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Sweet Potatoes and Some Sweet Chemistry 

11 Sep 2020

In November 2019, a study published in Scientific Reports showed a fascinating defense mechanism possessed by a certain variety of sweet potato named TN 57, which was known to be much more...

Glyphosate and COVID-19: Dr. Stephanie Seneff Strikes (Out) Again

1 May 2020

An MIT computer scientist with no expertise in agriculture, chemistry, toxicology, or the biological sciences. And yet for some reason, Stephanie Seneff has decided that genetically modified foods...

Leafcutter Ants are Farmers Who Grow Fungi

2 May 2019

Leafcutter ants can strip as much as 17% of the leaf biomass from plants in their ecosystem and can clear entire trees in under a day. Next to ours, leafcutter ant society is the most complex...

From Farm to Pharmacy: Wading Through the Muddied Waters of Antibiotic Resistance

20 Feb 2018

One of the mandates of our Office is to foster students’ skills in communicating science. We encourage students to submit articles and we publish the ones that we consider to be well written. These...

Bananas are Berries. Raspberries are Not.

6 Dec 2017

It turns out berry is actually a botanical term, not a common English one. Blackberries, mulberries, and raspberries are not berries at all, but bananas, pumpkins, avocados and cucumbers are. So...

Farmer ants and their aphid herds

16 Aug 2017

Several species of ants have a special symbiotic relationship with aphids- they farm them! Aphids feed primarily on the sap from plants and secrete a liquid called honeydew. This secretion is very...

A Novel Approach to Weed Management

22 May 2017

A novel drone system is currently being tested in Denmark. Don’t worry, it will be targeting weeds not people. The goal is to reduce herbicide use by limiting application to heavily infested areas....

Guano is Back

20 Mar 2017

The other day, at the garden center, I noticed a box of fertilizer announcing that it contained a "natural" fertilizer… guano. In fact, before synthetic fertilizers, such as ammonium nitrate -...

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