Marilyn Jones-Gotman
Contact Information:
Office: Room 131, MNI
Phone: 514.398.8907
Mailing Address:
Deptartment of Neurology and Neurosurgery
Montreal Neurological Institute
3801 University Street
Montreal, QC
H3A 2B4

Research Areas:
Behavioural Neuroscience | Cognition & Cognitive Neuroscience | Clinical Psychology
Research Summary:
Broadly, my interest is in human brain function and cognition, with emphasis on learning and memory for faces, words, designs and odors. I study patients with epilepsy and healthy volunteers. Arising from my clinical work in epilepsy, I have developed cognitive tests, many of which have adopted by other clinicians around the world. I have now created a computer-assisted test battery for neuropsychological evaluation in epilepsy; this is a recent focus, as is an exploration of obesity in people with epilepsy.