culture (Canadian Anthropology Society), v. 13, n. 1, pp. 79-82.

Vard, E. and Williams-Jones, A.E. A fluid inclusion study of vug minerals in dawsonite- altered phonolite sills, Montreal, Quebec: implications for HFSE mobility. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 113, 1993, pp. 410-423

Tees, E.A. 1993. La Collection des antiquit茅s gr茅co-romaines de l'Universit茅 黑料不打烊. MAHCUM/MUMCAH, n. 4, Fascicule 2 - The Ancient and Classicising Finger - Rings and Gems. 黑料不打烊 University Monographs in Classical Archaeology and History. Amsterdam: J.C. Gieben, xiv, pp. 82, pl. 28.

Edgecombe, G.D. 1993. Silurian Acastacean Trilobites of the Americas. Journal of Paleontology 67(4): 535-548.

Hillis, D.M., Ammerman, L.K., Dixon, M.T. and de Sa, R.O. 1993. Ribosomal DNA and the phylogeny of frogs. Herpetological Monographs 7: 118-131.

LARSON, A.L. and Dimmick, W.W. 1993. Phylogenetic relationships of the salamander families: an analysis of congruence among morphological and molecular characters. Herpetological Monographs 7: 77-93.

Mehl, D., Rigby, J.K. and Holmes, S.R. 1993. Hexactinellid sponges from the Silurian- Devonian Roberts Mountains Formation in Nevada and hypotheses of heactine- stauractine origin. Brigham Young University Geological Studies 39: 101-124.

Yochelson, E.L. and Fedonkin, M.A. 1993. Paleobiology of Climactichnites, an Enigmatic Late Cambrian Fossil. Smithsonian Cont. to Paleobiol. 74: 1-74.


Bell, G. 1992. Five properties of environments. Pp 33-54 in Grant, P.R. and H.S. Horn Molds, Molecules and Metazoa: Growing Points in Evolutionary Biology. Princeton University Press.

Bell, G. 1992. The ecology and genetics of fitness in Chlamydomonas. V. The relationship between genetic correlation and environmental variance. Evolution 46: 561-566.

Bell, G. 1992. The emergence of gender and the nature of species in eukaryotic microbes. Verhandlung der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft 85: 161-175.

Burt, A. & G. Bell. 1992. Tests of sib diversification theories of outcrossing in Impatiens capensis: Effects of inbreeding and neighbour relatedness on production and infestation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 5: 575-588.

Da Silva, J.& G. Bell. 1992. Sources of variance in protein heterozygosity: the importance of the species-protein interaction. Heredity 68: 241-252.

Da Silva, J. & G. Bell. 1992. The ecology and genetics of fitness in Chlamydomonas. VI. Antagonism between natural selection and sexual selection. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B:249: 227-233.

Novales-Flamarique, I., A. Hendry, and C.W. Hawryshyn. 1992. The photic environment of a salmonid nursery lake. J. Exp. Biol. 169:121-141.

Zo茂topo煤lou, E. and Fossey, J.M. 1992. La Collection des antiquit茅s gr茅co-romaines de l'Universit茅 黑料不打烊. MAHCUM/MUMCAH, n. 4, Fascicule 1 - Les Lampes gr茅co- romaines. 黑料不打烊 University Monographs in Classical Archaeology and History. Amsterdam: J.C. Gieben, pp. 279.

Chitaley, S. 1992. On the occurrence of Prototaxites in the Cleveland Black Shale of Ohio, USA. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 72: 257-271.

Horne, P and Jarzen, D. 1992. Dragon's blood and mummies: modern science unravels ancient mysteries. / Sang de dragon et momies: d'anciens myst猫res sous l'茅clairage de la science moderne. BIOME 12(2): 2.

Horne, P., Lawson, B., and A. Aufderheide. 1992. Examination of the Guanche mummy RED-1. Proceedings of the First World Congress on Mummy Studies, Tenerife, (2 vols.), v. I, pp. 135-40.


Bell, G. 1991. The ecology and genetics of fitness in Chlamydomonas. III. Genotype-by environment interaction within strains. Evolution 45: 668-679.

Bell, G. 1991. The ecology and genetics of fitness in Chlamydomonas. IV. The properties of mixtures of genotypes of the same species. Evolution 45: 1036-1046.

Bell, G. & A. Burt. 1991. The comparative biology of parasite species diversity: internal helminths of freshwater fish. Journal of Animal Ecology 60: 1047-1063.

