Donald Trump /oss/taxonomy/term/2303/all en The Windmills in Donald Trump's Mind /oss/article/critical-thinking-general-science-climate-change/windmills-donald-trumps-mind <hr /> <p><em>This article was first published in <a href="">The Montreal Gazette.</a></em></p> <hr /> <p>The mind works in mysterious ways.</p> Fri, 11 Oct 2024 17:27:45 +0000 Joe Schwarcz PhD 10111 at /oss Sept. 24, 2020): "COVID & More" with Guest Dr. Paul Offit /oss/article/covid-19-videos/sept-24-2020-covid-more-guest-dr-paul-offit <p></p><div class="media-youtube-video media-element file-default media-youtube-1"></div> Thu, 12 Nov 2020 20:55:17 +0000 OSS 8483 at /oss Regeneron’s Antibody Cocktail Wants to Join the Immunotherapy Revolution /oss/article/covid-19-health/regenerons-antibody-cocktail-wants-join-immunotherapy-revolution <p>The name “Regeneron” has been in the news lately because their antibody cocktail was administered to Donald Trump when he was diagnosed with COVID-19, and there is hope that this experimental therapeutic (not yet approved by the Food and Drug Administration or FDA) might help treat hospitalized patients.</p> Fri, 16 Oct 2020 21:48:18 +0000 Jonathan Jarry M.Sc. 8451 at /oss The Anti-Vaccine Movement in 2020 /oss/article/covid-19-pseudoscience/anti-vaccine-movement-2020 <p>What does an antivaxxer and a far-right activist have in common? If the thought of someone who opposes vaccines brings to mind tie-dye shirts and tree hugging, your answer may be “nothing.” But clearly, some do have a commonality: protesting the COVID-19 lockdowns.</p> Fri, 22 May 2020 15:02:07 +0000 Jonathan Jarry M.Sc. 8254 at /oss The Chlorpyrifos Controversy /oss/article/environment/chlorpyrifos-controversy <p>“Science not silence,” screamed the signs carried by many of the marchers in a number of American cities last Earth Day.</p> Wed, 07 Jun 2017 16:35:54 +0000 Cassandra Lee, OSS Intern 2536 at /oss Milk Wars: Trump and Canada's dairy farmers /oss/article/environment/milk-wars-trump-and-canadas-dairy-farmers <p>Donald Trump recently attacked Canada’s dairy industry, calling our policies unfair. Milk supply in Canada, like poultry and eggs, is strictly regulated by supply management policies. By regulating the supply of milk by quotas, setting a price for milk, and placing high tariffs on imported dairy products, the government provides a guaranteed return on investment and security for dairy farmers. All the other farmers in Canada, do not share in this luxury, and must compete in the global market.</p> Fri, 28 Apr 2017 16:21:21 +0000 Cheryl Sokoloff P. Dt., Guest Columnist 2421 at /oss Time to Change the Climate About Climate Change /oss/article/controversial-science-environment/time-change-climate-about-climate-change <p>When it comes to the science of climate change, what you hear depends on who’s doing the talking</p> Sun, 06 Mar 2016 20:28:04 +0000 Adam Brown PhD 2326 at /oss