goat /oss/taxonomy/term/1961/all en Castrated Goats Lose their Smelliness /oss/article/quirky-science/stay-away-old-goats <p><span>Think of a ghastly smell. Skunk? Halitosis? BO? Outhouse? Rotting fish? Rancid butter? Dog flatus? Decomposing flesh? All devastating. But let’s not forget the penetrating fragrance of a billy goat. Especially a wet one. That will horrify any nose. Unless that billy goat, or "buck" in more scientific terms, happens to be castrated. Along with the loss of manhood comes the loss of smell. Actually “smell” doesn’t do the aroma justice. “Reek” is a better description of the unforgettable stench. And if you handle one of these animals you will learn what “unforgettable” means.</span></p> Sun, 01 Mar 2015 04:01:20 +0000 Joe Schwarcz PhD 2238 at /oss