
Trevor Teitel (University of Toronto), "On the Plurality of Counterfactuals"

Friday, April 5, 2024 15:30to17:30
Leacock Building Room 927, 855 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montreal, QC, H3A 2T7, CA

Colloquium Series

"On the Plurality of Counterfactuals"

(University of Toronto)

Friday, April 5, 2024
3:30-5:30 PM
Leacock 927

Abstract: Counterfactuals are context-sensitive. However, in this talk I will argue that various debates and doctrines in metaphysics and the philosophy of science are premised on ignoring the full extent of counterfactual context-sensitivity. My focus will be on the prominent 鈥渕iracle鈥 versus "no-miracle" debate about counterfactuals under the assumption that our laws of nature are deterministic. I will also discuss doctrines that explain what it is to be a law of nature in terms of certain counterfactuals, as well as doctrines that explain counterfactuals in terms of the probabilities generated from statistical mechanics. I will conclude by drawing a moral of my discussion about the use of counterfactuals in philosophical theorizing more generally. (This talk is based on joint work with Ben Holgu铆n.)

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