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The Funhouse Mirror of Risk Perception

9 Jul 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated many preexisting problems. One of them is how to vet the avalanche of information flowing down at us on a daily basis. Another is how to properly assess the risks...

What happens when lightening strikes a plane?

3 Jul 2017

Have you ever been in a plane that was struck by lightning? It happens to the average plane about once a year. It’s a terrifying experience to be sure, but the passengers inside are actually...

Airplanes & Turbulence

13 May 2017

Turbulence during a flight may make plates crash to the floor but it doesn’t make planes crash. Airplanes are built to withstand turbulence, but people aren’t, so it can make for a most unpleasant...

Is It Really Dangerous to Use Your Phone on a Plane?

11 May 2017

The fear behind the rule of ‘no phones on planes’ is that portable electronic devices could potentially interfere via electromagnetic radiation with the measurement and navigation tools on board....

Airplane air doesn't make you sick

11 May 2017

It’s time to put to rest the idea that plane air will make you sick. While the thought makes sense, as the air on a plane is indeed recycled, and the many passengers are spreading their germs into...

Noise Cancelling Headphones

11 May 2017

The precious noise-cancelling headphones that every seasoned traveller carries in their bags are actually quite an incredible piece of technology. These headphones work by listening via microphone...

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