clinical trials /oss/taxonomy/term/5458/all en Naprapathy Stretches Credulity /oss/article/critical-thinking-pseudoscience/naprapathy-stretches-credulity <p>Buried in <a href="">a court document</a> mentioning Joe Mercola was the first reference to naprapathy I had ever seen. Joe Mercola has made a fortune selling dietary supplements and publishing health misinformation over the past few decades. The court case did not involve Mercola but rather a woman he had treated. In her lawsuit against a life insurance company, the plaintiff is described as having been bitten by a tick and contracting Lyme disease.</p> Fri, 02 Feb 2024 12:41:47 +0000 Jonathan Jarry M.Sc. 9821 at /oss Finding a Paper on PubMed Does Not Mean the Paper Is Any Good /oss/article/critical-thinking-health-and-nutrition-general-science/finding-paper-pubmed-does-not-mean-paper-any-good <p>As more and more people “do their own research,” some end up consulting a website called<a href=""> </a><a href="">PubMed</a>. An argument I have encountered is that if a scientific paper is listed on PubMed, it must mean this is an all-around good and trustworthy paper. Alas, if only it were so simple...</p> Thu, 10 Jun 2021 17:07:35 +0000 Jonathan Jarry M.Sc. 8758 at /oss