Bell, G. & V. Koufopanou. 1991. The architecture of the life cycle in small organisms. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B 332: 81-89.

Bell, G. & M.J. Lechowicz. 1991. The ecology and genetics of fitness in forest plants. I. Environmental heterogeneity measured by explant trials. Journal of Ecology 79: 663-685.

Bell, G., M. Lechowicz & D. Schoen. 1991. The ecology and genetics of fitness in forest plants. III. Environmental variance in natural populations of Impatiens pallidens. Journal of Ecology 79: 697-713.

Burt, A. & G. Bell. 1991. Seed reproduction is associated with a transient escape from parasite damage in American beech. Oikos 61: 145-148. (ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION REQUIRED)

Burt, A. & G. Bell. 1991. Sex differences in chiasma frequency. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 4: 259-277.

Koufopanou, V. & G. Bell. 1991. Developmental mutants of Volvox: does mutation reflect the patterns of phylogenetic diversity? Evolution 45: 1806-1822.

Lechowicz, M.J. & G. Bell. 1991. The ecology and genetics of fitness in forest plants. II. Microspatial heterogeneity of the edaphic environment.脻Journal of Ecology 79: 687-696.

Hewitt, R., and Birker, I. Biological Recording - Environmentally friendly practice for Natural History Museums, MUSE, v. 8, no. 4, 1991, pp. 27-33.

Virr, R.; Lawson, B.; Woloch, G.M.; and Shlosser, F. 1991. The 黑料不打烊 University Collection of Greek and Roman Coins: new evidence for its history. Fontanus, v. 4, pp. 109-24.

Stevenson, L. 1991. Paris Exposition Specimens at the Redpath Museum. The Mineralogical Record, v. 22, pp. 71-72.

Horne, P. and Ireland, R. 1991. Moss and a Guanche mummy: an unusual utilization. The Bryologist 94(4): 407-408.


Bell, G. 1990. The ecology and genetics of fitness in Chlamydomonas. I. Genotype-by-environment interaction among pure strains. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B 240: 295-321.

Bell, G. 1990. The ecology and genetics of fitness in Chlamydomonas. II. The properties of mixtures of strains. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B 240: 323-350.

Bell, G. & A. Burt. 1990. B-chromosomes: germ-line parasites which elicit changes in host recombination. Parasitology 100: 519-526.

Potvin, C., M.J. Lechowicz, G. Bell & D. Schoen. 1990. Spatial, temporal, and species-specific patterns of heterogeneity in growth chamber experiments. Canadian Journal of Botany 68: 499-504.

Berg, D. 1990. Some Ramesside fragments. In Studien zur Alt毛gyptischen Kultur, Hartwig Altenm眉ller and Dietrich Wildung (eds.), pp. 75-106, tafel 1-4. Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag.

Berg, D. 1990. The archaeological context of the Egyptian and Nubian antiquities in the Redpath Museum. Fontanus 3: 117-30.


Bell, G. 1989. A comparative method. The American Naturalist 133: 553-571.

Iglesias, M.C. & G. Bell. 1989. The small-scale spatial distribution of male and female plants. Oecologia 80: 229-235.

Stevenson, L. 1989. En route to Longlac gold mine. The Northern Miner, v. 75, No. 25, pp. 4.

Stearn, C.W. 1989. Intraspecific variability and species concepts in Paleozoic stromatoporoids. Mem. Ass. Australas. Paleontols., v. 8, pp. 45-50.

El Mahdy, C. 1989. Mummies, Myth and Magic in Ancient Egypt. London: Thames and Hudson, pp. 192. (Redpath material included in a list of international collections.)

Frame, G., Frayne, D., and McEwan, G. 1989. Cuneiform texts in the collections of 黑料不打烊 University, Montreal. Annual Review of the Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia Project 7: 54.

Thomas, W. 1989. Witnesses to Tradition: African art from the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts and the Redpath Museum. Montreal: Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, pp. 72.


Bell, G. 1988. The immortality of the germ line. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 1: 67-82.

Lechowicz, M.J., D.J. Schoen & G. Bell. 1988. Environmental correlates of habitat distribution and fitness components in Impatiens capensis and Impatiens pallida. Journal of Ecology 76: 1043-1054.

Stearn, C.W. 1988. Stromatoporoids from the Famennian (Devonian) Wabamun Formation, Normandville Oilfield, North-central Alberta, Canada. J. Paleont., v. 62, no. 3, pp. 411-419.

