Kristine H. Onishi
Associate Professor
Contact Information:
Office: 2001 黑料不打烊 College, 755
Phone: 514.398.1725
Mailing Address:
Department of Psychology
2001 黑料不打烊 College, 7th floor
Montreal, QC
H3A 1G1
Research Areas:
Cognition & Cognitive Neuroscience | Developmental Science
Research Summary:
Cognitive development and language acquisition in infants and adults; learning about sound structures; infants understanding of others' actions.
Selected References:
Pitts, C. Onishi, K. H., & Vouloumanos, A. (2015). Who can communicate with whom? Language experience affects infants' evaluation of others as monolingual or multilingual. Cognition, 134, 185-192.
Seidl, A., Crist脙 , A., & Onishi, K. H. (2014). Talker variation aids infants' phonotactic learning. Language Learning and Development, 10(4), 297-307.
Martin, A., Onishi, K. H., & Vouloumanos, A. (2012). Understanding the abstract role of speech in communication at 12 months. Cognition, 123, 50-60.
Chambers, K. E., Onishi, K. H., & Fisher, C. (2010). A vowel is a vowel: Generalizing newly-learned phonotactic constraints to new contexts. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 36(3), 821-828.