
Psychiatric Dimensions of Disasters - Training course on June 8, 2019 in Toronto

Saturday, June 8, 2019
Toronto Airport Marriott Hotel, 901 Dixon Road, Etobicoke, ON, M9W 1J5, CA

Annual Training Course

To develop and maintain a well trained committed team of psychiatric specialists able to serve the mental health needs of people and communities affected by disasters, in coordination with emergency and public health responders. Reduction and prevention of post-disaster mental illness, and fostering of resilience, are also our goals.

Frank G. Sommers, MD, FRCPC, DFAPA, DFCPA
Program Chair
Psychiatry, University of Toronto

Please see the letter of endorsement from Dr. Benoit Mulsant, Chair, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto (upper right side).

Event Accreditation

This event is an accredited group learning activity (section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and approved by the Canadian Psychiatric Association (CPA). The specific opinions and content of this event are not necessarily those of the CPA, and are the responsibility of the organizer(s) alone.

Hotel Reservations

Rooms have been reserved at the hotel at a special rate of $135.00, single or double occupancy. Please telephone 1.800.905.2811 or 416.674.9400 to make your reservation. Reservations should be made no later than May 17, 2019 to qualify for this special rate. Please be sure to advise that you are attending the Ontario Medical Association (OMA) Conference to ensure you receive the group rate.

Please note: The registration fee includes breakfast, nutrition breaks and luncheon.


Physician - $50.00

Medical Student/ Resident - Complimentary

Faculty and Guests - Complimentary


Jennifer Csamer
Event Organizer
jennifer.csamer [at] oma.org

To see the program and to register, please click on the attached documents on the upper right.

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