ozone /oss/taxonomy/term/7001/all en Anesthetic Gases Can Do More Than Put You to Sleep /oss/article/medical-general-science/anesthetic-gases-can-do-more-put-you-sleep <p>Can you imagine a tooth being extracted without an anesthetic? Or, worse, a limb being amputated? A horrific thought! Yet that was what patients had to contend with until the mid 19<sup>th</sup> century when nitrous oxide and ether appeared on the scene and ushered in the era of painless surgery. Without a doubt, the advent of anesthesia is one of the great moments in the history of science. But as with just about any discovery, be it that of radioactivity, electricity, antibiotics or vaccines, issues arise as time passes and new information comes to light.</p> Thu, 30 Nov 2023 15:58:02 +0000 Joe Schwarcz PhD 9744 at /oss Where there is Smoke, there are Air Quality Indices /oss/article/student-contributors-health-and-nutrition-environment/where-there-smoke-there-are-air-quality-indices <p>I woke up from a nap to see a doomsday-esque picture outside the car window. My friends and I were driving back to Montreal during the <a href="https://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/wildfire-smoke-montreal-has-worlds-worst-air-quality-today">poorest air quality day of the summer</a>, and the city looked near apocalyptic. The sky was orangey grey, the sun was invisible, and the air smelt strongly of smoke. As someone who lived in Ontario and Quebec most of my life, I’m unaccustomed to bad air quality caused by forest fire smoke.</p> Fri, 21 Jul 2023 14:37:26 +0000 Maya McKeown, B.Sc. 9571 at /oss