
Dr. Suzanne King featured on CBC News

Published: 11 November 2022

Natural disasters, pregnancy and baby health are linked. Should Canadians be worried?...

Dr. Srividya Iyer featured in the Star

Published: 9 November 2022

Four immigrant women changing the STEM landscape in Canada Dr. Srividya Iyer鈥檚 passion for mental health began in childhood when her father told her stories while she sat on his lap.

Dr. Nicolas Cermakian featured in Le Soleil

Published: 7 November 2022

Faut-il rester 脿 l鈥檋eure normale鈥?...

Dr. Rob Whitley featured in La Presse

Published: 4 November 2022

Un programme de mentorat pour aider les jeunes hommes noirs 脿 r茅ussir...

Dr. C茅cile Rouseau featured in Le Devoir, Global News

Published: 4 November 2022

La Dre Rousseau veut acc茅l茅rer le rapatriement d鈥檈nfants et de m猫res d茅tenus en Syrie...

Dr. Marie-Jos茅e Brouillette and the Psychiatric Consultation-Liaison Service featured in the media

Published: 4 November 2022

Thanks to an unprecedented collaboration between the Psychiatric Consultation-Liaison Service, the Clinical Nutrition Service and Food Services, First Nations and Inuit inpatients are now able to...

Dr. C茅cile Rousseau interviewed by The Current

Published: 28 October 2022

Women repatriated from ISIS camps should be offered rehabilitation, not punishment: professor...


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