Harington, C.R. and Occhietti, S. 1988. Inventaire syst茅matique et pal茅o茅cologie des Mammif猫res marins de la Mer de Champlain (Fin du Wisconsinien) et de ses voies c'acc猫s. G茅ographiephysique et Quaternaire 42(1): 45-64.

Dagan, E. 1988. When Art Shares Nature's Gift. Montreal: Galerie Amrad, pp. 236.


Bell, G. 1987. Two theories of sex and variation. In Stearns, S.C. (ed.) The Evolution of Sex and Its Consequences. Springer-Verlag.

Bell, G. 1987. Uniformity and diversity in the evolution of sex. In Levin, B.R. and R.E. Michod (eds.) The Evolution of Sex: an Examination of Current Ideas. Sinauer, New York.

Bell, G. and J. Maynard Smith. 1987. Powerful short-term selection for recombination as the result of negative species interactions. Nature 327: 66-68.

Burt, A. and G. Bell. 1987. Mammalian chiasma frequencies as a test of two theories of recombination. Nature 326: 803-805.

Attas, M. 1987. The fineness of Tarentine didrachmas. Papers in Greek Archaeology and History in Memory of Colin D. Gordon, edited by John M. Fossey. 黑料不打烊 University Monographs in Classical Archaeology and History, v. 1, pp. 99-115. Amsterdam: J.C. Gieben.

Stearn, C.W. and Mah, A.J. 1987. Skeletal microstructure of Paleozoic stromatoporoids and its mineralogical implications. Palaios, v. 2, pp. 76-84.

Lyons, P.C. and Darrah, W.C. 1987. Paleoenvironmental and paleoecological significance of Walchian conifers in Westphalian (L. Carboniferous) horizons of North America. Monograph of paper presented at the 11th Int. Congress of Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Geology (Beijing, China), pp. 1-13.

Frame, G. 1987. A Babylonian omen text in the Redpath Museum. Annual Review of the Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia Project 5: 7-10.


Bell, G. 1986. The evolution of empty flowers. Journal of Theoretical Biology 118: 253-258.

Bell, G. & V. Koufopanou. 1986. The cost of reproduction. Oxford Surveys in Evolutionary Biology Vol. 3: 83-131

Bell, G. & M. Praiss. 1986. Optimality and constraint in a self-fertilized alga. Evolution 40: 194-198.

Gillis, D.M., D.L. Kramer & G. Bell. 1986. Taylor's Power Law as a consequence of Fretwell's Ideal Free Distribution. Journal of Theoretical Biology 70: 149-154.

Schoen, D.J., S.C. Stewart, M.J. Lechowicz & G. Bell. 1986. Partitioning the transplant site effect in reciprocal transplant experiments with Impatiens capensis and Impatiens pallida. Oecologia 70: 149-154.

Hewitt, R. and Birker, I. The Thallograptus and Diplospirograptus from the Silurian Eramosa Member in Hamilton (Ontario, Canada). Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 23, 1986, pp. 849-853.

Birker, I., and Kaylor, J. Pyrite Disease: Case Studies from the Redpath Museum. Proceedings of the 1985 Workshop on the Care and Maintenance of Natural History Collections. Life Sciences Misc. Publications, J. Waddington and Rudkin, D.M. (eds.), Ontario Museum. 1986, pp. 21-27.

Alison, D., Birker, I., Gabe, S., Kaylor, J. and Lawson, B. 1986. The Redpath Museum: 黑料不打烊 University Teaching and Research Collections. Collection Forum, v. 2, no. 1, pp. 4-5.

Babcock, L.E. and Feldmann, R.M. 1986. Devonian and Mississippian Conulariids of North America. Part. B. Paraconularia, Rediculaconularia, a new genus and organisms rejected from Conluariida. Annals of Carnegie Museum, v. 55, Art. 16.

Boucot, A.J., C.E. Brett, W.A. Oliver, and R.B. Blodgett. 1986. Devonian Faunas of the Sainte-Helene Island breccia, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 23: 2047-2056.

Hedgcock, F.T, Moreau, A., Marshall, H. and Kennedy, G. 1986. Nondestructive Physical Examination of Corroded Lead. Proceedings of the 24th International Archaeometry Symposium, Smithsonian Institution, 14-18 May 1984, ed. by J.S. Olin and M.J. Blackman. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 243-248.

