Loic Binan

Academic title(s): 

Assistant Professor

Loic Binan
Human Genetics
Contact Information
Email address: 
lbinan [at] broadinstitute.org
Areas of expertise: 

Research in our lab aims to develop technologies to investigate the mechanisms by which gene networks control the self-organization of cells into complex 3-D tissues during development, as well as the modifications to this organization that take place in disease. This includes approaches to collect new types of data as well as algorithms to analyze these data. The techniques we use include gene editing (CRISPR), spatial transcriptomics, single cell RNA sequencing, microscopy, and computational methods for image analysis and statistics. We develop our tools in tissues like the brain or tumors.

Research areas: 
Cellular Mechanisms
Computational Biology
Genomics & Bioinformatics
Statistical Bioinformatics
Systems Biology
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