Obituary - Dr. Luis Vacaflor (1933 -2020)

Published: 28 September 2020

Sadly, the time has come to bid adieu to our dear friend Luis. And none too soon, he would have said, with typical irony; for the feeling of having reached the end of his tenure in this world had...

Obituary - Dr. Pierre Assalian (1945-2020)

Published: 30 September 2020

It is with much sadness we learned of the passing of our dear colleague Dr. Pierre Assalian on Friday, September 25 after a brief and intense struggle with leukemia. His passing was much too soon...

Is the Media Getting Better at Covering Suicide?, Dr. Rob Whitley, Psychology Today

Published: 30 September 2020

Mental health advocates have long criticized the mainstream media for getting it wrong when reporting suicide. These criticisms are based on a historical corpus of research indicating that suicide...

Psychiatry Grand Rounds

Friday, October 2, 2020 11:00to12:30

The Psychiatry Grand Rounds presents:...

Seminar Series: Becoming Naingkyin: Sacrificial Rites and Rituals of Resilience in the Burmese Democracy Movement

Thursday, October 8, 2020 15:00to17:00

The Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry, the Culture, Mind, and Brain Program, and the Global Mental Health Program are pleased to invite you to their next Seminar series:...

Professor Tina Montreuil quoted in Ici-Radio-Canada

Published: 24 September 2020

Les jeunes et l'anxi茅t茅 Radio-Canada Read more

Dr. Cecilia Flores obtains NIDA Project Grant

Published: 23 September 2020

Congratulations to Dr. Cecilia Flores on her National Institute of Drug Abuse Project Grant!...


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