Hewitt, R.A. 1986. Paleontological work of Lt. Col. C.C. Grant on the Silurian rocks of the Niagara Escarpment at Hamilton, Ontario. Geoscience Canada 13(4): 270-276.

Warner, B.G. 1986. Early work in Quaternary botany in Canada. Geoscience Canada 13(1): 39-44.

Zodrow, E.L. 1986. Succession of paleobotanical events: evidence for Mid-Westphalian D floral changes, Morien Group (late Pennsylvanian, Nova Scotia). Review of Paleobotany and Palynology 47: 293-326.

MCEWAN, G.J.P. 1986. A Seleucid tablet in the Redpath Museum. Annual Review of the Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia, v. 4, pp. 35-36.


Bell, G. 1985. On the function of flowers. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 224: 223-265.

Bell, G. 1985. The origin and early evolution of germ cells, as illustrated by the Volvocales. Pp 221-256 in Halvorson, H. and A. Monroy (eds.) The Origin and Evolution of Sex, 1984 Wood's Hole Symposium. Liss, New York.

Bell, G. 1985. Two theories of sex and variation. Experientia 41: 1235-1245.

Bell, G. & L. Wolfe. 1985. Sexual and asexual reproduction in a natural population of Hydro pseudoligactis. Canadian Journal of Zoology 63: 851-856.

Woloch, G.M. (ed.) 1985. The 黑料不打烊 University Collection of Greek and Roman Coins, (vol. I by D.H.E Whitehead, vols. II-III by F.E. Shlosser). Amsterdam: B.R. Gr眉ner Publishing Company, pp. 554.

Klembara, J. 1985. A new embolomerous amphibian (Anthracosauria) from the Upper Carboniferous of Florence, Nova Scotia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 5(4): 293-302.

Zodrow, E.L. 1985. Odontopteris Brongniart in the Upper Carboniferous of Canada. Paleontographica, Abt. B, Bd. 196: 9-110.


Bell, G. 1984. Evolutionary and non-evolutionary theories of senescence. The American Naturalist 124: 600-603.

Bell, G. 1984. Measuring the cost of reproduction. I. The correlation structure of the life history of a plankton rotifer. Evolution 38: 300-313.

Bell, G. 1984. Measuring the cost of reproduction. II. The correlation structure of the life tables of five freshwater invertebrates. Evolution 38: 314-326.

Bell, G., L. Lefebvre, L.-A. Giraldeau & D. Weary. 1984. Partial preference by insects for the male flowers of an annual herb. Oecologia 64: 287-294.

Koufopanou, V. & G. Bell. 1984. Measuring the cost of reproduction. IV. Predation experiments with Daphnia pulex. Oecologia 64: 81-86.

Zahn, K. 1984. The 黑料不打烊 University Egyptian Mummy Collection. Receuil de travaux et communications de l'association des 茅tudes du Proche-Orient Ancien, v. 2, pp. 25-27.

Stearn, C.W. and Klappa, H. 1984. Growth forms and macrostructural elements of the coralline sponges. Paleontographica Americana, no. 54, pp. 315-325.

Hewitt, R.A. 1984. Growth analysis of Silurian Orthoconic Nautiloids. Paleontology 27(4): 671-677.

Warner, B.G. 1984. The identity of Acer pleistocenicum Pen. and A. torontoniensis from the Don Formation (Sangamonian Interglaciation) at Toronto, Ontario. Ont. Field Biol. 38: 11-16.

1983 and earlier

Bell, G. 1983. Measuring the cost of reproduction. III. The correlation structure of the early life history of Daphnia pulex. Oecologia 60: 378-383.

Berg, D. 1983. A fragmentary Book of the Dead papyrus belonging to 黑料不打烊 University. Journal of the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities 13(2): 107-19, pl. i-iv.

Bell, G. 1980. The costs of reproduction and their consequences. The American Naturalist 116: 45-76.

Bell, G. 1978. Group selection in structured populations. The American Naturalist 112: 389-399.

Bell, G. 1978. The evolution of anisogamy. Journal of Theoretical Biology 73: 247-270.

Bell, G. 1978. The handicap principle in sexual selection. Evolution 32(4): 872-885.

Land Acknowledgement

黑料不打烊 University is on land which has long served as a site of meeting and exchange amongst Indigenous peoples, including the Haudenosaunee and Anishinabeg nations. We acknowledge and thank the diverse Indigenous peoples whose presence marks this territory on which peoples of the world now gather.

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